Gosanka Poems, Revised, "Divine Blessings"

132   其頃を 顧みすれば恐ろしも 暗路杖なく彷ひし吾

When I look back
At those times,
So frightening,
Lost was I, without
Support on a dark road.

#1, page 30, S6-66C
S4-61B そのころを 顧みすれば恐ろしも 闇路杖なく彷よへるなり In a set of poems titled “Lord of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, #2, May 21, 1935; S4-183C そのころを 顧みすれば恐ろしも 闇路杖なく彷よへるなり In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #67, 1936, unpublished; S4-341A 其頃を 顧みすれば恐ろしも 闇路杖なく彷ひし吾 . In a set of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #46, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 78A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 78A; Prayers and Poems, page 78A; Book of Gosanka, #21, page 6.
S4-61B & S4-183C translation
Looking back / At those times, / So frightening, / Lost, without support, / On a dark road.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I look back into my past / And my memories are filled with fear / As I realize what frightful days / mine were. / I was wandering in the darkness, / without a light.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
I look at my past / And my mem’ries are fear-filled / As I recall mine / Were frightful times, I was / In darkness, without a light.
Prayers and Poems translation
I look at my past / And my memories are fear-filled. / As I recall mine were frightful times. / I wandered in darkness, / Without support.
Book of Gosanka translation
I shudder with fright, / When I recall my past life— / How my life has been— / On the ark road I was lost / With no cane t guide me then.
133   断崖の 行手にあるが知られけり 神の光に照らされてより
    On the edge
Of a cliff I found
Myself standing after
Being illuminated
In the light of God.
#2, page 30, S6-66D
S4-61C 断崖の 行手にあるが知られけり 光の主を拝みてより In a set of poems titled “Lord of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-183D 断崖の 行手にあるが知られけり 救の光を吾浴みてより In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #68, 1936, unpublished; S4-341B 断崖の 行手にあるが知られけり 神の光に恵まれてより In a set of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #47, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 78B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 78B; Prayers and Poems, page 78B; Book of Gosanka, #27, page 7.
The precipice
Has come into view
Up ahead since
I was illuminated
By God’s light.
May 23.2009 by taki
S4-61C translation
On the edge / Of a cliff I found / Myself standing after / Kneeling before / The Lord of Light.

S4-183D translation
On the edge / Of a cliff I found / Myself standing after / Immersing myself / In the light of salvation.

S4-341B translation
On the edge / Of a cliff I found / Myself standing after / Being blessed / By the light of God.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
When I began seeing everything / In the bright Light of God, / I discovered there was a precipice / before me.
Prayers and Gosanka & Prayers and Poems translation
Once I had begun / Seeing everything clearly / In the Light of God, / I discovered I had been / Approaching a precipice.
Book of Gosanka translation
Since God has bathed me / With rays of His Light divine, / As I walk life’s road, / I know of the precipice, / That I might face on the way.

今更に 過ぎにし事を忘れなむ 我愚さの尤にありせば

    Starting now,
I will forget what
Has happened in the past,
That which was caused
By my own thoughtlessness.
#3, page 31, S6-67A  
S4-63B 今更に 過ぎにし事も言はざらむ 我愚さの尤とがにありせば In a section of poems titled “Ruler of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-185C 今更に 過ぎにし事は言はざらめ 我愚さの尤とがにありせば In a section of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” from Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #76, unpublished manuscript, 1936; S4-343A 今更に 過ぎにし事ども言はざらむ 我愚さの尤にありせば In a section of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #56, July 1, 1948; previous translation in Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 78C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 78C; Prayers and Poems, page 78C; Book of Gosanka, #23, page 6; translations based on text 今更に 過ぎにしことは忘れなむ わが愚さの咎にしあれば 
Let me forget afresh
Things which have now passed.
What was to blame is
Once foolishness of mine.
July.1.2007 by taki
S4-63B translation
Starting now, / I will not speak even of what / Has happened in the past, / That which was caused / By my own thoughtlessness.

S4-185C translation
Starting now, / I will not speak of what / Has happened in the past, / That which was caused / By my own thoughtlessness.

