“The Times” (April 10, 1933)
世相 (Sesô)

  冷やかに 吾はききをり眉あげて 友は世相をなげきてやまず

Coldly I listen.
Raising his eyebrows,
My friend cannot
Stop keenly deploring
The feeling of the times.

#1, page 195, S5-347C
S3-70A 冷やかに 吾はききをり眉あげて 友は世相をなげきてやまず In a set of poems titled “The Times” in Pine Breeze, Volume 2, Number 4, #1, April 1933. 
  大乗に あらず小乗にまたあらぬ 境地のありやと友は問ひけり

Is there a state
Neither daijo
Nor shojo,
My friend
Asks me. 

#2, page195, S5-347D 
S3-70B 大乗に あらず小乗にまたあらぬ 境地のありやと友は問ひけり In a set of poems titled “The Times” in Pine Breeze, Volume 2, Issue 4, #2, April 1933.
  村雨の それのごとくに胸すぎぬ 吾を過る人の言葉も

The words of those
Who misunderstand
My passion falls
Off me something
Like a passing shower.

#3, page 195, S5-348A
S3-70C 村雨の それのごとくに胸すぎぬ 吾を誤る人の言の葉 In a set of poems titled “The Times” in Pine Breeze, Volume 2, Number 4, #3, April 1933. 
      S3-70C translation
The comments of those / Who misunderstand / My passion falls / Off me something / Like a passing shower.
  その人に 善かれとおもひする事の あだとなるこそいともなげかし

How so lamentable
It is that what was
Thought by that person
To be so good has turned out
To be so counterproductive.

#4, page 195, S5-348B
S3-70D その人に 善かれとおもひする事の あだとなるこそいともくやしき In a set of poems titled “The Times” in Pine Breeze, Volume 2, Number 4, #4, April 1933.
      S3-70D translation
How so vexing / It is that what was / Thought by that person / To be good has turned out / To be so counterproductive.