Poems in Record of Enlightening Talks, Issue 7
March 6, 1949

あゝ時は 迫り来にけり待ち侘びし 弥勒の御代はほの見え初めぬ
12Ah, the time
So long awaited,
The age of Maitreya
Begins to appear.
#1, S4-413A 
  弥勒の世 見え初むるとも心せよ 曲は隙なく狙ひつめ居り

Take heart
The age of Maitreya
Begins to appear!
Evil will be pursued
To every corner.

#2, S4-413B
S4-417A 弥勒の世 見え初むるとも心せよ 曲は隙なく狙ひつめをりIn a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #1, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-92A 弥勒の世 見え初むるとも心せよ 曲は隙なく狙ひつめをり In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 69, #381, November 30, 1949.
  キリストに サタン釈迦に提婆あり我にもありぬもろもろの曲
14   Jesus had Satan,
Shakyamuni, Devadatta, and
I as well face
Them, the entire
Array of forces of evil.
#3, S4-413C
S4-417B  キリストに サタン釈迦には醍[堤]婆あり我にもありぬもろもろの曲 In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #2, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-92B キリストに サタン釈迦には醍[堤]婆あり我にもありぬもろもろの曲 In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 70, #382, November 30, 1949.

曲神は 如何に障るもおそれまじ 我には無限の神力ありせば

15   I do possess the
Unlimited power of God so
Have no fear
However the evil
Forces may try to hinder.
#4, S4-414A
S4-417C 曲神は 如何に障るもおそれまじ 我には無限の神力ありせば In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #3, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-92C 曲神は 如何に障るも怖れまじ 我には神の守りありせば In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 70, #383, November 30, 1949; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 15 & 104, #23; previous translation based on non-Meishu-sama text S4-417C 曲神の 如何に障るもおそれまじ 我には無限の神力ありせば
      S5-92C translation
I do possess the / Protection of God so / Have no fear / However the evil / Forces may try to hinder.
      Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us never fear / The dark forces, no matter / How hard they may try / To obstruct our work, because / God’s great Power protects us.

世の人よ 今我が揮ふ力より 上の力はなしとこそ知れ

16   People of the world!
Know that there
Is no power
Above the power
I do wield. 
#5, S4-414B
S4-418A 世の人よ 今我が揮ふ力より 上の力はなしとこそ知れ In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #4, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-92D 世の人よ 今わが揮ふ力より 上の力はあらじと知れかし In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 70, #384, November 30, 1949.

現世の 乱れを釐し順序よき 御代打樹てんわが望みかな

17   My hope is to
Build a world in
Good order  
Where confusion
Has been corrected.
#6, S4-414C
S5-92E 現世の 乱れを釐し順序ある 御代打樹てむ我が望みかなIn a set of poems titled “Descent of the Savior” and dated February 1949, in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #385, page 70, November 30, 1949; S4-418B 現世の 乱れを釐し順序ある 御代打樹てむ我が望みかな In a set of poems titled “Descent of the Savior” and dated March 6, 1949 in Chijôtengoku, May 25, 1949, page 20, #5.
      S4-418B & S5-92E translation
My hope is to / Build a world in / Order where / Confusion has been / Corrected.

五六七とは 火水土の順序よき完きの 世をいふにありけり

18   Five, six,
Seven describes
The perfect age in
The proper order of
Fire, water, earth.
#6, S4-414D
S4-418C 五六七とは 火水土の順序よき完きの 世を言ふにありけり In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #6, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-93A 五六七とは 火水土の順序よき完きの 世をいふにぞありけり  In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 70, #386, November 30, 1949; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #329, page 83.
      Book of Gosanka translation
What is Miroku? / Miroku—it is a world / That is all-perfect, / Where fire and water and soil / Follow order totally.

わが揮ふ 力は未だ現し世に 現れたる事なき力にぞある

19   The power I wield
Is a power that
Has not yet
Appeared in
The present world. 
#8, S4-414E 
S5-93B わが揮ふ 力は未だ現世に 現れたる事なきものにぞある In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 70, #387, November 30, 1949.
      S5-93B translation
The power I wield / Is something that / Has not yet / Appeared in / The present world.

キリストも 釈迦も孔子もマホメットも わが現れ出づるまでの楔そ

20   Jesus,
Were stopgaps
I appeared.
#9, S4-415A
S5-93C キリストも 釈迦も孔子もマホメットも わが現れ出づる時ぞ待たれん In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 70, #388, November 30, 1949.
      S5-93C translation
Jesus, Shakyamuni, / Mohammed have / All been waiting / For the time / For me to appear.

