Poems in Eikô, Issue 226
September 16, 1953

  病を  医す力のなかりせば 宗教とても科学以下なる

When there exists
No power to heal
Disease, religion is of a
Level far below
That of science.

#1, S6-363C
If it has no power
to cure any diseases,
even religion will be
no more than equal
or inferior to science.
July 9. 2013 by taki
    理 屈もて 説く宗教は世を救ふ 力のなきを証しゐるなり
274   Using arguments
To advocate
Proves that religion
Has no power
To save the world.
#2, S6-364A
A religion that
Preaches by giving
Theoretical exposition
Turns out to have no power
To save the world.
July 29. 2013 by taki

いと深き 真理 を平易な言葉もて 説くこそ万人救はるるなり

275   Teaching profound
Truth with
Simple words,
Will be saved.
#3, S6-364B
Previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #108, page 27.
Book of Gosanka translation
To explain and teach / In the simplest of language / Truth very profound / Is to save many thousands / Through the power of the words.