Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, "Myself"
吾 (Ware), March 6, 1946

  六十五年 ふりさけみれば曲神と 非常戦ひ続け来しかも

Looking back upon the past
These sixty years have
Been a continual
Battle with the
Forces of evil. 

#1, page 46, S5-59D 
 或時は 熱湯に入り或時は 薄氷踏みし過去の吾かな
244 My past has seen times
When I was in boiling
Water and times when
I was treading
On thin ice. 
#2, page 46, S5-60A
Previous translations, Gosanka— Poems of World Messianity, page 22C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 22C; Prayers and Poems, page 22C; Book of Gosanka, #22, page 6.
      Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
How many times I have endured / tribulations! / At times I have felt I was in / boiling water, / At others I have felt I was / treading on thin ice.
      Prayers and Gosanka translation
Oh, how many times / I’ve endured tribulations! / At times I have felt / I was in boiling water, / At others treading thin ice.
      Prayers and Poems translation
Oh, how many times / I have endured tribulations! / At times I have felt / I was in boiling water, / At others treading thin ice.
      Book of Gosanka translation
There were times when I / Stepped into boiling water; / There were other times, / I trod on thin coat of ice; / This was myself of the past.

曲神を 言向和しよき神と 改めにつつ吾は来しかな

245   Here I am,
Continuing to
Pacify and persuade
The evil gods to
Change to good.
#3, page 46, S5-60B

日に月に 弥栄えゆくわが業は 神の御旨に添ふにやあらむ

246   By day by month
My work flourishes
Ever more, as it
Accords with
Divine intention.
#4, page 46, S5-60C

魂機張る 尊き生命賜ひしと 欣ぶ人のいよよ殖えつも

247   Increasing ever
More the number of
Individuals happy,
Joyous to have received
Intricate, precious life.
#5, page 46, S5-60D

定めれる 人の生命を吾はしも 神業をもて侭に換ゆるも

248   Human life which
So far has been fixed,
Through me is being
Changed in accord
With divine workings. 
#6, page 47, S5-60E
S4-320A 定まれる 人の寿を延すてふ 未だなき業を吾は行ふ In a set of untitled poems in Kôyô, Issue 5, #2, R#18, May 28, 1947; S5-68C 定まれる 人の寿を延すてふ 未だなき業を吾は行ふ In a set of poems dated September 1946 and titled “Mysterious Work of God” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #283, page 52, November 30, 1949.
   S4-320A & S5-68C translation
I, Mokichi Okada, / Perform the unprecedented / Task that extends the / Human life span that / Has so far been fixed.

今はしも 消えなんとする二つなき 魂の緒つなぐわが神業よ

249   My divine work
It is that connects
The cords of souls
That is on the verge
Of disappearing even now.
#7, page 47, S5-61A

古ゆ 人の生命はままならぬ ものとされ来ぬ儚なさの世や

250   Such a fleeting
World it is that
Since antiquity,
Our lives are
Not our own. 
#8, page 47, S5-61B
S4-320B 古ゆためしもあらぬ奇びさに わが業疑ふ人もありけり In a set of untitled poems in Kôyô, Issue 5, #3, R#19, May 28, 1947; S5-69B 古ゆ ためしとてなき奇びさに わが業疑ふ人もあるなり In a set of poems dated September 1946 and titled “Mysterious Work of God” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #285, page 53, November 30, 1949; S4-260B 古ゆ 例しとてなき大いなる 力の主の出でざらめやは In a set of untitled, unpublished poems dated January 22, 1941.
      S4-320B & S6-69B translation
Since antiquity / Mysteriousness / With no parallel / Has been doubted, / As is my work.
      S4-260B translation
How can the / Master of this / Great power, with- / Out example since / Antiquity, not appear?

キリストの 奇跡を今に表はしつ 世人を救ふ人造るわれ 

251   I create human beings
Who will save the world,
The miracles of Christ. 
#9, page 47, S5-61C
S4-319C キリストの 奇跡を今に表はしつ 世人を救ふ人造るわれ In an untitled section in Sunlight (Kôyô), Issue 5, May 28, 1947; previous English translation in Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #44, pages 24 & 122.
      SDI translation
I now, through God’s Will, / Prepare channels of His Light / To help all mankind, / To work miracles today / As Jesus did long ago.

魔の淵に 沈まんとする仇人に 幸と歓び与ふ吾はも

252   I, Mokichi Okada,
Give happiness to
Those bent on evil and
Revenge who are about to sink
Into the depths of the devils. 
#10, page 47, S5-61D

奴羽玉の 暗にさ迷ふ諸人を 光明の道に誘ふわが業

253   My work is to invite
To the path of divine light
All peoples wriggling,
Squirming in the
Pitch-black darkness.
#11, page 47, S5-61E
S6-78B 奴羽玉の 暗に蠢めく子羊を 光明の道に誘ふ吾かな In a set of poems titled “World of Darkness” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #186, page 42, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #98, page 25; Meishu and His Teachings, page vii; translations based on non-Meishu-sama text 奴羽玉の ヤミニマヨエルコヒツジヲ 光明のカミに誘ふ吾かな 
To guide everyone,
Straying around
In the jet-black dark,
Onto the gate of light;
This is my duty.
February 2.2012 by taki
      S6-78B translation
Invite I, Mokichi Okada, / To the path of divine light / Those lambs wriggling, / Squirming in the / Pitch-black darkness.
      Book of Gosanka translation
The lambs of this world, / That have lost their way in dark, / Gone afar astray— / Tenderly with care do I / Beckon them to God of Light.
      Meishu and His Teachings translation
The lambs of this world / That have lost their way in dark, / Gone far astray— / Tenderly with care do I / Guide them all to God of Light.

村肝の 心の盲を医しつつ 救ひの門に誘ふわれかな

254   I invite all
To the gate of
Healing the blindness
Of precious minds.
#12, page 47, S5-61E- [SS404C]