Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Random Thoughts”

409   草萌ゆる 春野は何時に易らねど 移りゆく世の憂れたき姿よ

The fresh verdure
Of the spring fields
Never varies, but lamentable
Is the state of the
Ever-changing world. 

#1, page 92, S6-125A 
410   美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にも似たる心持つなり
    The very person
Who adores
Beautiful flowers
Does possess a heart
Resembling flowers. 
#2, page 92, S6-125B
S5-97B 美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にもにたる心もつなり In an untitled set of poems in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #406, page 73, November 30, 1949; S4-425A 美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にも似たる心もつなり In a set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 6, #3, page 1, July 20, 1949; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 75C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 75C; Prayers and Poems, page 75C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #174, pages 75 & 246; Book of Gosanka, #237, page 60; The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 193; previous translations based on 美はしき 花に憧る人こそは 花にも似たる心持つなれ
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Those who appreciate the beauty of flowers / Have hearts which are equally / beautiful.
PG & SDII translation
Those who deeply love / And appreciate flowers, / Their grace, their beauty, / Have hearts which truly must be / Equally as beautiful.
Prayers and Poems translation
Those who deeply love / And appreciate flowers— / Their grace, their beauty— / Have hearts which truly must be / Equally as beautiful.
Book of Gosanka translation
A person who loves / And delights in the beauty / Of flowers so fair— / Is one with beauty of heart / Very like the fair flowers.
The Light from the East translation
Those who deeply love / And appreciate flowers, / Their grace, their beauty, / Have hearts that truly must be / Equally as beautiful.

人の世の 楽しさ知りぬ庭に咲く 椿一輪床に飾りて

My room with
One camellia bloom
Flowered in my garden is
Agreeably relaxing.
#3, page 92, S6-125C
S5-97D人の世の 楽しさ知りぬ庭に咲く 椿一枝床に飾りて In a set of untitled poems dated May 1949 in Collection ofAkemaro’s Recent Compositions, #408, page 74, November 30, 1949;  S4-425C 人の世の 楽しさ知りぬ庭に咲く 椿一枝床に飾りて In a set of untitled poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 6, #5, page 1, July 20, 1949. 
S4-425C & S5-97D translation
Decorating / My room with / One branch of camellia that / Blooms in my garden is / Agreeably relaxing.

花は咲き 鳥歌へども楽しめぬ 世こそ憂たてし我住める国

    ‘Though the flowers
Bloom and the birds sing,
Enjoy not I this world,
Lamentable it is,
This country in which I live.
#4, page 92, S6-125D
Quite deplorable is the
World where I cannot enjoy myself
For all the opening flowers
And the singing birds; such is the
Country in which I reside.
May 23.3010 by taki
S4-420C 花は咲き 鳥歌えども楽しめぬ 世にぞありけりわが住める国 In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 4, #3, page 1, May 25, 1949; S5-102B 花は咲き 鳥歌えども楽しめぬ 人は御神に背けばなりける In a set of poems dated May 1949 and titled “Light of Salvation” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #428, page 77, November 30, 1949.
S4-420C translation
‘Though the flowers / Bloom and the birds sing, / Enjoy not I this world, / Lamentable it is, this / Country in which I live.
S5-102B translation
‘Though the flowers / Bloom and the birds sing, / Enjoy it not I since / The people have / Turned their backs to God.

