Poems in Eikô, Issue 214
June 24, 1953

  我為に 全人類は救はれて 鰭伏す時のやがて来ぬらん

Skepticism does not
Lie in truth;
Truth springs
From the mentality
That believes in truth. 

#1, S6-336A 
S5-493A 我為に 全人類は救はれて 鰭伏す時のやがて来ぬらんIn a set of poems marked “unpublished” and attributed to 1950.
     力なり 嗚呼力なり眼に見えぬ ○ヽの力こそ絶対なりせば
185   Power, ah power!
Invisible to the eye,
It is the power
Of the dot in the circle
That is absolute.
#2, S6-337B 
S5-493B  力なり 嗚呼力なり眼に見えぬ Θの力こそ絶対なればなりIn a set of poems marked “unpublished” and attributed to 1950.

力なき 愛は万人救へまじ 曲津の力に勝てねばなりけり

186   Without power, love
Cannot save the
Multitudes, love
Alone cannot triumph
Over the power of evil.
#3, S6-337C 
S5-493C 力なき 愛は万人救へまじ 曲津の力に負ければなりけり In a set of poems marked “unpublished” and attributed to 1950.
S5-493C translation
Without power, love / Cannot save the / Multitudes, love / Alone is defeated / By the power of evil.