Unpublished 1950 Poems

  小さなる 科学の世界に閉じ込まれて 大千世界の見えぬ哀れさ

How pitiful—
Confined with the
Small world of science—
One billion worlds
Cannot be seen.

#1, S5-494B 
S6-386A 小さなる 科学の世界に閉ぢ込まれて 大千世界の見えぬ哀れさ In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 232, October 28, 1953. What is rendered in this poem as “one billion worlds” is the Sino-Japanese translation of the Sanskrit trisahasra-mahasahasrah lokadhatavah. Other possible renderings are “the universe” or “all levels of the universe.”
Alternative translation
Confined with the / Small world of material science, / How pitiful that all / One billion worlds / Cannot be seen.
    黴菌の 亡者ウヨウヨする今の 世を浄めます浄霊の業
 12   Johrei is the
Act that purifies this
World teeming with
People obsessed
With germs. 
#2, S5-494C

颱風も 米の不作も何も彼も 真理に逆ふ咎にぞありける

 13   Typhoons and poor
Rice harvests, and every  
Such calamity is
All to be blamed on resisting,
Going against truth.
#3, S5-495A
S6-368B 颱風も 米の不作も何もかも 真理に逆ふ咎にぞありける In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 227, #1, September 23, 1953.

現世の 諸の悩みは神よそに 人の智慧もて作りしものなる

 14   All the afflictions and
Hardships of this present
World are what have been
Formed by the human wisdom
That puts aside God.
#4, S5-495B
S6-368C 現世の 諸の悩みは神外に 人の智慧もて作りしものなる In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 227, #2, September 23, 1953.

如何ならむ 天災とても悉は 人の作りしものとこそしれ

 15   Know that
Whatever the natural
Calamity, all are
Indeed things made by
Human beings.
#5, S5-495C
S6-369A 如何なるむ 天災とても悉は 人の作りしものとこそ知れ In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 227, #3, September 23, 1953.

天災を 生む人災の理を 知るが神示の科学なりけり

 16   Science revealed by
God is the way to know
The principles of how
Natural calamity gives
Birth to human catastrophe.
#6, S5-495D 
S6-409A 天災を 生む人災の深き理を 分すは神智の科学なりけり In a set of untitled poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 55, page 8, December 25, 1953.
S6-409A translation
The profound principle / That clarifies how natural / Calamity gives birth to / Human catastrophe is the / Science of divine wisdom.

目に見ゆる 人の力は限りあり 見えぬ無限の力ぞ神なる

 17   The capability of human
Beings is limited, visible
To the eyes; to the eyes
Invisible, unlimited is the
Power that is God.
#7, S5-495E
S6-389A 目に見ゆる 人の力は限りあり 見えぬ無限の力ぞ神なる In a set of untitled poems Eikô, Issue 235, #3, November 18, 1953.

恋愛の 極致といふは真なる 神を恋する事にぞありける

 18   The utmost of the
Love of human beings
For each other is
The act of loving the
Creator, the Supreme Being.
#8, S5-496A
S6-386B [SS691G] 恋愛の 極致といふは真なる 神を恋する事にぞありける In an untitled section of poems in Eikô, Issue 233, November 4, 1953; previous translation in Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #153, pages 67 & 228.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
Realize clearly / That the sublime pinnacle / Of the love of man / Is his coming to the point / Of loving God above all.
Sounds of the Dawn gender neutral translation
Realize clearly / That the sublime pinnacle / Of love of human beings / Is their coming to the point / Of loving God above all.

有難き ものは科学なり恐ろしき ものも科学なり科学とふもの

19   Science does give much
That is to be thankful for;
Science also leaves
Much to be frightened of,
That is what science is.
#9, S5-496B 
S6-386C 有難き ものは科学なり恐ろしき ものも科学なり心せよゆめ In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 233, #2, November 4, 1953.
S6-386C translation
Be on guard! / Science does give much / That is to be thankful for; / Science also leaves / Much to be frightened of.

哀れなる 科学の奴隷が胸を張り 肩怒らして巾る世の中

20   The pitiful slaves of
Science stick out
Their chests,
Swaggering about,
Filling up the world.
#10, S5-496C
S6-375A 哀れなる 科学の奴隷が胸を張り 肩怒らして威張るをかしさ In an untitled set of poems in Eikô, Issue 231, #1, October 21, 1953. 
S6-375A translation
The pitiful slaves of / Science stick out / Their chests; / The absurdity of / How they give off airs.