Poems in Eikô, Issue 210
May 27, 1953

  天国 は 美の世界なり地獄とは 醜の世界なりゆめ忘るるな

Let not it be
Forgotten that
Paradise is a
World of beauty and
Hell is a world of ugliness.

      Alternate translation
Do not forget! / Paradise is a / World of beauty / And hell is the / World of ugliness.
    真の生む 心は善なり善が生む 形は美なり知れよ信徒
155   Those who follow me!
Know that the spirit which
Truth bears is virtue, and the
Form which is born of
Virtue is beauty.
S6-329B; previous translations Prayers and Gosanka, page 29C; Prayers and Poems, page 29C; and Book of Gosanka, page 32, #125.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Truth gives birth to good, / Creates a virtuous heart. / And goodness gives birth / To beautiful expression. / Let all believers know this.
Prayers and Poems translation
Truth gives birth to goodness, / Creates a beautiful heart, / Goodness manifests / As beauty. / Let all seekers know this.
Book of Gosanka translation
Know this, those with faith— / That the heart that knows Virtue / Is brought forth by Truth, / That this Virtue then brings forth / An entity that’s Beauty.

いと高き 神の 教をいと低き 理をもて吾は説くなり

156   I expound the most
Profound lessons of
God through
The shallow level of
Human knowledge.
Alternate translation
Expounding the most / Profound lessons of God / Through the shallow level / Of human knowledge / Is my mission.