Poems in Eikô, Issue 257
April 21, 1954

  キリストも 釈迦マホメットも病きを 医す力はなかりけるかも

Neither Christ
Nor Shakyamuni
Possesed the power
To heal sickness
And disease. 

#1, S6-456A
    今はしも 絶えなんとする汝が命 繋ぎとどめん我力もて
 98   Your life, that
Now seems to be
Ending, can be
Extended saved
With my power.
#2, S6-456B

今の世の 医学の底の底までも 知る吾にして命生かさん

 99   I, Mokichi Okada,
Who knows the state of
Medicine today, to
The very bottom of the
Bottom, revive life.
#3, S6-456C