Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Way of Light”

  奴羽玉の 闇の夜路にゆきまどふ世人誘はむ光の道へ

The path of light
Invites the people of
The world lost on the
Night road of pitch
Black darkness.

#1, page 58, S6-94A
S5-101D 奴羽玉の 闇の色濃き世なりとも 晴さでおかむ神の光に In a set of poems dated May 1949 and titled “Light of Salvation” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #426, page 77, November 30, 1949; S4-420A 奴羽玉の 闇の色濃き世なりとも 晴らさでおかむ神の光に In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, #1, page 1, Issue 4, May 25, 1949.
S4-420A & S5-101D translation
Through God’s light / Certainly will be cleared / Even the most / Thickly colored / Darkness of the world. 
  光明の いと美はしく輝ける 陰に蠢めく哀れ世の人
258   Beautifully and brilliantly
Shines the divine light,
Pitiful people of the world
Struggling and squirming
In the shadows.
#2, page 58, S6-94B
S4-420B 光明の いと美はしく輝やけど 暗にうごめくあはれ世の人 In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, #2, page 1, Issue 4, May 25, 1949; S5-102A 光明の いと美はしく輝やけど 暗にうごめく人には見えまじ In a set of poems dated May 1949 and titled “Light of Salvation” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #427, page 77, November 30, 1949.
S4-420B translation
Beautifully and brilliantly / Shines the divine light, / Pitiful people of the world / Struggling and squirming / In the darkness.
S5-102A translation
Beautifully and brilliantly / Shines the divine light that / Cannot be seen by the pitiful / People of the world struggling and / Squirming in the darkness.

目に見えぬ 神の光のまざまざと 眼に映るなり魂磨きなば

259   Invisible, the light of
God vividly
Becomes visible
When the soul has
Become polished.
#3, page 58, S6-94C

大いなる 救ひの御手をのばせとも 見へぬ盲ぞ哀れなりけり

260   Even though God’s
Great hand of salvation
Is offered, pitiful
Indeed are the blind
Who will not see.
#4, page 59, S6-94C-D [SS593L] 
S4-420C-D [SS379M] 大いなる 救の御手をのばすとも 見えぬ盲ぞ哀れなりけり In an untitled section of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, May 25, 1949, page 1; S5-102C-D [SS419C] 大いなる 救の御手を伸すとも すがるよしなき盲の多き In a section of poems titled “Light of Salvation” and dated May 1949 in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #429, page 77, November 30, 1949.
S5-102C- translation
Even though God’s / Great hand of salvation / Is offered, the many / Blind still make no / Effort to seek divine help.

汝が耳は 木耳なるや光明の 道を説けども聞かむとはせず

261   Ears of wood have
The person that will
Not hear explanations
About the path of
Divine light.
#5, page 59, S6-94D 
S4-421A 汝が耳は 木耳なりや大いなる 道を説けどもふさがんとする In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, #7, page 1, Issue 4, May 25, 1949.
S4-421A translation
Ears of wood have / The person that are closed / To explanations / About the great / Path to paradise.

光なり 嗚呼光なり鳥羽玉の 闇うち晴らすものにありせば

262   When the pitch-black
Darkness is decidedly
Cleared away,
The light!
Ah, the light!
#6, page 59, S6-94E
S4-420D 光なり 嗚呼光なり奴羽玉の 暗うち晴らすものにありせば In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, #5, page 1, Issue 4, May 25, 1949.

醜人の 滅ぶる時とはなりにける 神の御光弥よ輝き

263   God’s light grows
Gradually and thus
The time is here
For sanctimonious
Souls to perish.
#7, page 59, S6-95A
S5-114C 醜人の 滅ぶる時とはなりにける 神の光のいよよ輝きIn a set of poems dated September 20, 1949 and titled “Good and Evil” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 86, #486; S4-430A 醜人の 滅ぶる時とはなりにける 神の光のいよよ輝き In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 9, page 1, October 25, 1949.
Alternate translation
God’s light / Increases gradually / And thus the time / Is here for the / Sanctimonious to perish.
Alternate translation
Gradually and / Thus the time is / Here for the / Sanctimonious to perish.

滅びゆく 偽り人の儚さよ 光の道に背けばなりける

264   How ephemeral and momentary
The individual who tell falsehoods and
Dissemble; to perish is their fate
When they turn their backs
On the path of light.
#8, page 59, S6-95B