Beginning of Spring
Poems for Record for Enlightening Talks, Supplement
February 5, 1948

  立つ春の 今年今日の日何かしら 行手明るき心地こそすれ

This day, this year
As spring begins,
Somehow inside do
Feel I indeed brightness,
Cheerfulness ahead.

Page 10, #1, S4-326B.
    年毎に 祝ふ春立つ此のよき日 ことに祀らむ神の御前に
6   Each year on this
Auspicious day, do we
Celebrate the beginning of
Spring here before the altar
Where God is enshrined.
Page 10, #2, S4-326C.

今日はしも 今年春立つよき日なり 吾業開くる始とぞ思ふ

7   This very day is the
Auspicious time that begins
Spring this year—I do feel
Now is when
I begin my task. 
Page 10, #3, S4-327A.