Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Myself”

  四 十五歳 吾見真実となりてより 説きし悉真理にぞある

Since the age of forty-
Five and reaching the
Highest stage of enlightenment,
All that I teach
Is truth.

#1, page 94, S6-127A
S6-14A  四十五歳 吾見真実となりてより 説きし悉真理なりける In a set of poems composed for and recited at The Beginning of Spring Service, #13, February 5, 1951; previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 1, page 127.
The Light from the East translation
I was forty-five / When I first saw the truth / And ever since that time / Everything I have to say / Embodies verity. 
  見真実の 我眼に映る現世は 塵や芥に埋もれており
420   The present world
That appears to my eyes
That have reached the
Highest stage enlightenment
Is buried under dirt and dust.
#2, page 94, S6-127B
S6-13D 見真実の 我目に映る現世は 塵や芥に埋もれてをり In a set of poems composed for and recited at The Beginning of Spring Service, #11, February 5, 1951.


人の世に 例しとてなき大いなる 力を神は吾に給ひぬ

421   God has bestowed
Upon me
Great strength that is
Unparalleled in
The human world.
#3 , page 94, S6-127C 
S4-391D 人の世に 例しとてなき大いなる 力を神は我に賜ひぬ In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, #271, July 1, 1948. 

大いなる 望みに生くる吾にして 小さき事にも心配るなり

422   As one who lives with
Great hopes and plans,
I also concern
Myself with the
Smallest details.
#4, page 95, S6-127D
S4-392B 大いなる 望みに生くる吾にして 小さき事にも心配るなり In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, #274, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 77C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 77C; Prayers and Poems, page 77C; Book of Gosanka, #37, page 10.  
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I have a great goal / To work toward. Even so, / I’m very careful / Never to neglect, ignore / The little things in my life.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
I have a great goal / To work toward. Even so, / I’m very careful / Never to neglect, ignore / The little things in my life.
Prayers and Poems translation
I have a great goal / To work toward. Even so, / I am very careful / Never to neglect or ignore / The little things in my life.
Book of Gosanka translation
I live with great hope— / Hoping for great things for all— / This concerns me much; / Yet, the smaller things of life— / These, too, each day worry me.

如何ならむ 避難譏りも来れかし 吾には破邪の剣ありせば

423   Let whatever attack or
Slander come! For I,
Mokichi Okada, do
Wield the sword for the
Destruction of wrong.
#5, page 95, S6-128A
S5-120C 如何ならん 避難そしりも来れかし 吾には破邪の剣ありせば In a set of poems dated October 20, 1949, and titled “Honesty and Deceit” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 11, #18, page 11, December 20, 1949; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 87C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 87C; Prayers and Poems, page 87C; Book of Gosanka, #30, page 8.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Whatever criticism or censure may be / expressed against us, / We are not afraid, for we are armed / With the Divine Power of God, / Which always triumphs over any / evil forces.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
We are not afraid / Of censures made or malice / Spoken against us, / For we’re armed with God’s Power, / Which is always triumphant.
Prayers and Poems translation
We are not afraid / Of censures made / Or malice spoken against us, / For we are armed with God’s Power, / Which defends us against evil.
Book of Gosanka translation
In what form and way, / Evil censure comes my way, / I fear not at all; / For with me I have the Sword, / That can defeat all evil.

我身魂 磨かれんとして大神は 枉とう砥石用ひ給ふも

424   To polish my
Body and soul,
Almighty God has
Bestowed upon me the
Whetstone called evil forces.
#6, page 95, S6-128B 
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 89A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 89A; Prayers and Poems, page 89A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #95, pages 44 & 179.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
It seems God uses the dark forces / As rubbing stones for the purpose / Of polishing and purifying our / spirits and bodies.

Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
It seems God allows / Dark forces to oppose us / So they can be used / As rubbing stones to polish, / Cleanse our spirits, our bodies.
Prayers and Poems translation
It seems God allows / Dark forces to oppose us / So they can be used / As rubbing stones to polish, / And cleanse our spirits, our bodies.

事繁く 我為す業の一片にも 深き神意の籠れると知れ

425   Know that profound
Divine intent is embedded
Within even a fragment
Of the tasks I perform,
As varied as they are.
#7, page 95, S6-128C
S6-13B 事繁く 我為す業の一片も 深き神意の籠れると知れ In a set of poems composed for and recited at The Beginning of Spring Service, #9, February 5, 1951.

ふみ迷ひ 行手もわかぬ子羊を いと懇ろに吾は導く

426   Conscientiously and
I guide the little
Lambs who have lost their way,
Not knowing where to go.
#8, page 95, S6-128D
S6-13E 踏み迷ひ 行く手もわかぬ子羊を いと懇ろに導くぞ吾は In a set of poems composed for and recited at The Beginning of Spring Service, #12, February 5, 1951.

人の世に まだ見ぬ文明の創造とふ 珍の神書を吾かき綴るなり

427   A strict and noble
Book of divine writings
I am writing, not
Yet seen by the world of humans
Called The Creation of Civilization.
#9, page 96, S6-128E
S6-7C 人の世に 例しとてなき大いなる 教の書を吾かき綴りをり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the New Year Service, #13, January 1, 1951.
S6-7C translation
A great book of / Teachings, as yet / Unparalleled in the / World of humans, / I am writing. 

キリストや 釈迦マホメットさへ行はぬ 救ひの神業吾為し遂げむかも

428 I, Mokichi Okada, am
Performing the divine
Task of salvation that even
Mohammed, Shakyamuni, or
Christ did not accomplish.
#10, page 96, S6-129A
S6-7E キリストや 釈迦マホメットさえ行はぬ 大いなる救吾行はんとすもIn a set of poems composed for and recited at the New Year Service, #15, January 1, 1951.
S6-7E translation
I, Mokichi Okada, am / Performing a great / Task of salvation that even / Mohammed, Shakyamuni, or / Christ did not perform.

神に叛き 吾を譏りし盲等の 悔改める状見るぞ憂き

429 Pathetic it is to see,
The state of the
Blind who turn
Their backs on God
And vilify me.
#11, page 96, S6-129A-B
S6-7E- 神に背き 吾を謗りし盲等の 悔改むる状見るぞ憂き In a set of poems composed for and recited at the New Year Service, #16, January 1, 1951.

吾もしも 生まれざりせば人の世は やがて潰えなむとふと思ひける

430 Occurs to me it does that
Had I, Mokichi Okada,
Not been born,
The world of human beings
Would have collapsed.
#12, page 96, S6-129B
S6-7A 吾もしも 生れざりせば人の世は やがて潰えなむとふと思ひける In a set of poems composed for and recited at the New Year Service, #11, January 1, 1951.