“Poems of the Path (2),” Gosanka Poems

  凡人の 眼には善とし映る事も 神の御旨に適わぬ事あり

Some things
Which seem good,
Even right to human sight
May not be good or right
In God’s eyes.

#1, S4-346A
S4-197A 凡人の 眼には善とし写る事も 神の御眼には悪き事もあり In a section of poems titled “Poems of the Path (13)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #129, 1936, unpublished; S4-66B 凡人 の眼には善としうつる事も 神の御眼には悪の事もあり In a section of poems titled from “Poems of the Path (1),” from World of Divine Light, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S6-55A 人の眼に 善とし映る事とても 神の御旨に適はぬ事あり In a section of poems titled “God’s Will” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, 1951, #80, page 19, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 68C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 68C; Prayers and Poems, page 68C; Book of Gosanka, #204, page 51; Daily Guide, page 67B.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Some things which seem good to human / sight / May not be right in God’s Eyes. / Let us always use caution in / exercising our judgment.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
Some things which seem good, / Even right, to human sight / May not be good, right / In God’s Eyes. Let’s use caution / Exercising judgment.

Prayers and Poems translation
Some things which seem good, / Even right, to human sight / May not be good or right, / In God’s Eyes. Let us use care / When exercising judgment.

Book of Gosanka translation
In the eyes of man, / A deed may seem to be good / With no trace of wrong; / But God in His Holy Heart / May not sanction it as good.

Daily Guide translation
In the eyes of man, / A deed may seem to be good / With no trace of wrong; / But God in His Holy / May not sanction it as good. 
  小さなる 人の眼に映らめや 大天地を釐す仕組の
70   How can be
Perceived through
The small human eye,
The plan to correct
Boundless heaven and earth?
#2, S4-346B 
小さなる 人の眼に映らめや 大天地を正す仕組の In a set of poems titled “The Great Plan” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #220, page 50, May 28, 1951; S4-66C 小さなる 人の眼にうつらむや 大天地をただす仕組の In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (1)” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, May, 21, 1935; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 18A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 18A; Prayers and Poems, page 18A.
S4-66C translation
How is it to be / Perceived through / The small human eye, / The plan to correct / Boundless heaven and earth?

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
How can God’s great Plan to purify the / universe / And correct the errors man has made / Be perceived by human vision, which is / limited?

Prayers and Gosanka & SDII translation
How can God’s great Plan / To correct all man’s errors / And to purify / The universe be perceived / By limited human sight?

Prayers and Poems translation
How can God’s great Plan / To correct all human’s errors / And to purify he universe / Be perceived / By limited human sight?

堪え難き 怒制ゆる力こそ 観音力の顕れにぞある

71   The very strength
To overcome unbearable
Anger is sign of
The power of the
Regarder of Cries.
#3, S4-346C
S4-197C 堪へ難き 怒制ゆる力こそ 観音行の現れにぞある In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (13),” Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #131, 1936, unpublished; S4-66E 堪へがたき 怒おさゆる力こそ 観音行のあらはれにぞある In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (1)” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, #14, May 21, 1935; previous translation, Meishu and His Teachings, page 79.
S4-66E & S4197C translation
The very power, strength / To overcome unbearable / Anger is sign of / The way of the / Regarder of Cries.

Meishu and His Teachings translation
Power to suppress / The anger hard to suppress / Is that great power— / The power of God, indeed, / That appears in time of need.

小さなる 眼をもてる儚なさは 大いなる道見失うなり

72   The fickleness
Of using small eyes
Is to lose
Sight of the
Great path.
#4, S4-346D
S6-69E 小さなる 眼をもてる儚なさは 大いなる道見失ふなり In a set of poems titled “How to Live in This World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #148, page 34, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity; page 56C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 56C; Prayers and Poems, page 56C; Book of Gosanka, #87, page 22; Daily Guide, page 69B; Meishu and His Teachings, page 22.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Alas, some individuals have eyes / Which see only small, transitory / matters / And cannot perceive the great way / Which leads to eternity.

Prayers and Gosanka  & Prayers and Poems translation
Alas, some people / Have eyes which find only small, / Transitory things. / They cannot perceive the way / Of the great, eternal Truth.

