“The Act of Purifying the Earth,” Gosanka Poems

  例 しなき 大き力に依らずして など救わめや此現世を

Without depending on
Great unprecedented
Power, how can
Be saved this
Present world?

#1, S4-397A
S6-38D 例しなき 神の力に依らずして など救はめや此現世を In a set of poems titled “The Heavenly Being Miroku” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 2, #6, May 28, 1951.
S6-38D translation
Without depending on / The unprecedented / Power of God, / How can be saved / This present world?
  千早振る 神の御光射し初めて 塵も芥も消えゆく嬉しさ
296    As God’s light
Begins to shine,
How joyous
That the dust and
Rubbish disappear.
#2, S4-397B
S6-38E 千早振 神の御光射し初めて 塵も芥も消ゆる嬉しさ In a set of poems titled “The Heavenly Being Miroku” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #7, page 2, May 28, 1951; previous translation, Daily Guide, page 27A.
S4-397B translation
As God’s light / Begins to shine, / How joyous / That dust and rubbish / Disappear away.
Daily Guide translation
The radiant Light / Of Almighty God divine / Shineth and cleaneth / Dirt and filth from earth away, / My heart brightens with great joy.

大神の 光遍く輝よいて 蘇るらむももの民草

297   Restored to life
Will be the peoples
Of all nations as the
Light of the Almighty God
Shines throughout the universe.
#3, S4-397C 
S6-75C 大神の 光遍く漂ひて 甦へるなり諸の民草 In a set of poems titled “A Civilized World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #174, page 39, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 26B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 26B; Prayers and Poems, page 26B; Book of Gosanka, #10, page 3.
S6-75C translation
Revived will be the / Peoples of all nations / As the light of the / Almighty God floats / Everywhere in the universe.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
All those who visit our miniature / paradise / Feel new life being given to them, / For it is permeated with the Divine / Light of God.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
All those who visit / Our small, perfect paradise / Are given new life, / For it is permeated / With the Divine Light of God.
Prayers and Poems translation
All those who visit / Our small, perfect paradise / Are given new life, / For it is permeated / With the Divine Light of God.
Book of Gosanka translation
The Light of Great God, / Wafting, pervading widely / The small world of man / Embraces all the people / To enliven and uplift.

幾千歳 積りつもりし塵芥 祓い浄めよ四柱の神

298   Four divine beings of
Purification, please!
Purify and remove the
Dust and rubbish
Of thousands of years.
#4, S4-397D
S6-39A 幾千歳 積りつもりし塵芥 祓い浄めよ四柱の神 In a set of poems titled “The Heavenly Being Miroku” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 3, #8, May 28, 1951; S5-78A 幾千歳 積りつもりし塵芥 浄め給えと祈る吾はも In a set of poems dated November 11, 1947 and titled “Great Tribulation” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 59, #321, November 30, 1949; previous translation of S5-78A, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 22 & 121, #42.
S5-78A translation
It is I who pray to / Purify the dust and / Rubbish that / Has accumulated / For thousands of years.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
I pray, that, O God, / Thou wilt purify the world / Of its many clouds— / Clouds which have taken thousands / Of years to accumulate.

火と水の 大洗霊に打浄め 地上天国樹つる時来ぬ

299   The time has come to
Cleanse the spirit
With fire and water
To construct
Paradise on earth. 
#5, S4-398A
S6-39B 火と水の 大洗霊に打浄め 地上天国樹つる時来ぬ In a set of poems titled “The Heavenly Being Miroku” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 3, #9, May 28, 1951.

地上天国 打樹つるまでのいと深き 仕組にありぬ長き歴史は

300   A profound plan until
The construction of
Paradise on earth has been
The long history
Of humanity.
#6, S4-398B
S6-39C 地上天国 打樹つるまでのいと深き 仕組にありぬ長き歴史は In a set of poems titled “The Heavenly Being Miroku” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #10, page 3, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 101A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 101A; Prayers and Poems, page 101A; Book of Gosanka, #15, page 4; previous translations based on non- Meishu-sama text 地上天国 世に樹つまでのいと深き 仕組にありぬ長き
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I realize now that the long history of / the past / Has been a part of God’s profound Program, / A preparatory stage in the establishment of / paradise on earth.
Prayers and Gosanka & Prayers and Poems translation
I realize now / That the past’s long history / Was part of God’s Plan, / A preparatory stage / In making earth’s paradise.
Book of Gosanka translation
‘Tis a Plan so deep / That long years in time would pass / Into history, / Before paradise for man / Could be built upon this Earth.

地上天国 五六七御代と人称ぶも 理想世界の事にぞありける

301   Paradise on earth, also
Called the world of
Maitreya by others,
Is the very same
As the ideal world.
#7, S4-398C
S6-76A 地上天国 弥勒の御代と人称ぶも 理想世界の事にぞありける In a set of poems titled “The Ideal World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #176, page 40, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 28A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 28A Prayers and Poems, page 28A; Book of Gosanka, #332, page 83.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
That which some have called the / Kingdom of Heaven on earth, / Others the world of Miroku, still / others Utopia and Arcadia, / Is the ideal world, paradise on earth, / to come.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
That which has been called / Kingdom of Heaven on earth, / Or Utopia, / Arcadia, Miroku, / Is the ideal world to come.
Prayers and Poems translation
That which has been called / The Kingdom of Heaven— / Paradise on earth— / The Age of Miroku— / Is the ideal world to come.
Book of Gosanka translation
Paradise on Earth— / The great world of Miroku / That all men so call / Is but in reality / Meant to be the Ideal World.