Gosanka Poems, Revised, “The Great Plan”

  小さなる 人の眼に映らめや 大天地を正す仕組の

How can be
Perceived through
The small human eye,
The plan to correct
Boundless heaven and earth? 

#1, page 50, S6-85D
S4-66C 小さなる 人の眼にうつらむや 大天地をただす仕組の In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (1)” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, May, 21, 1935; S4-346B 小さなる 人の眼に映らめや 大天地を釐す仕組の In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (2)” in Gosanka Poems, #70, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 18A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 18A; Prayers and Poems, page 18A.
S4-66C translation
How is it to be / Perceived through / The small human eye, / The plan to correct / Boundless heaven and earth?

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, translation
How can God’s great Plan to purify the / universe / And correct the errors man has made / Be perceived by human vision, which is / limited?

Prayers and Gosanka translation
How can God’s great Plan / To correct all man’s errors / And to purify / The universe be perceived / By limited human sight?

Prayers and Poems translation
How can God’s great Plan / To correct all human’s errors / And to purify he universe / Be perceived / By limited human sight?
  永久に 此土の上に打樹てむ 実となりし夢の天国
221   The dream of heaven
Will become a reality,
Constructed for
All eternity
Upon this earth.
#2, page 50, S6-86A
S4-353C 永久に 此土の上に打樹たむ あくがれ待ちし夢の天国 In a set of poems titled “Paradise on Earth” in Gosanka Poems, #102, July 1, 1948.
S4-353C translation
Long yearned for, / Awaited, the dream of / Heaven will become a reality, / Constructed for all eternity / Upon this earth.

文明と 口にはいへど真なる 文明世界はこれよりぞなり

222   Although the world is
Spoken of as
Being civilized,
The true, civilized world
Will be from now on.
#3, page 50, S6-86B  
Previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #321, page 81; Meishu and His Teachings, page 13; BG translation based on non-Meishu-sama text 文明と 口にはいへど真なる 文明世界はこれよりぞなる BUNMEI TO, KUHI NI WA IEDO MAKOTO NARU / BUNMEI SEKAI WA KORE YORI ZO NARU.
Book of Gosanka translation
All the world do say, / That the present world we live / Is well-civilized; / But civilization true / Will come from now to this world.

Meishu and His Teachings translation
All the world do say, / That the present world we live / Is well civilized; / But civilization true / From now will come to this world.


眼ひらき 我業を見よ世の誰も 知らぬ事どもばかりなりける

223   Open your eyes and
See my work!
Composed it is of matters
That no one in the world
Knows or understands. 
#4, page 50, S6-86C
S6-13A 眼開き 我業を見よ世の誰も 知らぬ事どもばかりなるらん In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the Beginning of Spring, #8, February 5, 1951.
S6-13A translation
Open your eyes and / See my work! / Composed it is of matters that / Probably no one in the world / Knows or understands. 

大神の 深き仕組みは如何ならむ 聖といえど知る由もなき

224   No way is there, even for
Those held in high
Religious esteem, to
Understand how profound
The plan of God is.
#5, page 51, S6-86D 
S5-102C 大神の 深き仕組みは如何ならむ 聖といえど知る由もなき In a set of poems dated May 18, 1949 and titled “God’s Program” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #430, page 77, November 30, 1949; S4-427C 大神の 深き仕組みは如何ならむ 聖といえど知る由もなき In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 8, #2, page 1, September 25, 1949; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #9, pages 8 & 92; Book of Gosanka, #17, page 5.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
The great Plan of God / Is so far beyond man’s ken, / So very profound, / Even the wisest of men / Cannot perceive any part.
Book of Gosanka translation
Great God’s profound Plan / Is much too deep to fathom; / Even old masters / Or sages of great knowledge / Can in no way know God’s Plan.

人の眼に など映らめや大神の 仕組の深き量り知らねば

225   How can we know
The depths of God’s
Plan by what appears
In the eyes of
Human beings?
#6, page 50, S6-86E
S5-102D 人の眼に なぞ映らむや大神の 仕組の深さはかりしらねば In a set of poems dated May 18, 1949 and titled “God’s Plan” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #431, page 78, November 30, 1949; S4-428A 人の眼に なぞ映らめや大神の 仕組の深さはかりしらねば In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 8, #3, page 1, September 25, 1949; previous translation in Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 8 & 92, #10. 
Sounds of the Dawn translation
How can God’s great Plan / Be discerned by human mind, / When it is so deep, / So boundless, it reaches far / Beyond man’s understanding?

此仕組 待兼山の時鳥 啼いて待たれし諸の聖者等 

226   This plan
Is the cuckoo
Whose singing has
Been long-awaited
By all the holy ones.
#7, page 51, S6-87A
S4-431A この教 待兼山の時鳥 啼いて待たれし諸の聖者よ In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 10, #3, page 1, November 20, 1949.
S4-431A translation
All the holy ones! / This teaching / Is the cuckoo / Whose singing has / Been long-awaited.

大神の 深き仕組は智慧や学 などもて判るものにあらなき

227 The profound plan of
The Almighty God is
Not something that can
Be understood through that
Such as knowledge and theories.
#8, page 51, S6-87C
S6-16B 大神の 深き仕組は智慧 などもて探るすべさへもなき In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #4, page 2, February 25, 1951.
S6-16B translation
The profound plan of / The Almighty God is / Something that can not even / Be unturned through that / Such as knowledge and theories.

大神の 仕組の奥のその奥の 又その奥の奥ぞ尊き

228 The depth of the depth
Of the further depth
Of the depths of
Almighty God’s plan,
Precious it is indeed.
#9, page 51, S6-87C
S6-17A 大神の 仕組の奥のその奥の 又その奥の奥ぞ尊き In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #8, page 3, February 25, 1951; S5-11C 厘の 仕組は裏の又うらの 其又裏の裏のうらなり In a set of poems dated May 15, 1936, and titled “Truth” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #20, page 11, November 30, 1949; S3-185A 一厘の 仕組は裏の又うらの その又裏の裏のうらなり Unpublished but titled “Opening Poem,” composed for and recited at the Sixty-seventh Meeting of the Meikô Tokyo Branch, April 26, 1933; S6-261C 大神の 仕組は奥に奥のあり 其又奥に奥ぞあるなり In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 184, #3, November 26, 1952.
In traditional studies of Meishu-sama’s waka poetry, poems S5-11C and S3-185A are considered duplicates of each other, and poems S6-71A and S6-87C are considered duplicates of each other with S6-261C being considered a variant. There are probably very good hermeneutical reasons to make this determination, some apparent and probably others not so obvious, but these two sets are put together here for non hermeneutical reasons, that is, although using different vocabulary, the grammatical structures in Japanese are parallel, which any translator would have to consider. The arrangement of both these sets here is for studies of faith as well as for philological reasons.
S5-11C & S5-185A translation
To the inside of the / Plan of one percent is an / Inside, to which there is / Further an the inside / To an inside.
S6-261C translation
Almighty God’s / Plan has a depth / Within the depths; / And, within that depth / Is its very depth.