Book of Gosanka translation
The pitiful part / Of having eyes that are small— / Is that such small eyes / Tend to lose sight hopelessly / Of the large important road.

Daily Guide translation
A pity it is / To look hard for little things, / And miss greater things, / The pity of losing sight / Of the bigger things of life.

Meishu and His Teachings translation
To be shortsighted / And travel a narrow road, / Looking for things small / Is hopelessly losing sight / Of the bigger road of life.

右に倚らず 左に偏らず中道を 歩むぞ観音行に適えり

73   Leaning neither to the right
Nor inclining to the left,
In accord with the Way of Kannon,
Those indeed who advance
Along the middle path.
#5, S4-346E
S4-346E is listed in the main texts of Shikashû and Okada Mokichi Zenshû Shikahen as having duplicates or variants but is listed separately in the Shikashû index although in the OMZS index S6-204, S4-146B, and S4-346E are listed together; S4-146B 右によらず 左によらず観音行は 行詰りなき永久の道 MIGI NI YORAZU, HIDARI NI YORAZU KANNON GYÔ WA / YUKIZUMARI NAKI TOKOSHIE NO MICHI. In an unpublished set of poems titled “Way of Kannon” and dated May 1936; S4-146B is not listed in the main texts of Shikashû and Okada Mokichi Zenshû Shikahen as having duplicates or variants and is listed separately in the Shikashû index although in the OMZS index S6-204, S4-146B, and S4-346E are listed together; S6-204B 右に寄らず 左に寄らぬ中道を 進む人こそ伊都能売の魂 MIGI NI YORAZU, HIDARI NI YORANU NAKAMICHI O / SUSUMU HITO KOSO IZUNOME NO TAMA. In a set of poems composed for and used at the 1952 Grand Spring Services, #17, March 23-27, 1952; S6-204B is not listed in the main texts of Shikashû and Okada Mokichi Zenshû Shikahen as having duplicates or variants and is listed separately in the Shikashû index although in the OMZS index S6-204, S4-146B, and S4-346E are listed together.
S4-146B translation
Leaning neither / To the right nor to the left, / The Way of Kannon is / An eternal path, / Without impasse.
S6-204B translation
Leaning neither / To the right nor to the left, / The spirit of Izunome, / The very person who / Advances along the middle path.

惟神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世安く渡る道なり

74   Together with God,
In accord with divine will,
Advancing is the
Path to easily pass
Through the pitiful world.
#6, S4-347A
S6-70A 推神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世易く渡る道なり In a set of poems titled “How to Live in this World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #149, page 34, May 28, 1951; S5-81C 推神 神のまにまに進む身は 憂きの此世も楽しかりけり In a set of poems dated May 16, 1948, and titled “Enjoyable World” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #336, page, 62, November 30, 1949; S6-34B かむながら 神のまにまに進むこそ 人の世安く渡る道なる In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 24, #11, page 3, May 25, 1951; S6-124D 推神 神のまにまに進む身は 諸の悩みもうち消ゆるなり In a set of poems titled “Persecution” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #407, page 91, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 57A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 57A; Prayers and Poems, page 57A; Book of Gosanka, #91, page 23; translations based on text 推神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世易く渡る道なれ
S5-81C translation
Together with God, / In accord with divine will, / Those individuals who / Advance will find pleasing / Even this miserable world.
S6-34B translation
Together with God, / In according with divine will, / Advancing is the / Path to easily cross / The human world.
S6-124D translation
Together with God, / In accord with divine will, / Those individuals who / Advance will find gone / All their afflictions and misery.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
To follow the path God opens for us, / To live in obedience to His guidance, / Is the only way to have peace of mind / in this world.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
To follow the path / God always opens for us, / To obey His Will, / His Guidance, is the one way / To peace of mind in this world.
Prayers and Poems translation
To follow the path / God always opens for us, / To obey the higher Will / And guidance, leads to / Peace of mind in this world.
Book of Gosanka translation
Only when you live / According to Will of God— / Of God Absolute— / This will be life’s road you’d walk / Through this brief world easefully. 

