Gosanka Poems, Revised, "Blindness"

350   善悪の 差別も分かぬ眼もつ 盲 のはばる世にぞありける

The world is full of
Blind people
Who have eyes that
Cannot distinguish
Good and evil.

S6-114C-a-D [SS601A; page 79]; S5-114-a-A [SS423D] variant善悪の  けぢめも分かぬ眼(まなこ)もつ 盲(め しひ)のはばる世にぞありける [all variants same translation] in a section titled "Good and Evil" in Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 86; S4-429B-C [SS383D] variant善悪の けちめも分かぬ眼(まなこ)も つ 盲(めしき)のははる世にそありけ る in an untitled section of poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 9, October 25, 1949, page 1.
351   善きものを 善しとし悪しきを悪と見る 眼は正しき眼なりける
    Eyes that see
Good as good
And see evil
As evil
Are authentic eyes.
S6-114C-b-D [SS601B; page 79]; S5-113D [SS423C] variant 善きものを 善とみ悪しきをあしとみる 眼は正しき眼なりけり [all variants same translation] in a section titled "Good and Evil" in Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 86; S4-429B [SS383C] 善きものを 善とみ悪きを悪とみる 眼は正しき眼なりけり in an untitled section of poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 9, October 25, 1949, page 1; previous translations Prayers and Gosanka, page 72A and Book of Gosanka, page 52.
    Prayers and Gosanka
(Original edition)
Those who see clearly, / Who are able to perceive, / Identifying / Good as good and bad as bad, / Have a genuine vision.
(1986 edition)
Those who see clearly, / Who are able to perceive, /Identifying good as good / And bad as bad, / Have a genuine vision.
    Book of Gosanka Whatever is good, / Eyes that see as truly good; / A thing of evil- / Eyes that see as an evil; / Are eyes that see Truth as 'tis.

人の眼は 偽り得ても神の眼は 偽り得ぬと知る人の幸

    Happy are the people who know
That even though a human being
May get away with a lie,
One cannot get away
With a lie in God's eyes.
S6-114C-c-D [SS601C; page 79]; S5-114A [SS423E] variant人の眼は 佯り得ても神の御眼は いつはり得ぬを知る人の幸 [all variants same translation] in a section titled "Good and Evil" in Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 86; S4-429C [SS383E] variant 人の眼は 偽り得ても神の御眼は いつはり得ぬを知る人の幸 in an untitled section of poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 9, October 25, 1949, page 1; previous translations Prayers and Gosanka, page 72B.
    Prayers and Gosanka
(Original edition)
Happy are the ones / Who now that though some succeed / In fooling others, / They can never hide one part / Of truth from the Eyes of God.
(1986 edition)
Happy are the ones who know / That though some succeed / In fooling others, / They can never hide the truth / From the eyes of God..

愚かなる 人とは悪なる種を蒔き 刈りとる悩み知らぬにぞある

    Foolish people are those
Who do not know that
The seeds of evil they sow
Will be reaped in a harvest
Of suffering.
S6-114C-d-D [SS601D; page 79]; S5-114B [SS423F] variant [all variants same translation] 愚かなる 人とは悪の種を播き 刈りとるなやみしらぬ人なるin a section titled "Good and Evil" in Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 86; S4-429D [SS383F] variant愚かなる 人とは悪なる種を播き 刈りとるなやみしらぬ人なる in an untitled section of poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 9, October 25, 1949, page 1; previous translations Prayers and Gosanka, page 72C and Book of Gosanka, page 51 [non-Meishu-sama Japanese on which two translations are based] 愚かなる 人とは悪の種を蒔き 刈りとる悩み知らぬをぞ言ふ.
    Prayers and Gosanka
(Original edition)
Foolish are the ones / Who sow the seeds of evil / And don't realize / The suffering they will reap / In time, inevitably.
(1986 edition)
Foolish are the ones / Who sow the seeds of evil / And do not realize / The suffering they will reap / In time, inevitably.
    Book of Gosanka Speaking of a fool- / He's the one without thought nor care / Scatters evil seeds, / And not know the pain they bring / When reaps he what he had sown.

大いなる 幸を賜はる御救ひに 眼を閉づる人の哀れさ

    How pitiful
Are those who close
Their eyes to the
Salvation that gives
Them great happiness.
S6-114C-e-D [SS601E; page 80]; S5-113C [SS423B] variant 大いなる 幸を賜はる御救いに 眼を閉づる人の哀れさ [all variants same translation] in a section titled "Good and Evil" in Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 86; S4-429A [SS383B] variant 大いなる 幸を賜はる御救ひに 眼を閉つる人の哀れさ in an untitled section of poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 9, October 25, 1949, page 1.

神 在るを 知らぬ世人の浅間しさ 心の盲(めしひ)知る由もなく

    How pathetic are the people of the
World who do not know that
God exists! They have
No way of knowing
How blind their hearts are.
S6-114C-f-D [SS601F; page 80]; S5-106A-B [SS420H] variant神在るを 知らぬ世人のあさましさ 心の盲知るよしもなく [all variants same translation] in a section titled "God is Perfection" in Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949, page 80; S4-426C-D [SS382D] 神在るを 知らぬ世人の浅間しさ 心の盲知るよしもなく in a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, August 30, 1949, page 1.

如何ならむ 奇蹟も盲(めしひ)には見えざらめ 豚に真珠の譬 への如くに

    No matter how great
The miracle, it is invisible
To those who will not see,
As in the maxim about
Pearls to swine.
S6-114C-g-D [SS601G; page 80].

本 物を 贋物と思ひ贋物を 本物と思ふは盲(めしひ)なればなり

    To think the real,
A fake; and the
Fake, real
Occurs because
One is blind.
S6-114C-h-D [SS601H; page 80].

世 に哀れ なるは盲(めしひ)ぞ地獄をば 天国と見紛(みまが)ひ足らいゐるなり

    The most pitiful
In the world
Are indeed the blind.
They are satisfied to
Mistake hell for paradise.
S6-114C-i-D [SS601I; page 80].

己が生命 助からんとして逆しらに 滅ぶる人の多き世なるも

    Many are the people
Of this world who,
Seeking to save their lives
Rather, go against
God's law and perish.
S6-114C-j-D [SS601J; page 81].

よしやよし 金剛石を見するとて 盲(めしひ)は只の小石と思 はむ

    It will always be
That when looked at,
A diamond will appear
To the blind to be
Only a pebble.
S6-114C-k-D [SS601K; page 81].

我教へ 詮じ詰むれば世の盲の 眼を開く事にぞありける

    My teachings,
When fully accepted
Will open the eyes
Of the people of the
World who are blind.
S6-114C-l-D [SS601L; page 81].