Poems in Eikô, Issue 239
December 16, 1953

  無神 論 鼻高々と唱えいる 物識達の哀れ最後は

At the end,
Pathetic will be
The know-it-alls
Who haughtily tout

#1, S6-398A
    争いを 好む人間の儚さよ 野蛮の性の残ればなりける
395   The fleetingness
Of those who enjoy
Conflict! Such a
Liking shows that does
Remain a barbarous nature.
#2, S6-398B
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 85C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 85C; Prayers and Poems, page 85C; Book of Gosanka, #307, page 77.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
How pathetic are those who take delight / In quarrels and fighting! / They only do so because they still have / Primitive, barbaric natures within them.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
How pathetic those / Who like quarreling, fighting! / They only do so / Because their natures are still / Quite primitive, barbaric.
Prayers and Poems translation
How pathetic are those / Who like quarreling / And fighting! / Their natures / Are still barbaric.
Book of Gosanka translation
Those human beings, Who love and seek wars to fight, Are pitiful ones; For there is still within them A nature of savagery.

一方に 科学を謳歌し一方に 科学に苦しむ不思議なる世や

396   What a peculiar world it is
Where on the one hand
Science is extolled,
And on the other,
Suffering stems from science. 
#3, S6-398C