魂機張る 生命は神のものにあり 神に叛きて栄え得べきや

75   Intricate, precious life
Is a matter of God;
How can we flourish
When we turn
Our backs on God?
#7, S4-347B
S4-213B魂機張る 生命給ひし御仏に 酬はでおかん我世のかぎり In a set of poems titled “God’s Great Blessings (19)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #204, 1936, unpublished; S4-165E 魂機張る 生命賜ひし皇神に 酬はでおかん生命のかぎり In a set of poems titled “God’s Great Blessings,” #12, 1936, unpublished; S6-23C 魂機張る 命の主は己にあらで 神の御手にあるを知れかし In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 22, #5, page 2, March 25, 1951; S5-60D 魂機張る 尊き生命賜ひしと 欣ぶ人のいよよ殖えつも In a set of poems dated March 6, 1946, and titled “Myself” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #247, page 46, November 30, 1949; S4-367E 魂機張る 生命賜いし御仏に 酬わでおかむ我世の限り In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, #166, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #132, pages 57 & 189; Book of Gosanka, #78, page 20; S4-165E, S4-213B, S4-367E are listed in the main text of Shikashû as having duplicates or variants and are listed so in its index while S4-347B, S5-60D, S6-23C are not listed in the main text as having duplicates and variants and are listed separately in the index; the main text of Okada Mokichi Zenshû indicates S4-165E, S4-213B, S4-367E as having duplicates or variants while S5-60D, S6-23C do not although its index lumps both groups together; poetry is a combination of form and content; there are 11 poems listed in the indices of both anthologies that begin with the pillow word tamaki haru (“intricate, precious”) and without access to any other hermeneutical considerations, poems (6) that appeared to share the same thrust of topic were chosen as duplicates and variants here.
S5-60D translation
Increasing ever / More the number of / Individuals happy, / Joyous to have received / Intricate, precious life.
S6-23C translation
Know that you / Are not the master of / Intricate, precious / Life; it is in / The hands of God.
S4-213B & S4-367E translation
As long as we exist in / This world, the buddhas / Must be rewarded for / Having bestowed upon us, / Intricate, precious life.
S4-165E translation
As long as we have / Life, August God must / Be recompensed for having / Bestowed upon us, / Intricate, precious life.
S6-23C Sounds of the Dawn translation
The Giver of life, / Of your precious, priceless life, / Is not your own self, / God Alone created you, / So your life is in His Hands.
S6-23C Book of Gosanka translation
We must know as Truth, / That we are not the master / Of the life we have; / It is in the hands of God— / Master of our life fore’er.

如何ならむ 事も耐えてさりげなく 微笑みあしろう人となれかし

76   Try to become the
Kind of person who
Can modestly
Handle any adversity
With a smile.
#8, S4-347C
S4-66D 如何ならむ 事も耐へ平然と ほほゑみ湛ふる人となれかし In a set of poems titled “Collection of Poems of the Path (1),” #13, in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-197B 如何ならむ 事も耐へ平然と 微笑み湛ふる人となれかし In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (13)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #130, 1936, unpublished; S6-52C 如何ならむ 事も堪へてさりげなく 微笑みあしらふ人となれかし IKA NARAN, KOTO MO KORAETE SARIGE NAKU / HOHOEMI ASHIRAU HITO TO NAREKASHI. In a set of poems titled “The Way We Should Live” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, May 28, 1951, #69, page 16; previous translations in Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 54C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 54C; Prayers and Poems, page 54C; Book of Gosanka, page 71, #282; Daily Guide, page 53A.
S4-66D & S4-197B translation
Try to become the / Kind of person who / Can calmly / Wear a smile in the / Face of any adversity.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
May God give us the strength / To bear any hardship, any / mistreatment, / Accepting it with a smile, / As though it were nothing.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Let us have the strength / To bear with any hardship, / Any mistreatment, / Accepting it with a smile, / Just as though it were nothing.
Prayers and Poems translation
Become one / Who can bear / Any hardship / With a smile, / As though it were nothing.
Book of Gosanka translation
Strive to be a man, / Who handles with forbearance / Whate’er it might be, / With an air of unconcern, / And a smile upon the lips.
Daily Guide translation
Whate’er it may be, / A man who has forbearance, / Held fast in his heart, / And on his lips e’er a smile— / Is the man a man should be.