“Cap”  (Meikô, Issue 83, July 1, 1933)
Poems from the Meikôsha Society 77th Monthly Meeting, June 7, 1933

 1   ち らりほらり 昭青の帽霧の間に 見えてはれゆく神宮の朝

Scattered here and there
Through the mist,
Navy blue caps
Appear, morning
Clears at the shrine.

#1. S3-99B
 2   二 度までも クリーニングの帽かむり はぢらひのなき吾となりけり
    Wearing a cap
That has been
Cleaned twice,
Become I one who is
Not at all self-conscious. 
#2. S3-99C
Poem in Japanese original of The Light from the East, but not included of English translation (Volume 1, page 151).

藤波に 烏帽子 はれんばかりにて 祭司ら橋にかかるも

    Carrying thoughts only
Of avoiding the hanging
Wisteria with their
Ceremonial headgear,
Worship leaders cross the bridge.
#3. S3-100A

帽とりて 敬礼 せんとふと気づき 青年服の吾はも微笑む

    Taking off my cap,
Just as I am about to bow,
I suddenly notice, and
In young men’s clothing,
I smile. 
#4, S3-100B