Great Construction


     Diarrhea is one of the most frequently occurring symptoms of disease and is distinguished either as acute or chronic. Most cases of acute diarrhea result from food or drink poisoning. You often hear people say acute diarrhea is due to night chills, but most of the time, this is not true. Diarrhea from chills is extremely rare. For cases of diarrhea from food poisoning, drugs are used to try to stop it, but this treatment really does not work. The real way to treat diarrhea is to simply allow it to discharge naturally.
     In cases of acute diarrhea that result from other than food poisoning, there is a type of diarrhea accompanied by sudden, extreme pain. This kind of diarrhea can occur anywhere from ten times to extreme cases of even twenty-to-thirty times a day. Rare are the cases where it occurs so often it cannot be counted and the patient may not even be conscious of it as it leaks as liquid stool into the undergarments. Sometimes it may appear as if, mixed with bloody fluids, rotted flesh is being discharged with the stool. Such discharges are all instances of solidified pus and toxic blood being eliminated in a strong purificatory action, and in no way are these fragments of flesh or organs discharging with the stool. It may safely be said that most such instances of severe diarrhea hardly ever occur in the elderly but often in the young, so it is clear that cases of severe diarrhea are examples of vigorous purification. Thus, if left alone, recovery is certain. Cases of severe diarrhea terribly frighten both doctors and patients who seek to bring it to an end, but medical treatments that aim to stop diarrhea only exacerbate the condition. Cases of diarrhea worsened by medical treatment deserve caution because of the danger that such conditions can even lead to death of the patient.
     Chronic cases of diarrhea may last several months or even several years. Many doctors consider chronic diarrhea to be tubercular and so apply measures to halt the diarrhea, but such treatments are also in great error. What is occurring is that the pus that has remained solidified in the peritoneum dissolves gradually from purificatory activity that is sluggish, and the toxins are discharged as diarrhea. The pus is the continual accumulation of uric toxins in the peritoneum due to constriction of the kidneys, so this particular condition cannot be cured without making the kidneys healthy. However, if left alone over quite a long period, constriction of the kidneys naturally heals, so when the membranes heal, the diarrhea ceases.

Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 2, second edition, February 5, 1943.
translated by cynndd