Kyûsei, Issue 66, August 23, 1950

    例 なき 審判の状し諸人の 眼に映る時となりぬり

Come has the time
When passes before
The eyes of everyone
The spectacle of
Unparalleled judgment.

#1, S5-470A 
S6-80D 例しなき 裁き状の諸人の 眼に映る時は近めり In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #197, page 45, May 28, 1951.
S6-80D translation
Approaching is the time / When will pass before / The eyes of everyone / The spectacle of / Unparalleled judgment.
    夢 にだも 思ほえぬかも大いなる 審判の状の恐ろしきさま
163   The frightening state
Of the conditions
Of the great judgment
Cannot be imagined
Even in dreams. 
#2, S5-470B

人の世の 終りの状の恐しさ うち戦かん神知らぬ人ら 

164   The frightfulness
Of the state of
The end of this world,
Quiver and tremble will those
Who know not God.
#3, S5-470C 

如何ならむ 頑な人も鰭伏して 神を仰がん終りの日はも

165   The last days
When even the most
Obstinate individuals
Prostrate themselves
To worship God.
#4, S5-470D
S6-95C 如何ならむ 頑な人も鰭伏して 神を拝む時となりぬる In a section of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #265, page 60, May 28, 1951; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #311, page 78.
S6-95D translation
The time is here / When even the most / Obstinate individuals / Prostrate themselves / To worship God.
  Book of Gosanka translation
No matter how hard / And headstrong a person be, / The time will soon come, / When he would prostrate himself / Before God to worship Him.   

神は無しと 心驕れる偉人の 兜を脱がん世ぞ来つるなり 

166   Coming is the
World where those
Who have boasted God
Does not exist will
Finally admit defeat.
#5, S5-471A 
S6-95D 神は無しと 心驕れる偉人の 神に額づく世ぞ近みけり In a set of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #266, page 60, May 28, 1951.
    S6-95D translation
Approaching is the / World where those / Who have boasted God / Does not exist will / Indeed before God bow.

ひたすらに 神祈るより外詮すべくの 悟らん世の終りの日

167   Useless will be
All other remedies
But for praying
Earnestly to God
At the end of the world. 
#6, S5-471B 
S6-96C 只管に 神祈るより詮なけれ 滅びんとする世の終りには In a set of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #269, page 61, May 28, 1951.
    S6-96C translation
Useless will be / All remedies but / For praying / Earnestly to God / At the end of the world.