“Poems for the 1953 Grand Spring Services, March 23-27, 1953”
Poems in
Chijôtengoku, Issue 47
April 25 1953

  年毎に 祝ぐ春の御祭も 今年は一入意義深からめ

Profounder still
Must be the significance
Of this year’s spring
Festival that is
Celebrated each year. 

#1, page 2, S6-311A
S6-298A 年毎に 祝ぐ春の御祭も 今年は一入意義深からめ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #1, March 23-27, 1953.
    春さりて 見渡す限り野も山も 萌えずるが如我神業かな
61   My divine task must be like the
Greenery that can be seen
Without limit in the fields and
On the mountains
After spring has gone.
#2, page 2, S6-311B 
Spring has gone,
So my divine work comes out
In such a way that
The field and mountain greens with grass
As far as one can see, sprout.
Mar. 31, 2014 by taki
S6-298B 春さりて 見渡す限り野も山も 萌えずるが如我神業かな In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #2, March 23-27, 1953.

雪霜を 凌ぎ凌ぎて漸くに 花咲く春に逢う心地すも

62   Enduring and bearing
Snow and frost, finally
The sensation of the
Coming of spring
When the flowers bloom.
#3, page 2, S6-311C
S6-298C 雪霜を 凌ぎ凌ぎて漸くに 花咲く春に逢う心地すも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #3, March 23-27, 1953; S6-298C. 

嬉しくも 救ひの御業はやうやくに 海の外まで広ごりにける

63   How joyful
That finally has
Spread to lands across
The seas, the divine
Task of salvation.
#4, page 2, S6-311D 
S6-298D 嬉しくも 救ひの御業はやうやくに 海の外まで広ごりにける In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #4, March 23-27, 1953. 

  我希ふ 天国世界は日に月に 広ぎゆくなり神のまにまに

64   The world of heaven
I yearn for, by day and
By month spreads;
All in accord
With God.
#5, page 2, S6-312A
S6-299A 我希ふ 天国世界は日に月に 広ぎゆくなり神のまにまに In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #5, March 23-27, 1953.

古へゆ 数多教へはあるなれど まこと新つの我教へかも

65   Since antiquity have
There been many
Teachings, but it is
My teachings that
Are truly new.
#6, page 2, S6-312B
S6-299B 古へゆ 数多教へはあるなれど まこと新つの我教へかも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #6, March 23-27, 1953.
    何事も 日進月歩の世にありて 旧き教へに救はるべしやは
66 In this world
Where all
Steadily advances,
Can the old dogmas
Save anything?
#7, page 3, S6-312C
S6-299C 何事も 日進月歩の世にありて 旧き教へに救はるべしやは In a group of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #7, March 23-27, 1953. 
    畏くも 神の作りし真道の 人の作りし理に嵌るべき
67   Harmonize to the
Principle that creates
An individual of the
True path that the
August God created.
#8, page 3, S6-312D
Could the ultimate way
To the truth created by God
Fit into the logical manner
Made up by human?
Absolutely not.
April 22, 2014 by taki
S6-299D 畏くも 神の作りし真道の 人の作りし理に嵌るべき In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #8, March 23-27, 1953.
奇蹟なり 嗚呼奇蹟なり宗教に 奇蹟なければ魂なきなる
68 Miracles!
Ah, Miracles!
Without miracles,
A religion it is
Without any soul.
#9, page 3, S6-312E
S6-299E 奇蹟なり 嗚呼奇蹟なり宗教に 奇蹟なければ魂なきなる In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #9, March 23-27, 1953.
文化などと 如何に誇るも夏の夜の 蚊の鳴く声に等しかるらめ
69 As much as
Civilization may be
Highly esteemed, it is
Akin to the hum of
Summer night’s mosquitoes.
#10, page 3, S6-313A
S6-300A 文化などと 如何に誇るも夏の夜の 蚊の鳴く声に等しかるらめ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #10, March 23-27, 1953.
人智など 神智の前には真昼間の 灯と知る人こそ賢き
70 Wise indeed the individual
Who recognizes, understands the
The torch of broad daylight
Before acquiring human or
Even divine wisdom.
#11, page 3, S6-313B
JS6-300B 人智など 神智の前には真昼間の 灯と知る人こそ賢き In a series of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Spring Services, #11, March 23-27, 1953.
世界中の 博士集めて教へたし 真正しき学問の道
71 I want to gather together and
Teach the scholars of
Intellectuals of the world,
What is indeed the path of
True scholarship.
#12, page 3, S6-313C
S6-300C 世界中の 博士集めて教へたし 真正しき学問の道 In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #12, March 23-27, 1953.
吾は今 ミカエルとなり山河を どよもし立たん此土の上に
72I, Mokichi Okada,
Now become Michael,
To reverberate throughout
The mountain streams,
On this earth.
#13, page 4, S6-313D 
S6-300D 吾は今 ミカエルとなり山河を どよもし立たん此土の上に In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #13, March 23-27, 1953.
吾今し 蛟龍となり地を蹴つて 天に向つて踊り出でなん
73I, Mokichi Okada, will
Now become a dragon, and,
Leaving the earth,
Bound up, rising
Toward heaven.
#14, page 4, S6-313E
S6-300E 吾今し 蛟龍となり地を蹴つて 天に向つて踊り出でなん In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #14, March 23-27, 1953. 
群盲の 何程首を傾ぐとて 分らざらめや吾とふものの 
74I am not understood
By the blind
Masses who simply
Continue to shake
Their heads in doubt.
#15, page 4, S6-313E- [SS665E]
S6-301-A [SS6601I] 群盲の 何程首を傾ぐとて 分らざらめや吾とふものの In a group of poems composed for and recited at the Spring Grand Services, #15, March 23-27, 1953.
キリストも 釈迦も我業援けむと 霊の世界に励みゐるなり
75Christ as well as
Shakyamuni both,
Are actively engaged
In the world of spirit
To help my work.
#16, page 4, S6-314A
S6-301A キリストも 釈迦も我業援けむと 霊の世界に励みゐるなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #16, March 23-27, 1953. 
神仏の 罪を赦すは吾の他 なきなり況して人の罪をや
76None other than I,
Mokichi Okada, is it
Who forgives the sins of
The gods and buddhas, not to
Mention those of human beings.
#17, page 4, S6-314B
S6-301B 神仏の 罪を赦すは吾の他 なきなり況して人の罪をや In a set of poems composed for and recited at the 1953 Grand Spring Services, #17, March 23-27, 1953.
吾こそは 罪ある者を救はんと 権威を有ちて世に降りける
77I am the very one
Who has descended to
This world vested with
The authority to save
Those persons with sin.
#18, page 4, S6-314C
S6-301C 吾こそは 罪ある者を救はんと 権威を有ちて世に降りける In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Spring Services, #18, March 23-27, 1953.