Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 40
September 25, 1952

  如何ならむ 偉人達も天仰ぎ 地に伏す時ぞ世の終りなる

The end of the world,  
The time when even eminent figures,
No matter how high a station or
Rank, will prostrate themselves
On the ground and bow to heaven.

#1, page 2, S6-246C
    人々は 神の御前に跪き 天に祈らん終りの世のさま
188   The condition of the
World at the end,
When all kneel
Before God and
Pray to heaven. 
#2, page 2, S6-247A

原爆は 神の造りしものにして 汚れ浄むる器と知れかし

189   Know that the
Atomic bomb is
A vessel fashioned
By God to cleanse
That which is unclean. 
#3, page 2, S6-247B

世の終り 来つるを信じ吾に来て 救はる真の幸を知れかし

190   Know that you can
Be saved with true fortune
By believing in the
Coming of the end
Of the world and coming to me.
#4, page 2, S6-247C

審判を 免るる道こそ広き世に メシヤに縋るの外なかりけり

191   In this wide world,
The very way to avoid
Judgment is nothing
Other than to cling to,
Depend on the Messiah.
#5, page 2, S6-247D

世の峠 安く越へなん道こそは メシヤの門に入るにぞありける

192   The very path
To surmount the world
Tribulation with ease and
Calm is to enter
The gate of the Messiah.
#6, page 2, S6-247E
    饑病戦 三つの災免るるは 我説く教へ信ずる外なき
193 To avoid the three
Misfortunes of
Hunger, disease, conflict,
No other way exists but
To believe what I teach.
#7, page 3, S6-248A
    天砕け 地は裂けぬらむ世の終り 静かに見守る信徒のむれ
194   The group of followers,
Tranquilly protected
At the end of the world as
The heavens are shattered,
The earth, torn asunder.
#8, page 3, S6-248B
文明も 科学も何の甲斐かあらむ 最後の審判来つるたまゆら
195 Neither culture nor
Science will have
Value. Will arrive
In a little while
The last judgment.
#9, page 3, S6-248C
悪の世を 善に切換え世を救ふ メシヤの業ぞ尊とかりける
196 Precious indeed the
Task of the Messiah that is
To save the world, changing
It from a world of
Evil to one of good.
#10, page 3, S6-248D
最後には 金剛力を打ち揮ふ メシヤの御業尊きろかも
197 Truly precious indeed
The divine task of
The Messiah who
Wields diamond
Power at the end.
#11, page 3, S6-248E
やがて来む 地上天国の経綸を 静かにつづる此頃のわれ
198 Calmly, quietly I write
These days about
Divine administration,
In which will finally
Arrive paradise on earth.
#12, page 3, S6-249A