“Poems for Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service (December 23, 1953)”
Poems in
Chijôtengoku, Issue 56
January 25, 1954

  七十年 振りさけみれば我過去 あまりに奇しくあまりに珍なる

How so miraculous,
How so solemn
My life
When I look back on
The past seventy years.

#1, page 2, S6-425A 
    人の世の 肇りてより例しなき 吾が運命をつくづく思ふも
398   Unparalleled since
The beginning of
Human history,
Keenly I feel
My destiny. 
#2, page 2, S6-425B

救世の 神業日に日に進みゆき やがて世界にどよめき渉らむ

399   Day by day
Advances the divine task
Of world salvation
Finally to resound
Throughout the world.
#3, page 2, S6-425C

未だ目に 見えねど弥勒の聖代は 已に成りけり霊の世の奥

400   Though not yet visible
To the physical eye,
The sacred age of Maitreya
Even now is completed
In the deep recesses of the world of spirit.
#4, page 2, S6-425D

我有てる 玉の光は日に月に 輝き増すなり心せよみな

401   Realize this all. The
Ball of light I
Have within me
Grows brighter day by
Day, month by month.
#5, page 2, S6-426A
Alternative translation
Realize this / Everyone, / The ball of light I have / Within me grows brighter / Day by day, month by month.

黒幕を サツと落せば我光 その眩ゆさに眼くらまん 

402   When the black
Curtain is suddenly
Dropped, the brilliance
Of my light will
Make people dizzy. 
#6, page 2, S6-426B
    人間の 力と神の力の 異ひさ智慧もて計り得べしや
403 How can be measured
With human wisdom,
The difference between
The power of human beings
And the power of God?
#7, page 3, S6-426C 
    神秘なり 嗚呼神秘なり我因縁 口や筆もて表はす由なき
404   Mysterious, ah the
Divine mystery! There is simply
No means by which I can convey
My mission either through
Human speech or writing. 
#8, page 3, S6-426D
夢とのみ 思ひし事もまざまざと 実となりぬこのごろの吾
405 These days I think of
Myself: what I had thought
Of as only a dream
Dazzingly has
Become a fact. 
#9, page 3, S6-426E
さながらに この世からなる天国と 見まごふばかり瑞雲郷かも
406 The Grounds of
Auspicious Clouds,
Mistaken can they be
For a paradise
Composed of this world.
#10, page 3, S6-427A
幽幻微妙 深さも知らぬ神の謎 形となりて現れなんとすも
407 Mysterious and
Profound, with depths
Is the divine puzzle
About to take form.
#11, page 3, S6-427B
  あくがれの 地上天国今はしも 熱海の丘に立つぞ嬉しき

Joyful indeed that
Is being built upon
The hills of Atami
Now, the longed-for
Paradise on earth.

#12, page 3, S6-427C
  古へゆ 今の今まで夢とのみ 思ひしこの世の天国生まれぬ

In many past years
And in present times,
What was only thought
To be a dream, a paradise
Of this world is being born.

#13, page 4, S6-427D
  全世界 眼見瞠らむいと高き 美の天国は熱海に生まれし

A most noble
Paradise of beauty
Will be born in Atami,
Opening the eyes
Of the entire world.

#14, page 4, S6-427E
  日の本の 国の誇りと吾は今 箱根熱海に天国造りぬ

Constructing am I now
Paradise in
Hakone and Atami
Which will be the pride
Of the nation of the origin of the sun.

#15, page 4, S6-428A
  神業と 見るの外なし時の間に 成りぬ熱海の芸術の郷

A home of arts
In Atami before
Long will be
Completed, nothing
Other than divine workings.

#16, page 4, S6-428B
  海山の 景観を背に美の楽土 吾は造りぬ熱海の丘に

Behind the scenery of
The sea and mountains
I have constructed a
Heaven of beauty
On the Atami hills.

#17, page 4, S6-428C
Previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #187, pages 81 & 258.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
Against scenery / Of superb mountains and sea, / I have constructed / On a hill in Atami, / A paradise of beauty.
  箱根熱海の 地上天国外国の 人は世界の名所と言ひける

People from abroad
Will call the paradises
On earth of Hakone and
Atami, wonders
Of the world.

#18, page 4, S6-428D