S4-343B translation
Starting now, / I will not speak of all that / Has happened in the past, / Things that were caused / By my own thoughtlessness.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Now that I am fully awakened / To the great Light of God, / I will try to forget the unhappiness / of the past, / For I realize now it was all due / to my own foolishness.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Now the Light of God / Has awakened me fully, / I’ll try to forget / All my past unhappiness, / Caused by my own foolishness.
Prayers and Poems translation
From now on / I shall forget / All my past unhappiness / For it came / From my own folly.
Book of Gosanka translation
After a long time— / What has happened in the past / Is now forgotten; / For the fault was on myself— / Upon my own foolishness.

吹き荒ぶ 世嵐とても忘れける 神の光に包まれてより

    The raging storms and
Gales of the world
All are forgotten
Since being enveloped
In the light of God.
#4, page 31, S6-67B 
S4-61D ふきすさぶ 世嵐とても忘れけり 貴美が霊衣の御袖に抱かれ In a set of poems titled “Lord of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-184A吹き荒ぶ 世嵐とても忘れける 大悲の光に吾包まれてより In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #69, 1936, unpublished; S4-341C吹き荒ぶ 世嵐とても忘れけり 神の御光に包まれてより In a set of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #48, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 79A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 79A; Prayers and Poems, page 79A; Prayers and Poems, page 79A.
S4-61D translation
The raging storms and / Gales of the world / All are forgotten. I am / Embraced in the sleeves of the / Divine beautiful robe.
S4-184A translation
The raging storms and / Gales of the world / All are forgotten since / Being enveloped in the / Light of great compassion.
S4-341C translation
The raging storms and / Gales of the world / All are forgotten / Since being enveloped / In God’s divine light.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Now that I am enveloped in the / Light of God, / I am not disturbed by the raging / storms / In the outside world.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Now that I am bathed, / Enveloped in God’s great Light, / I am not disturbed / By all of the mighty storms / That rage in the outside world.
Prayers and Poems translation
Now that I am bathed and enveloped / In God’s great Light, / I am not disturbed / By all of the violent storms / That rage in the outside world.

盲ほど 儚きものは世にあらじ 近処の宝知る由もなく

    Nothing is as fleeting
As the blind who
Do not understand the
Treasure they have
So close at hand.
#5, page 31, S67B-C [584E] 
S4-61E- [273M] 盲ほど はかなきものは世にあらじ 近処の宝知らでありけり In a set of poems titled “Lord of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, #6, May 21, 1935; S4-184A-B [308L] 盲ほど 儚きものは世にあらじ 近処の宝知らでありけり In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #70, 1936, unpublished; S4-341D- [352E] 盲ほど 儚きものは世にあらじ 近処の宝知る由よしもなく In a set of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #50, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #62, pages 30 & 149; Book of Gosanka, #64, page 16.
S4-61E- & S4-184A-B translation
Nothing is as fleeting / As the blind, not / Understanding the / Treasure they have / So close at hand.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
How pitiable / The spiritually blind! / They cannot locate, / They have no way of finding, / The treasures so close to them.
Book of Gosanka translation
There’s not a being / More hopeless and pitiful / In this world of man / Than the blind who e’en knows not / Of the treasure near in place.

人事と 思ひし事もいつしかに 我身の上にふりかかる世や

    This is a world
What we think
Are others problems will
Befall us one day. 
#6, page 31, S6-67C
S4-62B 人事と思ひしこともいつしから 我身の上にふりかかる世なり In a set of poems titled “Ruler of Light” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, #7, May 21, 1935; S4-184C 人事と思ひし事も何時かしら 我身の上にふりかかる世なり In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #71, 1936, unpublished; S4-342B 人事と 思ひし事も何時しかに 我身の上にふりかかる世や In a set of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #52, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 79B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 79B; Prayers and Poems, page 79B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #57, pages 27 & 145; Book of Gosanka, #89, page 23.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
We may be surprised to find the / fate / That others experienced yesterday / Becoming our own fate today. This / is the way of life.
Prayers and Gosanka, Prayers and Poems, Sounds of the Dawn translation
We may be surprised / To find the fate that others / Met with yesterday / Becoming our fate today, / For this is the way of life.
Book of Gosanka translation
This trouble’s not mine, / It’s another’s misfortune / Often we do think; / Howe’er, unbeknownst to us / Upon us misfortune rains.

