Poems in Eikô, Issue 228
September 30, 1953

  真理説く 我言霊に逆らえば 地獄に墜つるものと知れかし

Know that
Acting against the
Power of speech of the
Truth I teach
Leads to falling to hell.

#1, S6-372A
    大慈大悲の 神の御手に縋らねば やがて奈落の底に沈まむ
310   Unless you turn to
God’s hands of great
Compassion and great mercy,
You will eventually sink
To the bottom of the abyss.
#2, S6-372B

迷はずて 吾に抱かれよ忽ちに 天国楽土に救はるるなり

311   Without hesitating
Be embraced by me;
Immediately you will be
Delivered into heaven,
The land of bliss.
#3, S6-372C