Poems in Eikô, Issue 248
February 17, 1954

  現当利益 なき宗教の如何にして 世を救えめや力なければ

Without providing
Material benefits
How can a religion
Save the world when
It does not have any power?

#1, S6-435A
A religion without
Any potential to endow
With material blessing,
How can it save the world,
While it has no power?
Feb. 18. 2014 by taki
Alternate translation
Without power, / How can a religion / That does not provide / Material benefits / Save the world? 
    千の経文 万のバイブル読むとても 利益なければ空に等しも
 53   Reading thousands
Of sutras or ten
Thousand Bibles
Is equivalent to nothing
If benefit is not provided.
#2, S6-435B
Alternate translation
Reading a thousand / Sutras or ten thousand / Bibles is the same as / Emptiness unless there / Is truly benefit. 

病きに 苦しみ乍ら救われしと 思うは迷いの覚めぬなりける

 54   To think the self
Saved while still
Suffering from sickness
Is a self not
Awakened from confusion. .
#3, S6-435C
If you think
That while suffering from disease
You are saved,
You have yet to come
To your senses. 
Feb. 25. 2013 by taki