Gosanka Poems, Revised, “The Messiah”

122   大 救世主の 御名は最後の世を救ふ 尊き御名なり心せよかし

Keep in mind,
The name of the
Great Messiah that
Saves the last world
Is a precious name.

#1, page 28, S6-64B
123   万 民の 悩み苦しみ涯もなき 世ぞ救はむと救主天降りぬ
    The Messiah
Descends from heaven
To save this world of which
No limit of afflictions and
Sufferings is there for all.
#2, page 28, S6-64C

万民の 生命を 救ふ神業こそ 此上なき尊きものにぞありける

    The divine task
Of saving the lives
Of all of the peoples
Is the precious one,
Most dear of all.
#3, page 28, S6-64D

ハレルヤハレル ヤ 救世主の神の現世に 降らせ給はむ時ぞ楽しき

    Joyous will be time
When descends down
To this world
The Messiah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
#4, page 29, S6-65A
S5-151B ハレルヤハレルヤ メシヤの救主は現世に 降らせ給ふ時ぞたのしも In a set of untitled poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 14, page 1, March 20, 1950.

観音の 衣をか なぐり捨て給ひ メシヤと生るる大いなる時

    Great is the time
When, discarding
The robes of Regarder of
Cries, there
Emerges the Messiah.
#5, page 29, S6-65B
S5-130E 観音の 衣をかなぐり捨て給ひ メシヤと現るる大いなる時 In a set of poems composed for and used at the Beginning of Spring Service, February 4, 1950, #13; S5-461B 観音の 衣をかなぐり捨て給ひ メシヤと現るる大いなる時 In a set of untitled poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 15, #6, page 1, April 20, 1950.
S5-461B & S5-130E translation
Great is the time / When, discarding / The robes of Regarder of / Cries, there / Appears the Messiah.

数多ある 教を 救ふ教こそ メシヤの宣らす教なりけり

    Only the teaching
Proclaimed by the Messiah
Is the teaching that
Can save all the other
Teachings of the world.
#6, page 29, S6-65C
S5-481A 数多ある 教を救ふ教こそ メシヤの揮ふ力なりけり In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 17, #3, page 1, May 15, 1950; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 24B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 24B; Prayers and Poems, page 24B; Book of Gosanka, #105, page 27; previous translations based on non-Meishu-sama text数多ある 教を生かす教こそ 救世神の宣らす教なりけれ
S5-481A translation
Only the power / Wielded by the Messiah / Is the teaching that / Can save all the other / Teachings of the world.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
A religion which gives life to / the many other religions / Is a true teaching which contains / The Power of the Supreme God.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Religion that gives / Life to other religions / Is a true teaching / Which contains the great Power / Of our Creator, of God.
Prayers and Poems translation
A teaching that gives / Life to other teachings / Is a true teaching / Which contains / The power of God.
Book of Gosanka translation
Among the teachings, / There are many in this world, / Only the teachings / That can sustain all teachings / Are teachings of Miroku.

栄光の 雲より 降る大救世主を 歓呼の声に迎ふ嬉しさ

    Happy we are to greet
With shouts of joy
Alighting from
The cloud of glory,
The Great Messiah.
#7, page 29, S6-65D

憂きの世を 切 り替へまさむ力こそ メシヤの揮ふ力にぞある

    The very power it is
To transform the
Pitiful world
Is the very power
That the Messiah wields.
#8, page 30, S6-65E

キリストや 釈 迦マホメットの待ち侘びし メシヤの神は天降りましける

    Long have waited
Christ, Shakyamuni,
Mohammed for the
Descent from heaven
Of the Messiah.
#9, page 30, S6-66A 

待望の メシヤ 生まれぬ警鐘を ひた打鳴らし世人醒まさむ

    The alarm bells
Sound for the birth of
The long-awaited Messiah,
People of the world
Must awake.
#10, page 30, S6-66B 
S4-13C 待望の 救主は現れぬ警鐘を ひた打鳴らし世人醒さん In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation” in Crystal World, Issue 1, February 4, 1935; S4-170B 待望の 救は現れぬ警鐘を ひた打鳴らし世人醒さん In a set of poems titled “The Power of Salvation (1)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, 1936, unpublished, #7; S4-337C 待望の 救主現れなむ警鐘を ひた打鳴らし世人醒さむ In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation” in Gosanka Poems, #30, July 1, 1948.
S4-170B translation
The alarm bells sound / For the appearance of / Long-awaited salvation. / People of the world / Must awake.