正神の 鏡によらで如何にして 万の逆事映らざらめや

    Without the mirror
Of the true divine beings,
How topsy-turvey
Does appear everything
In this world!
#7, page 31, S6-67D
S4-62E 観音の 妙智に依らで如何にして 百の逆事解らざらめや In set of poems titled “Ruler of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, #10, May 21, 1935; S4-68C 観音の 妙智に依らで如何にして 百の逆事解らざらめや In a set of poems titled “The Light from the East” in The Light from the East, Issue 6, #5, June 1935; S4-185A 観音の 妙智に依らで如何にして 百の逆事解らざらめや In section titled “Light of Salvation (8)” from Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #74, 1936, unpublished manuscript; S4-342D 正神の 鏡によらで如何にして 万の逆事映らざらめや In section titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #54, July 1, 1948; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #136, page 34.
S4-62E, S4-68C, S4-185A translation
Without the mystic / Wisdom of Kannon, / How can the topsy-turvey / Nature of this / World be understood?

Book of Gosanka translation
Without reliance / Upon the divine mirror / Of all-righteous God, / How can one see reflection / Of any wrong of Evil?

力なく 杖なく灯火有たぬ身の 神に縋らで歩み得べしや

    How can proceed
Along the path, the individual
Without strength, support,
A lamp to light the way,
Without depending on God?
#8, page 32, S6-67E 
S4-63C 力なく 杖なく灯火有たぬ身の 黒白もわかぬ暗路ゆかめや In set of poems titled “Ruler of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, #14, May 21, 1935; S4-185D 力なく 杖なく灯火有たぬ身の 黒白もわかぬ闇路に救はる In section titled “Light of Salvation (8)” from Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #77, 1936, unpublished manuscript; S4-343B力なく 杖なく灯火有たぬ身の 神の御幸に救はれし今 In section titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #57, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 80A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 80A; Prayers and Poems, page 80A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #187, pages 77 & 233; Book of Gosanka, #83, page 21.
S4-63C translation
How can proceed / Along the dark path / Not marked by light or dark, / The individual with no support, / Without a lamp to light the way?

S4-185D translation
How can be saved the / Individual from the / Dark path not marked by light / Or dark, with no support, without / A lamp to light the way?

S4-343B translation
Now are saved with / The good fortune of / God, those individuals / Without lamps to light the way, / Or support, or strength.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I have no light, no power, no cane / To lean upon. How can I walk alone, / Unless I rely on God?

Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
I don’t have a torch, / I have no power, no staff / I can lean upon. / How can I walk the pathway, / Unless I rely on God?
Prayers and Poems translation
I do not have a torch, / I have no strength, / No staff I can lean upon. / How can I walk the pathway, / Unless I rely on God?
Book of Gosanka translation
Without any strength, / Nor a cane to guide one on, / With no light in hand, / How can one walk through one’s life, / Without leaning on Great God?

御光を 浴びてゆ懐疑の邪道に 外れし吾はも救はれにける

    Saved have I been
From going down
The wrong path of doubt,
Bathed am I in
Divine light.
#9, page 32, S6-68A 
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 80B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 80B; Prayers and Poems, page 80B; Book of Gosanka, #153, page 39.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Since I was led to the Divine Light / of God, / I, who was wandering the many paths / of doubt, / Have been awakened and led to the / right path of understanding.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
Since I have been led / To the Divine Light of God, / I, who wandered roads / Of doubt, have been awakened, / Led to understanding’s path.
Prayers and Poems translation
Since I have been led / To the Divine Light of God, / I, who wandered roads of doubt, / Have been awakened and led / To understanding’s path.
Book of Gosanka translation
After being cleansed / By bathing in Light of God, / Even I was saved— / I, who strayed from God with doubt, / And walked the path of Evil.

我享けし 幸の余りに大きければ 讃へる術のなきぞうたてき

    So great is the
Good fortune I
Have received, no
Way is there to praise,
So happy am I.
#10, page 32, S6-68B
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 80C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 80C; Prayers and Poems, page 80C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #118, pages 52 & 196; Book of Gosanka, #168, page 42.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
The blessings I have experienced are / so great / There are no words with which to / express / My gratitude to God.

Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
All of the blessings / I’ve received, experienced, / Are so very great / There are no words to express / My deep gratitude to God.
Prayers and Poems translation
All of the happiness / I have received and experienced / Is so very great, / There are no words to express / My deep gratitude to God.
Book of Gosanka translation
Blessings I receive / From Great God are bountiful— / Much too much are they, / That I find no way or means / To express my gratitude.