人の世の 苦楽の因はみな己が 手もて作りしものにありける

    The joys and the
Pains of the
People of the world
Are made with
Their very own hands.
#5, page 93,S6-126A
S5-99D 人の世の 苦楽の本は皆己が 手に作るなり心せよみな In a section of poems dated May 1949 and titled “Baptism by Fire” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 75, #417, November 30, 1949; S4-410C 人の世の 苦楽の本は皆己が 手につくるなり心せよみな In an untitled section of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 3, page 1, April 20, 1949; previous translations in Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 77B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 77B, Prayers and Poems, page 77B, and Book of Gosanka, page 15 (#59) based on slightly altered Japanese text人の世の 苦楽の因はみな己が 手もて作りしものにありけり
S4-410C & S5-99D translation
All of you be aware that / The joys and pains / Of the people / Of the world are made / With their very own hands.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Let us always be aware that the true cause / Of happiness or unhappiness in our lives / Is always created by our own hands.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Let us be aware / That the true source of sorrow / Or joy in our lives / Is always something we’ve made, / Created by our own hands.
Prayers and Poems translation
Let us be aware / That the true source of sorrow / Or joy in our lives / Is always something we have made, / Created by our own hands.
Book of Gosanka translation
In the world of man, / The root of all joys or pains / Is in man himself; / For with his own hands makes he, / His own pleasures or sorrows.

誠なり 嗚呼〔噫〕誠なり此国に 欲しきは誠の一字なりけり

    Love and sincerity,
Oh, what this
Nation does need
Is the idea of
Love and sincerity.
#6, S6-126B 
S5-98A 誠なり 嗚呼誠なり此国に 欲しきは誠の一字なりけりIn a set of poems dated May 1949 and titled “God’s Power” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #410, page 74, November 30, 1949; S4-403A 誠なり 嗚呼誠なり此国に 欲しきは誠の一字なりけり In a set of poems titled “Love and Sincerity” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 1, #1, page 1, December 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka, Poems of World Messianity, page 37C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 37C; Prayers and Poems, page 37C; Book of Gosanka, #187, page 47.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Ah, it is love, real love, / Which our world lacks today.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Something is missing / In our material world. / It is love, real love— / God’s Love expressed through mankind / That is lacking in our world.
Prayers and Poems translation
Something / Is missing / In our material world, / It is true love.
Book of Gosanka translation
‘Tis sincerity; / O, sincerity it is; / What this country needs / Is merely one simple world— / A word called sincerity.

国の悩み 解けぬは諸の司等が 誠の乏しき故にぞありける

    To all those
Government officials
Who cannot solve the
Nation’s problems, it is
Because you lack love and sincerity.
#7, S6-126C
S4-403B 国の悩み 解けぬは諸の司等に 誠心のとぼしき故なる In a set of poems titled “Love and Sincerity” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 1, #2, page 1, December 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka, Poems of World Messianity, page 38C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 38C; Prayers and Poems, page 38C.
Gosanka, Poems of World Messianity translation
The true cause of all the world’s problems / Which baffle solution is the lack of love / Within the hearts of the leaders.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
The basic reason / The world’s problems are baffling / Solution so much / Is the absence of real love / Within the hearts of leaders.
Prayers and Poems translation
The basic reason / The world’s problems / Go unresolved / Is the absence of integrity / Within the hearts of leaders.

天をます 大樹も双葉のいと小さき 頃もありける世にしあるなり

    A world it is
In which a mighty
Tree that stretches
To heaven was once
A very small sprout.
#8, page 93, S6-126D

誤れる 文明を真の文明と 思う盲の眼醒まさむ

  Must open their
Eyes the blind
Who think our
Mistaken culture
Is the true civilization.
#9, page 93, S6-126D-E

信仰を 只一口に約むれば 誠一字につくるなりけり

    To sum up faith
Briefly, it would be
“Love and
Sincerity,” and
Nothing else. 
#10, page 94, S6-126E
S5-118E 信仰を ただ一口にちぢむれば 誠一字に尽くるなりけり In a set of poems dated October 20, 1949, and titled “Honesty and Deceit” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 11, #10, page 10, December 20, 1949; Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 37B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 37B; Prayers and Poems, page 37B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #163, pages 69 & 216; Book of Gosanka, #129, page 33.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Faith, when described in one word, / Is Love and nothing else.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
The essence of faith, of living it, / Is described / Best with makoto. / No other words are needed; / No lesser word would suffice.
Prayers and Poems translation
The essence of faith, / Of living it, is described / Best with makoto. / No other words are needed, / No lesser word would suffice.
Book of Gosanka translation
If two simple words, / Shin kô, are made to condense / Only to one word, / ‘Twould be the word, makoto; / Faith then is sincerity.