Poems in Eikô, Issue 256
April 14, 1954

  肥料もて 汚しに汚せし地の面を 浄めんとして吾諭ゆなり

It is I, Mokichi Okada, who
Teach how to purify the
Face of the earth that
With fertilizers has been
Polluted and sullied for ages. 

    畏くも 神が造りし清き土を 肥料に汚せし罪軽からじ
 95   Trivial not
Is the sin of having
Polluted with fertilizers
The pure soil created
By Almighty God.

一切の 災はみな愚かなる 人の作りしものにぞありける

 96   All disasters,
All misfortune are
What has been
Created by foolish
Human beings. 