“Poems for the Grand Autumn Services”
Eikô, Issue 72
October 4, 1950

    地上天国 弥々成りて目出度も 喜び祝ふ今日の御祭り 

At this worship service today
We celebrate the joy
With felicitation,
The completion
Of the paradise on earth. 

#1, S5-478A
S5-473A 地上天国 弥々成りて目出度も 喜び祝ふ今日の御祭り In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #1, page 3, September 21, 1950; previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 57. 
The Light from the East translation
An earthly paradise / Has been completed at last, / And now we celebrate / With felicity and joy / A sacred service today.
    いと小さき 型にしあれど大神の 恵みの幸に天国成りぬる 
175   A tiny prototype
It may be, through
The Almighty God’s
Blessing of happiness
A paradise has been completed. 
#2, S5-478B
S5-473B いと小さき 型にしあれど大神の 恵みの幸に天国成りぬる In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #2, page 3, September 21, 1950.

世を挙げて 讃えん時ぞ待たれける 我神業の世に知らるれば

176   We have waited for the
Time to celebrate
Throughout the world
The news of my
Work for God. 
#3, S5-478C 
S5-473C 世を挙げて 讃へん時ぞ待たれけり 我神業の世に知らるれば In an untitled set of poems published in the pamphlet “Constructing Paradise on Earth,” #3, page 3, September 21, 1950; S6-110B 世を挙げて 讃へむ時ぞ待たれぬる 我神業の普ねかりせば In a set of poems titled “A Sound Teaching” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 74, #331, May 28, 1951.
S6-110B translation
We wait for the / Time to celebrate / Throughout the world / The spread of my / Work for God.

天をます 大樹も双葉のいと小さき 頃もありける事し思ほゆ

177   To be pondered is
That a mighty tree
That stretches
To heaven was once
A very small sprout.
#4, S5-478D 
S5-474A 天をます 大樹も双葉のいと小さき 頃もありける事し思ほゆ In an untitled set of poems published in the pamphlet “Constructing Paradise on Earth,” #4, page 3, September 21, 1950; S6-126D 天をます 大樹も双葉のいと小さき 頃もありける世にしあるなり In a set of poems titled “Random Thoughts” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #416, page 93, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #154, pages 67 & 229; Book of Gosanka, #81, page 21; Meishu and His Teachings, page 83.
S6-126D translation
A world it is / In which a mighty / Tree that stretches / To heaven was once / A very small sprout.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us remember— / Even the gigantic tree / Which has grown so tall / It now seems to reach the sky / Was once a tiny seedling.
Book of Gosanka translation
The great stalwart tree, / Towering high to the sky— / Had a time in life, / When it was a seedling small; / This, too, is the way of world.
Meishu and His Teachings translation
The great stalwart tree, / Towering high to the sky— / Had a time in life / When it was a seedling small, / Daily struggling to grow tall.

此珍の 神仙郷の姿こそ やがて生れなむ天国の型

178   The very form of these solemn
Mystic Grounds is
A prototype of the
Paradise that
Will soon appear.
#5, S5-479A 
S5-474B 此珍の 神仙郷の姿こそ やがて生れなむ天国の型 In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #5, page 4, September 21, 1950.

幾万年 待たれ給ひし大神の 仕組は今し事はじむなり

179   Now is beginning
The Plan of Almighty
For so many
Thousands of years.
#6, S5-479B 
S5-474C 幾万年 待たれ給ひし大神の 仕組は今し事はじむなり In an untitled set of poems published in the pamphlet “Constructing Paradise on Earth,” #6, page 4,; S6-96D 幾万年 待たれ給ひし大神の 仕組は今し成らむとすなり In a set of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #270, page 61, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 18B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 18B; Prayers and Poems, page 18B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #7, pages 7 & 91. 
    S6-96D translation
Now is reaching / Completion the / Plan of Almighty God, / Awaited for so many / Thousands of years.
    Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
The great Plan of God, for which / He Himself has waited many thousands / of years, / Is on the verge of fulfillment.
    Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
For thousands of years— / For eons—God has waited / For the time to come. / Now the right time has arrived; / His Plan is being fulfilled.
    Prayers and Poems translation
For thousands of years— / For eons—God has waited / For the time to come. / Now the right time has arrived; / The Divine Plan is being fulfilled. 

真善美 完き姿人の眼に 映るなるらめ神仙郷はも

180   The Mystic Grounds
It is that will reflect
Completely in people’s
Eyes the form of
Truth, virtue, and beauty.
#7, S5-479C 
S5-474D 真善美 完き姿人の眼に 映るなるらめ神仙郷はも In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #7, page 4, September 21, 1950; previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 57.
    The Light from the East translation
Truth, virtue, and beauty / Are contained in the forms / That reflect / In the eyes of everyone / At the Shinsen-kyo. 

常闇の 世を照さむと日の神は 日光殿を造らせ給ひぬ

181   God of the Sun has
Brought about construction
Of the Sunshine Hall
That will illumine
The world of eternal darkness.
#8, S5-479D  
S5-474E 常闇の 世を照さむと日の神は 日光殿を造らせ給ひぬ In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #8, page 4, September 21, 1950. 

日の神の 照す斎場に嬉々として 歓ぎ集へる信徒の群

182   Joyfully the group of
Believers happily
Gather at the place of
Worship illumined by
God of Sun.
#9, S5-479E
S5-475A 日の神の 照す斎場に嬉々として 歎ぎ集へる信徒の群  In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #9, page 4, September 21, 1950.

目に耳に 楽しき今日の御祭は 五六七の御代ぞ偲ばれにける 

183   Through the eyes and
Through the ears
The pleasures of today’s
Festival suggests the
Divine age of five, six, seven.
#10, S5-480A
S5-475B 目に耳に 楽しき今日の御祭は 五六七の御代ぞ偲ばれにける In a set of poems contained in the pamphlet Constructing Paradise on Earth, #10, page 4, September 21, 1950.