Poems in Eikô, Issue 166
July 23, 1952

  花笑ひ 百鳥歌ふ神苑に 美の殿堂を吾添へにけり

To the divine garden
Where flowers smile and
Many kinds of birds sing;
I have added
A palace of beauty. 

#1, S6-229A
    天ヶ下 名だたる箱根の雲の上に 美の殿堂は輝き初めけり
122   Under heaven
On top of the clouds
Of the Hakone Mountains,
Noted as they are, has begun
To shine the palace of beauty.
#2, S6-229B 

人間を 楽しませにつつ自づから 心高むる美こそ尊き

123   Precious indeed is
Beauty which pleasures The human being and
At the same time lifts
And raises the heart.
#3, S6-229C