Kyûsei, Issue 67, August 30, 1950

    人も物も 潰えなんとする恐しさ 神より外に縋るものなき

For the terror
That will destroy
Individuals and objects,
No other way is there
Than to depend on God.

#1, S5-471C
    地の上の 穢れ浄むる神業は 火の洗霊の事にぞありける
169   The divine task of
Purifying the impurities
On the earth is
The cleansing of
Spirit by fire.
#2, S5-472A 
S6-96A 地の上の 穢れ浄むる神業は 火の洗霊の事にぞありける In a set of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #267, page 60, May 28, 1951. 

洗霊の 火の神業を大神は 任し給いぬ我体魂に

170   The divine task
Of spiritual cleansing
By fire has been
Entrusted to my spirit and
Body by Almighty God. 
#3, S5-472B

火は霊に ありせば吾が打ち揮ふ 浄霊とても神力と知れ

171   Know
That the divine
Power of Johrei
That I yield
Is fire in spirit.
#4, S5-472C

伝え聞く ノアの供水にもいや勝る 火の洗霊に世人おののかむ

172   Greater indeed
Than the flood of Noah,
Whose story has been handed down,
Is the spiritual cleansing
By fire in the conflicts of the world’s peoples.
#5, S5-472D

如何ならむ 曲人たりとひれ伏して 神に縋らん世の終りの日

173   Regardless the evil person,
All will prostrate
Themselves before and
Follow God on the day
At the end of the world.
#6, S5-472E 
S6-96B 如何ならむ 曲人たりと鰭伏して 神に縋らむ世の終りには In a set of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #268, page 60, May 28, 1951.
    S6-96B translation
Regardless the evil person, / All will prostrate / Themselves before and / Follow God / At the end of the world.