Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Praising God”

113   世の人の 幾歳憧れ待ちしらむ 救ひの神は現れましにけり

There has appeared
The divine being of salvation, 
Long adored
Long awaited by
The peoples of the world. 

#1, page 26, S6-62B
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 21C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 21C; Prayers and Poems, page 21C; Book of Gosanka, page 5, #20.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
God’s great Divine Light has now appeared. / This is the Light for which humanity has been waiting, / The Power which will save the world.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
God’s great Divine Light / Has appeared, intensified. / The light is the one / Humanity’s awaited, / The Power to save the world.
Prayers and Poems translation
That which humanity / Has long awaited, / Has now appeared— / The Power / To save the world.
Book of Gosanka translation
To the world of man, / After many, many years / At last the time’s come, / For Great God to act upon / His Plan for the world of man.
114   現世の 生きとし生けるもの悉は 神の恵みに漏るるはあらじな
    All sentient
Beings of this
Physical world
Receive fully  
The blessings of God.
#2, page 26, S6-62C
S4-220C 現世に 生きとし生ける物みなは 神の恵みに外るるはあらじ In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935 and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression (23)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #237, 1936, unpublished; S4-372C 現世の 生きとし生けるものみなは 神の恵みに漏るるはあらじ In a set of poems titled “God’s Great Blessings” in Gosanka Poems, #186, July 1, 1948.
S4-220C translation
All sentient / Beings of this / Physical world / Thoroughly receive / The blessings of God.


世の人を 救ふ力は理にあらず 見えざる神の恵にぞあらむ

    The power that will save
The people of the world is
Not human reasoning but
The blessings of God
Invisible to the eye.
#3, page 26, S6-62D
The energy to
Heal people in this world
Will manifest itself
Not as a theory but as a
Gift from invisible God.
February 28.2009 by taki
S4-225B 世の人を 救ふ力は理にあらず 真の愛と智慧にぞあらむ. In a set of poems titled “True Salvation (24)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #259, 1936, unpublished; S4-376D 世の人を 救う力は理にあらず 見えざる神の力にぞあらむ In a set of poems titled “The Last Salvation” in Gosanka Poems, #205, July 1, 1948; previous translations in Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 17 & 99, #27 and Book of Gosanka, page 39, #156; Sounds of the Dawn and Book of Gosanka translation based on text 世の人を 救ふ力は理にあらず 見えざる神の恵みにぞある
S4-225B translation
The power that save / The people of the world / Is not human / Reasoning but / True love and wisdom.
S4-376D translation
The power that will save / The people of the world / Is not human / Reasoning but / God’s invisible power.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
It’s not man’s reason / But God’s Love that generates / The Force, the Power / That will save humanity, / All the people on this earth.
Book of Gosanka translation
The power to save / All peoples of this brief world / Is not in logic; / It appears in God’s blessings, / That are visible to all.

神を力に 誠の杖もて進む身は 世に怖るものなきを知りけり

    Learned have I that
Those who depend on God
Using the cane of
Love and sincerity have
Nothing to fear in the world.
#4, page 27, S6-63A 
S4-386B神の力に 誠の杖もて進む身は 世に怖るものなきを知りけり In a set of poems titled “Repentance” in Gosanka Poems, #248, May 1, 1948; (?) S5-111B 神の力に 誠を杖につく人の などか怖れん赤き嵐もIn a set of poems dated June 17, 1949 and titled “The Last Day” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #470, page 84, November 30, 1949; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 88A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 88A; Prayers and Poems, page 88A; Book of Gosanka, #137, page 35.
S5-111B translation
Individuals who depend / On the strength of God and / Use the cane of love and sincerity / Fear nothing that may come along, / Not even the crimson storm.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I have learned that those who rely on God completely / And live with an attitude of love / Having nothing to fear in the entire world.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
I have learned that those / Who trust in God completely / And live every day / With an attitude of love / Have naught to fear on this earth.
Prayers and Poems translation
I have learned that those / Who trust in God completely / And live every day / With an attitude of love / Have nothing to fear on this earth.
Book of Gosanka translation
With God as my strength / With sincerity my cane, / Onward do I walk, / For I know there’s not a thing / In this world for me to fear.

世の穢れ 浄めて諸の狂ひ矯め 正しき御代を樹つる神業

    God’s work will
Purify the impurities of
The world and straighten out
The madness of all to build
An upright, just age.
#5, page 27, S6-63B
It is indeed the work of God
That purges the world
Of contamination,
Sets all kinds of insanity right,
And establishes an age of justice.
April 19.2010 by taki
S4-248D 世の穢 浄めて諸の狂ひ矯め かくして水晶世界は来ぬらむ In a set of poems titled “Crystal World (38)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #358, March 23, 1936; S4-389B 世の穢 浄めて諸の狂い矯め 正しき御代を建つる大神 In a set of poems titled “The Crystal World” in Gosanka Poems, #261, July 1, 1948.
S4-248D translation
To purify the / Impurities of the age, / To straighten out the madness, / Confusion of all, / Is coming the crystal world.
S4-389C translation
The great God of light / Will purify the impurities of / The world and straighten out / The madness of all to build / An upright, just age.

人の世は 早すみにけり待ち詫びし 神の大御代弥よ来にけむ

    Is coming, God’s
Great divine age,
Long awaited,
Longed for by the
Peoples of the world.
#6, page 27, S6-63C

仏力は 限りあるなり神力は 限りとてなく絶対力なる

    The power of the buddhas
Is limited, the power of
God is without limit
At all; God’s
Power is absolute power.
#7, page 27, S6-63D

観世音の 御名の救ひは仏の世を 限りに神の御名と変りぬ

In the name of
Regarder of the Cries of the World,
Limited to the age of the Buddha,
Has changed to that in God’s name.
#8, page 27, S6-63E

神仏は 同根なりとの理を 知りてゆ心の空は霽れける

    The skies of the heart
Clear in knowing the
Principle that the
Gods and the buddhas
Have the same root.
#9, page 28, S6-64A