Poems in Eikô, Issue 234
November 11, 1953

  民草の 命の糧の足らざるは 厳しき神の咎にぞありける

That the peoples
Of the world lack
In the staff of life
Is a strict penalty
By God.

#1, S6-387B
    豊年の 言葉は昔語りなる 今は悲しき凶作の声
353   Plentiful harvests
Are tales of long past;
What is heard now
Are the sad stories of
Harvests that are poor.
#2, S6-387C

医学迷信 肥料迷信の此二つ 打破らねば世は潰えなん

354   The two
Superstitions of
Medicine and fertilizer
Must be broken if the
World is not to crumble.
#3, S6-388A
Alternative translation
False belief in / Medicines and fertilizers / Must be broken / If the world / Is not to crumble.