“Obscuring the Light and Mixing with the Dust,”March 18, 1946
Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949

  塵に同り 光和めつ静やかに 時待つ吾の身にぞありける

Obscuring the light and
Mixing with the dust,
Tranquilly and calmly
Am I, Mokichi Okada,
Waiting for the right time. 

#1, page 51, S5-66C
  名を隠して 力匿して救世の 礎窃かに築く吾はも
275   Concealing my name,
Keeping my power in check,
Quietly am I, Mokichi Okada,
Building the foundation
For the salvation of the world.
#2, page 51, S5-66D

眼に見えぬ 力を揮ひ世を救ふ わが神業の奇びなるかも

276   Mysterious indeed,
My divine task of
Saving the world with
The power I wield,
Invisible to the physical eye.
#3, page 51, S5-67A

今はしも 池中に潜む蛟龍の 世に出でなんと時を待ちぬる

277   We wait for the
Very time when will
Appear in the world
The dragon lying concealed  
On the bottom of the lake. 
#4, page 51, S5-67B

天ヶ下 治まる世の状眼にうかめ 時待つ吾の楽しかりける

278   As passes before my eyes,
The scene of all under
Heaven under control,
In high spirits am I as
I wait for the right time.
#5, page 51, S5-67C

理に偏らず 法にも倚らずただ徳に 治まる美代ぞ地上天国 

279   Paradise on earth,
A beautiful age
Controlled by virtue,
Leaning neither to
Logic nor to laws. 
#6, page 52, S5-67D
Previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #18, pages 10 & 106; Book of Gosanka, #333, page 84.
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
Paradise on earth / Will be a world ruled in peace, / Not by man-made laws / Nor by scholarly precepts, / But solely by love, virtue.
      Book of Gosanka translation
Paradise on Earth / Does not go by man’s logic / Nor rely on law; / It is a world solely ruled / By the conduct of virtue.

春雨の そぼ降る音を耳にしつ 歌などものし今日も暮れける

280   Advancing projects such
As composing poetry, I
Listen to the soft sounds
Of the falling spring rain,
The day comes to a close.
#7, page 52, S5-67E