待ち望む メシヤの力もわが揮ふ 力も同じ力なりけり

21   The awaited,
Desired power of
The Messiah is
The same power
I wield.
#10, S4-415B 
S4-418D 待ち望む メシヤの力もわが揮ふ 力も同じ力なりけり In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #7, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-93D 待ち望む メシヤの力もわが揮ふ 力も同じ力なりけり In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 71, #389, November 30, 1949.

栄光の 雲より降るキリストの 世に知れ渡る時ぞ近みぬ

22   Not far off is the time
When will become
Known throughout the world
The descent of Christ
From the clouds of glory.
#11, S4-415C
S5-93E 栄光の 雲より降るキリストの 世に知れ渡る時ぞ近みぬ In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 71, #390, November 30, 1949. 

あな尊と 天より降るキリストを 祝ふハレルヤの声ぞ嬉しき

23   Happy are the voices
Of hallelujah
That praise the
August Christ who
Descends from heaven.
#12, S4-415D
S4-418E  あな尊と 天より降るキリストを 祝ふハレルヤの声うれしき In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #8, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-94A あな尊と 天より降るキリストを 祝ふハレルヤの声ぞいさまし. In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 71, #391, November 30, 1949.
      S5-94A translation
Strong are the voices / Of hallelujah / That praise the / August Christ who / Descends from heaven.

キリストも 釈迦もメシヤも観音も 人の姿の神にぞありける

24   Jesus, Shakyamuni,
The Messiah,
Are all the divine
In human form.
#13, S4-415E
S4-419A キリストも 釈迦もメシヤも観音も 人の姿の神にぞありける In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #9, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-94B キリストも 釈迦もメシヤも観音も 人の姿の神にぞありける In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 71, #392, November 30, 1949.

越え難き 此の現世の大峠 安く越えなむ神の恵みに

25   So difficult to pass
The great tribulation
Of this world is
Easy to cross with
The blessings of God.
#14, S4-416A
S5-94C 越え難き 此現世の大峠 安く越えなむ神の案内に In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 71, #393, November 30, 1949.
      S5-94C translation
So difficult to pass / The great tribulation / Of this world is / Easy to cross with / God’s guidance.

大いなる 神の力を見するとも 哀れ盲の眼には映らじ

26   Even though
God’s great power
Can be seen,
It is not reflected in
The eyes of the blind.
#15, S4-416A-B [SS378E]  
S5-94C-D [SS416C] 大いなる 神の力を見するとも 哀れ盲の眼には映らじ In a section of poems titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #394, page 71, November 30, 1949; S4-419A-B [SS379F] 大いなる 神の力を見するとも 哀れ盲の眼には映らじ In a section of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, #10, page 20, Issue 4, May 15, 1949.

大神の 深き仕組は諸人の 眼に映らぬものと知れかし

27   Know that
God’s profound plan
Is not something
That appears
To the eyes of all.
#16, S4-416B  
S4-419B 大神の 深き仕組は諸人の 眼に映らぬものと知れかし In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #11, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-94D 大神の 深き仕組は諸人の 眼に映らぬものと知れかし In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 71, #395, November 30, 1949.

大いなる 神の仕組のいと小さき 人の眼になど映らめや

28   How can the
Great plan of God
Be visible to the
Eyes of such
Small people?
#17, S4-416C  
S5-94E 大いなる 神の仕組はいと小さき 人の眼になど映らめや In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 72, #396, November 30, 1949.

光なり あゝ光なりいかならん 濃き闇とても打ちはるゝなり

29   Light!
Ah, light!
Even the most
Black of darkness.
Is cleared.
#18, S4-416D
S4-419C 光なり 嗚呼光なり如何ならん 濃き暗とても打霽らすなり In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #12, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-95A 光なり 嗚呼光なり如何ならむ 濃き暗とてもうち霽らすなり  In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 72, #397, November 30, 1949.
      S5-95A translation
Light! / Ah, light! / Clears even / The most / Black of darkness.

いやはてに 天より降るキリストに 世のもろもろは甦るらむ

30   At the very end,
Everything in
The world will revive
When Christ
Descends from heaven.
#19, S4-416E
S4-419D いやはてに 天より降るキリストに 世のもろもろは甦るらむ In a set of poems dated March 6, 1949, and titled “Poems Recited at the Spring Grand Service of the Japan Miroku Church, Descent of the Savior” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #13, page 20, May 25, 1949; S5-95B いやはてに 天より降るキリストに 世のもろもろは甦るらむ In a set of poems dated February 1949 and titled “Descent of the Savior” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 72, #398, November 30, 1949.