Poems in Eikô, Issue 209
May 20, 1953

  芸術もて 開く教は昔より メシヤの教の外になかりき

Since antiquity,
None other than the
Teachings of the Messiah have
Initiated a teaching that
Encourages the arts.

#1, S6-318A 
    芸術を 好む人こそやがて来む 天国世界の民となりなむ
105   It is those very persons
Who love the arts
Who will be citizens
Of the world of heaven
That is to finally come.
#2, S6-S6-318B 

芸術は 天国にあり地獄には 芸術なきを知れよ諸人

106   All peoples! Know that
In heaven are the
Arts, and that
There are no arts
In hell. 
#3, S6-318C