Spring Has Passed (May 18, 1931)

  雨はれて 露もしとどの篁の 下かげ青く苔の花咲く

The rains clears,
In the shadow of
The dripping wet
Bamboo trees appear
Color on the moss.

Page 1, S5-155A; S2-23A 雨はれて 露まだ残る篁の 下かげ青く咲く苔の花 In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
    S2-23A translation
The rain clears, / In the shadow of the / Bamboo grove where the / Dew remains, freshly / Appear color on the moss.  
 青あをし 芭蕉の広葉に青蛙 さゆるぎもせで雨に濡れをり

On the fresh
Wide leaves of the
Banana tree, the
Green frog remains
Steady in the rain. 

Page 1, S5-155B; S2-23B 青青と 芭蕉の広葉に青蛙 さゆるぎもせず雨に濡るるも In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
  S2-23B translation
On the fresh wide / Leaves of the banana tree, / The green frog / Sits without moving, / Getting wet in the 
 五月雨の 霽るると見れば遠方に 雲の峯並みうすら虹見ゆ

As I see that the
Early summer rain has
Cleared, in the distance
There appears a rainbow
With the thunderhead.

Page 1, S5-156A; S2-23C 五月雨の 霽るると見れば遠方に 雲の峰立ち夏は来にけり In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-23C translation
I see that the / Early summer rain has / Cleared, in the distance / The thunderheads have / Gone. Summer has come.
  茂り合ふ 木の下闇にほの白く 山百合の花いくつか浮ける

Several mountain lilies
Float faintly showing
White in the darkness
Under the trees
Of the thick forest. 

Page 1, S5-156B; S2-24B 茂り合ふ 木の下闇に咲き出でし 白百合の花殊に愛ぐしも In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-24B translation
The white mountain lilies are / Especially charming / Blooming as they are in the / Darkness under the / Trees of the thick forest.
  田植歌 のどかにきこえ野の家の どこも人気の見えぬ真昼間

The sounds of rice-
Planting peacefully float
By; no persons are to be seen
In any of the farmhouses
During the day. 

Page 2, S5-156C; S2-24C 田植歌 のどかに流れて賤が家の中に人気の見えぬ真昼間 In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-24C translation
The sounds of rice-planting / Peacefully float by; no / Persons are to be seen in / Any of the humble / Houses during the day.
  夕さりて 青田を渡る風涼し 行手の闇を蛍かすめぬ

Evening falls
Cool is the breeze that
Passes over the rice paddies,
The darkened destination is
Dimly lit by the fireflies.

Page 2, S5-156D; S2-24D 夕さりて 青田を渡る風清く 行手かすめて蛍とびけり In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-24D translation
Evening falls, fresh / Is the breeze that passes / Over the rice paddies / Lighting the path ahead, / Fireflies jump.
  新緑の 木の香をのせて今日更へし 衣の袖を風ふきすぐる

The breeze passes through the
Sleeves of my clothes, newly changed
Today for the summer season,
Carrying the fragrance of
The fresh leaves of the trees.

Page 2, S5-156E; S2-24E 新緑の 樹の香をのせて新しき 衣の袖ふく風すがすがし In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-24E translation
Cool is the breeze / Blowing through the sleeves / Of my new clothes, / Carrying the fragrance / Of the tree’s new foliage.
  池の面に うつる松影黒ぐろし 新月の光かそけくも見ゆ

On the surface of the pond,
The reflection of the pine
Makes a dark impression.
The light of the new moon
Begins to appear. 

Page 2, S5-157A; S2-25A 池の面に うつる松影さやかにて 梢にかかる新月の光 In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-25A translation
Clear on the surface of / The pond shows the pine / Tree. The light of / The new moon appears / Over the treetops.
  風薫り 青葉光れる初夏の 庭に下りたてば胸のひろぎぬ

My breast is expansive
As descends into the
Early summer garden
The light from the fresh foliage
And the fragrance of the breeze.

Page 2, S5-157B; S2-25C 風薫り 青葉の光る初夏は 花に飽きたる眼に心地よき In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931. 
   S2-25C translation
My heart feels restful / My eyes satisfied by / All the flowers in the / Early summer of fragrant / Breezes and fresh foliage.
  咲く花も はや水無月となりし今日 池の辺に咲く杜若花

Flowers are blooming and
It’s already the Six Month
Today the irises
Bloom around the
Banks of the pond.

Page 1, S5-157C; S2-25D 咲く花も はや水無月の庭なれど 池の辺に咲く杜若かな In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-25D translation
Oh, the lilies that / Bloom on the banks of / The pond, even though / The garden has already / Entered the sixth month.
  夕まけて 八景園の高台ゆ 眺むる海に漁火またたく

The night deepens and
From the heights of
Eight-View Park
The light of the fishermen
Are again lit as I gaze at sea.

Page 3, S5-157D; S2-25E 夕まけて 八景園の高台ゆ はるかの海に見ゆる漁火 In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-25E translation
The night deepens and / From the heights of / Eight-View Park, / Fishing lights can be seen / Faraway in the sea.
  たそがれの 庭むらさきの朝顔の 蕾見いでて心たのしも

Restfully pleasing,
In the twilight
Garden, buds
Peek out of the
Purple morning glories.

Page 3, S5-157E; S2-26A たそがれて 筆の白穂と近寄れば 垣の朝顔もつ蕾かな In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-26A translationnew
Twilight falls, it / Looks like a new writing / Brush but getting / Closer, it is the buds of / Morning glories on the fence!
  田の家の 軒の梅の実雨に濡れ 青あをしもよふと仰ぐ眼に

Smelling freshness, the
Eyes look upward, the
Fruit on the branches
Of the plum tree under the
Eves of the farm house are wet. 

Page 3,; S2-26B 田の家の 軒の梅の実長雨に 青青熟れて蛙啼くなり In a set of poems titled “Moss Blossoms” in Auspicious Light, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1, 1931.
   S2-26B translation
The fruit on the branches / Of the plum tree under / The farm house in the long / Vividly ripen, / A frog croaks.