New Year’s Poems
Hikari, Issue 43
January 1, 1950


新玉の 年を迎 へて祝がむ 神の仕組の開くきざしに

a   Upon greeting the
Shining new year,
We celebrate with the
Harbingers of
God’s plan unfolding.
S5-137C, page 4; S5-125A 新玉の 年を迎へて祝がむ 神の仕組の開くきざしに In a set of poems titled “Poems for the New Year” in Hikari, Issue 43, January 1, 1950.
Alternate translation
Coming / To a new year / Are the signs of / The beginning of the / Blessed God’s plan.

いと深き 神の 仕組は今年より いちぢるしけれ心せよみな

b   Be prepared for
God’s profound plan
Will become
Quite remarkable
This year. 
S5-138D, page 5; S5-125B いと深き 神の仕組は今年より いちぢるしけれ心せよみな In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950.

待ちわびし 今 年のよき日は来りけり いざ腹帯を固く締めなむ

c   Finally has come
This auspicious day
Long awaited for.
I steel myself
For the work ahead.
S5-138C, page 5; S5-125C 待ちわびし 今年のよき日は来りけり いざ腹帯を固く締めなむ In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950.
    今 年はも ただならぬ世となりぬらむ ただありやかに言えぬが悲し

How sad I feel that
I cannot say
This year that
Something will happen,
That it will be extraordinary. 

S5-137A, page 4; S5-126A 今年はも ただならぬ世となりぬらむ ただありやかに言えぬが悲し In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950. 

行詰り ゆきも 戻りもならぬ世は 終末の世のしるしなるらん

e   A world full of
Impasses and no return
Is a sign of
The end
Of the world.
S5-137E, page 4; S5-126B 行詰り ゆきも戻りもならぬ世は 終末の世のしるしなるらん In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 46 & 168, #104.
Coming to a dead end
the world of our times can find nowhere
to move on or turn back;
this will be and must be a sign that
Indicates the great world-catastrophe.
Jan. 19 2007 by taki
Sounds of the Dawn translation
The world we now know / Cannot solve its present state, / Its predicament. / Is this fact not proof enough / That the world’s end is at hand?