Great Construction

Dizziness and Insomnia

     Dizziness is quite a prevalent condition, and its cause is deemed by medical science to be completely unknown. Its causes, however, are quite clear and simple.
     Dizziness can have two causes. One cause is solidified toxins in the areas of the right side behind the neck and of the hindbrain that put pressure on the blood vessels which flow to the eye balls. The act of seeing, looking at an object is an activity of the nerves, and the energy for that activity comes from the blood that is sent without interruption to the eyeballs. So, if these vessels are constricted by solidified toxins, the amount of blood decreases, and at the very moment the amount of blood is lowered, the nerves begin to break down and the eyesight weakens. The solidified neck and hindbrain toxins harden even more due to stage one purificatory activity, but because this form of purification is not constant, at times eyesight weakens and at other times, strengthens, so the instances of these occurrences are intermittent, which presents with the symptoms of dizziness. This cause is the most frequent.
     Another cause is the purification activity of medicinal toxins that have accumulated between the front forehead and the area around the eyeballs for which there is always a slight fever. This slight fever affects the vision, much in the same way that one gets dizzy when having a general fever with headache, becoming drunk on alcohol, or getting directly in front of a burning stove or fire.
     The cause of insomnia, also clear and simple, is almost identical to dizziness. The solidified lumps that cause dizziness purify intermittently, but in the case of insomnia the blood vessels are constricted at a steady rate, not irregularly as in dizziness, and the constriction leads to anemia. Anemia brought about in this way causes hypersensitive neuralgia, from which one thing leads to another, and the patient becomes overly preoccupied with matters and affairs. For that reason, when I treat someone for insomnia, I aim to dissolve the accumulated, solidified toxins in the neck and hindbrain. As the toxins dissolve the condition heals appropriately in a short period. All the cases that I have treated have, without exception, been successful.

Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 2, third edition, page 43, October 5, 1943
translated by cynndd