Poems in Eikô, Issue 193
January 28, 1953

  神知らぬ 人の憐れさ世の終り 来つるがまでの命にあれせば

How pitiful are
Those who do not know
God, for their lives
Are only until there
Comes the end of the world.

    罪人の 余り多き世をし見れば 神の裁きの遠からじとぞ思ふ
20   I think that God’s
Judgment is not that
Distant when I see
The world with so
Many trespassers.

人の為 世の為励む人見れば 砂に裡もる金剛石かも

21   Diamonds buried
In the sand are
The individuals
I see who strive
For others, for the world
S6-284C. Previous translations, Gosanka, Poems of World Messianity, page 43C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 43C; Prayers and Poems, page 43C; Book of Gosanka, #218, page 55.
Gosanka, Poems of World Messianity translation
Those who are doing their best for
And the world seem to me like
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Individuals / Who constantly do their best / For humanity, / For the world in general, / Seem to me like diamonds.
Prayers and Poems translation
Individuals / Who constantly do their best / For humanity, / For the world in general, / Are like diamonds.
Book of Gosanka translation
When we look at one, / Who strives to help fellow man, / Works for sake of world; / We would see one very like / Diamond buried in the sand.