Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Persecution”

400   力弱き 我魂を鍛面と 神は法難を与え給ひぬ

To condition and train
My soul of weak
Strength, God has
Bestowed upon me
Legal difficulties.

#1, page 90, S6-123A 
Previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #28, page 7; The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 50.
Book of Gosanka translation
In order to train / And improve and forge my soul, / That’s weak of power, / Great God has given to me / Suffering from harassment.
The Light from the East translation
To strengthen / My weak soul / God has brought upon me / Various / Legal difficulties.
401   大神は 珍の神業ひそやかに成さしめんとて牢獄選らみぬ
    To accomplish
A high and noble
Divine task God
Chose a jail. 
#2, page 90, S6-123B
Previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 45; S5-464C 大神は 珍の神業ひそやかに 成さしめんとして牢獄えらみぬ In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 16, #1, page 1, August 15, 1950.
The Light from the East translation
Almighty God / For the most unusual works of all / Looks for secret places, / And for one of them / Decided on a prison.

いと深き 神の仕組は人の眼の 届かなぬ牢獄を選み給ひぬ

    God’s profound plan
Chose for me
A jail where
Eyes of people
Could not see.
#3, page 90, S6-123C
S5-465A 例しなき 深き仕組は人の眼の なき牢獄ぞ此上なくよきも In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 16, #2, page 1, August 15, 1950.
S5-465A translation
The profound, / Unparalleled plan, / Unfolds in a jail, / Unseen by others, the / Best possible situation.

救世の 深き神秘を明さんと 神は牢獄に誘ひにけり

    To reveal a
Profound mystery of
Salvation, God
Invited me
To a jail.
#4, page 90, S6-123D 
S5-465B 救世の 深き神秘を証さんと 神は牢獄に吾誘ひぬ In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 16, #3, page 1, August 15, 1950.
S5-465B translation
To show me a / Profound mystery of / Salvation, I / Was invited by / God to a jail.

我運命 奇しと思ひぬふり見れば 茨の道を幾度越え来し

    When I look back,
Mysterious I
Think my destiny, so
Many times having tread
Paths of thorns. 
#5, page 91, S6-124A
Previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #24, page 6; The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 50.
Book of Gosanka translation
I feel that my fate / Has been singular and strange; / When I turn back time, / I see I crossed many times / Roads of thorns to come this far.
The Light from the East translation
Now looking back, / I see my fate / Has been rare indeed: / Many times have I trod / A path of thorns.

高山も 深谷川もいと安く 越えて来にけり神の護りに

    Under God’s protection
Have I been able to
Easily cross
High mountains,
Deep ravines and rivers. 
#6, page 91, S6-124B

人よりも 苦しき事あり人よりも 楽しき事あり我運命はも

  My destiny it is—
To experience times
More pleasant, to
Suffer moments more bitter
Than the average person.
#7, page 91, S6-124C  
S3-319A 人よりも 楽しき事あり人よりも 苦しき事あわが運命はも In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Pine Breeze, Volume 3, Number 22, October 1934; S5-431B 人よりも 苦しき事あり人よりも 楽しき事ありわが運命はも In a set of poems dated October 26, 1934, and titled “Myself” in Landscapes, #1149, page 278, December 23, 1949; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #41, pages 23 & 120; Book of Gosanka, #29, page 18; The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 50. 
S3-319A translation
My destiny it is— / To suffer moments more / Bitter, to experience times / More pleasant, / Than the average person.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
Some things in my life / Were extremely hard, others / Extremely happy. / All my experiences / Are part of God’s Plan for me.
Book of Gosanka translation
More than most beings, / I have had my trying times; / Yet, much more than most, / I have had my happy times, / This is my God-given fate.
The Light from the East translation
In my life some things / Are extremely painful, others / Extremely joyful. / All my experiences / Are part of God’s plan for me.

惟神 神のまにまに進む身は 諸の悩みもうち消ゆるなり

    Together with God,
In accord with divine will,
Those individuals who
Advance will find gone
All their afflictions and misery.
#8, page 91, S6-124D
S6-70A 推神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世易く渡る道なり In a set of poems titled “How to Live in this World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #149, page 34, May 28, 1951; S4-347A 推神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世安く渡る道なり In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (1)” in Gosanka Poems, #74, July 1, 1948; S5-81C 推神 神のまにまに進む身は 憂きの此世も楽しかりけり In a set of poems dated May 16, 1948, and titled “Enjoyable World” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #336, page, 62, November 30, 1949; S6-34B かむながら 神のまにまに進むこそ 人の世安く渡る道なる In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 24, #11, page 3, May 25, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 57A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 57A; Prayers and Poems, page 57A; Book of Gosanka, #91, page 23; translations based on text 推神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世易く渡る道なれ
S4-347A & S6-70A translation
Together with God, / In accord with divine will, / Advancing is the / Path to easily pass / Through the pitiful world.
S5-81C translation
Together with God, / In accord with divine will, / Those individuals who / Advance will find pleasing / Even this miserable world.
S6-34B translation
Together with God, / In according with divine will, / Advancing is the / Path to easily cross / The human world.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
To follow the path God opens for us, / To live in obedience to His guidance, / Is the only way to have peace of mind / in this world.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
To follow the path / God always opens for us, / To obey His Will, / His Guidance, is the one way / To peace of mind in this world.
Prayers and Poems translation
To follow the path / God always opens for us, / To obey the higher Will / And guidance, leads to / Peace of mind in this world.
Book of Gosanka translation
Only when you live / According to Will of God— / Of God Absolute— / This will be life’s road you’d walk / Through this brief world easefully. 

如何ならむ 悩みに遭ふも躊らはじ 誠一つに進みゆく身は

    In the face of
Any adversity,
Does not vacillate
The individual who advances with
Love and sincerity. 
#9, page 91, S6-124E 
S4-239C 如何ならん 悩み来るとも備えあれば ふためき騒ぐ事しあらじな In a set of poems titled “Overcoming Self-centeredness” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #317, 1936, unpublished; S4-387A 如何ならむ 悩みの日にもうごなはじ 誠一つに進みゆく身は In a set of poems titled “Selflessness” in Gosanka Poems, #251, July 1, 1948; Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 40C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 40C; Prayers and Poems, page 40C; Book of Gosanka, #181, page 46.
S4-239C translation
In the face of any / Adversity that may come, / Those who are well / Prepared, will not be / Confused or make a clamor.
S4-387A translation
Whenever, whatever, / Adversities accumulate, / Does not vacillate / The individual who advances with / Love and sincerity.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Whatever problems may arise in future, / Those who depend upon love alone as / Their guiding principle will never be / afraid.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Whatever problems, / Troubles, may arise in life, / Those who choose pure love / As their guiding principle / Will not ever be afraid.
Prayers and Poems translation
Whatever problems and / Troubles may arise in life, / Those who choose pure love / As their guiding principle / Will not ever be afraid.
Book of Gosanka translation
Whatever the way— / One can walk the way forward / With east and comfort, / If one should lean on the staff / Of sincerity, and walk.