Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 6
July 20, 1949

    野に山に 色とりどりに咲く花は 神の恵まふ宝にぞある

In the mountains, in the plains,
The flowers that bloom
In multiples of colors are
Treasures with which God
Blesses us.

#1, page 1, S4-424B  
S5-96D  野に山に 色とりどりに咲く花は 神の恵まう宝にぞある In an untitled set of poems dated May 1949 in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #404, page 73, November 30, 1949.
    美はしき 花見る毎に意ふかな 神のたくみの妙なる御技を
053   Whenever I look at
Beautiful flowers, I
Think of how skillful,
How mysterious is
God’s craftsmanship.
#2, page 1, S4-424C 
S4-353A 美わしき 花に見入りて意うかな 神の恵みのいとも深きを In a group of poems titled “Paradise on Earth” in Gosanka Poems, July 1, 1948, #100; S6-113B 美はしき 花見る毎に憶ふかな 神の恵みの如何に深きを  In a group of poems titled “Serenity” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, May 28, 1951, page 77, #344; S5-97A 美はしき 花見る毎に意ふかな 神のたくみの妙なる御技を In an untitled set of poems dated May 1949 in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 73, #405; previous translation of S4-353A, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 17 & 107, #26.
  S6-113B translation
Whenever I look at / Beautiful flowers, / I am reminded of / How profound are / The blessings of God.
  S4-353A translation
Whenever I gaze at / Beautiful flowers, I / Think of how skillful, / How mysterious is / God’s craftsmanship.
  Sounds of the Dawn translation
As I look upon / The beauty of the flowers, / I see more clearly / And realize more fully / How deep God’s Love truly is.

美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にも似たる心もつなり

054   The very person
Who adores
Beautiful flowers
Does possess a heart
Resembling flowers. 
#3, page 1, S4-425A 
S5-97B 美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にもにたる心もつなり In an untitled set of poems in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #406, page 73, November 30, 1949; S6-125B 美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にも似たる心持つなりIn a set of poems titled “Random Thoughts” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #410, page 92, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 75C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 75C; Prayers and Poems, page 75C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #174, pages 75 & 246; Book of Gosanka, #237, page 60; The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 193; previous translations based on text 美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にも似たる心持つなれ URUWASHIKI, HANA NI AKOGARU HITO KOSO WA / HANA NI MO NITARU KOKORO MOTSU NARE.
  Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Those who appreciate the beauty / of flowers / Have hearts which are equally /     beautiful.
  PG & SDII translation
Those who deeply love / And appreciate flowers, / Their grace, their beauty, / Have hearts which truly must be / Equally as beautiful.
  Prayers and Poems translation
Those who deeply love / And appreciate flowers— / Their grace, their beauty— / Have hearts which truly must be / Equally as beautiful.
  Book of Gosanka translation
A person who loves / And delights in the beauty / Of flowers so fair— / Is one with beauty of heart / Very like the fair flowers.
  The Light from the East translation
Those who deeply love / And appreciate flowers, / Their grace, their beauty, / Have hearts that truly must be / Equally as beautiful.

朝なさな 色とりどりに朝顔の 咲くをしみれば夏を忘れぬ

055   I cannot forget the summer
Permeated by the profusion
Of the colors of the
Blooming morning
Glories matinally.
#4, page 1, S4-425B 
Morning after morning
Taking a look at the morning glories
Bloom in various colors
Allows me to forget the heat
In the height of summer.
July.21.2007 by taki
S5-97C 朝なさを 色とりどりに朝顔の 咲くをしみれば夏を忘れぬ In an untitled set of poems dated May 1949 in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #407, page 73, November 30, 1949.

人の世の 楽しさ知りぬ庭に咲く 椿一枝床に飾りて

056   Decorating
My room with
One branch of camellia that
Blooms in my garden is
Agreeably relaxing.
#5, page 1, S4-425C 
S5-97D人の世の 楽しさ知りぬ庭に咲く 椿一枝床に飾りて In a set of untitled poems dated May 1949 in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #408, page 74, November 30, 1949; S6-125C人の世の 楽しさ知りぬ庭に咲く 椿一輪床に飾りて In set of poems titled “Random Thoughts” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #411, page 92, May 28, 1951.
  S6-125C translation
Decorating / My room with / One camellia bloom / Flowered in my garden is / Agreeably relaxing.

憂の世も 楽しき御代となりぬらん 神の救ひの力出でなば

057   This pitiful world
Also will become a
Pleasant one when
Appears the
Power of God’s salvation.
#6, page 1, S4-425D
S4-427B 憂の世も 楽しき御代となりぬらむ 神の救ひの力現れなは#1, page 1; S5-97E 憂の世も 楽しき御代となりにけり 神の守りのあるを知りてゆIn an untitled set of poems dated May 1949 in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 74, #409, November 30, 1949; S6-92D 憂の世も 楽しき御代となりぬらむ 神の救ひの力現れなば In a set of poems titled “Mercy and Compassion” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 57, #252, May 28, 1951.
    S4-427B translation
This pitiful world / Also will become a / Pleasant one when / God’s salvation / Power is born.
    S5-97E translation
This pitiful world also / Will become a pleasant one / When people become / Aware that there / Exists God’s protection.