Great Construction

Divinely Revealed Medical Science
The Principle of Johrei

Part I
     When explaining the principle of Johrei the most difficult aspect is the present level of education of the general public which means that the principle is very difficult to understand. As contemporary education has been fashioned on completely materialistic principles such difficulty is unavoidable.
     Today, when we consider the accomplishments of the founders of religions or of the great spiritual leaders whether in written documents or in what has been handed down, it can certainly be said that in every case they performed miracles, more assuredly so the greater the religion. In the cultural milieu of those times, the general populace was quite satisfied with the performance of miracles and the receipt of material benefits. The contents or the theoretical underpinnings of what these leaders said and did was did not particularly pursued. Of these religious leaders, indeed unfortunate was the case of Christ who performed the most miracles. Even now, we can imagine that if the atonement had not occurred, Christ could have saved many more people and expanded the sphere of his teachings. Undeniable is the fact that Christ’s ministry ended in such a short period because in those times the power of Satan was strong. Satan won his battle in that age because the time in the spiritual world was still too early. But the time has come, and with a great transition in the spiritual world, Satan’s power weakens by day and by month, which is obvious to our spiritual senses.
     Through divine revelation I have come to understand all phenomena, that which until today have been considered puzzles in the world, and with this knowledge I am able to clarify right and wrong, establish the fundamentals of good and evil, correct all mistakes, decidedly advance the development of a civilization based on the spiritual, as opposed to the one-sided movement in material civilization that we have seen so far, and together advance both extremes to realize the ideal world of paradise on earth. I will explain one portion of the principle that allows members of the Japan Kannon Church to manifest the astonishing miracles that show such tremendous results. Unlike the days of primitive cultures and uncivilized peoples that I referred to above, actual demonstrated miracles do not inspire complete trust in public nowadays, and these miracles without theoretical underpinnings are not acknowledged. The cause for the decline of existing religions is that they only deny material civilization and can not provide material benefits.
     Here I will discuss the miracles that members of the Japan Kannon Church are manifesting through the Johrei method. Johrei is focused from a few feet away to a sick person by gently waving the hand and soon the sufferer is relieved of even serious diseases. Painful conditions, difficult to endure, are relieved if not completely healed within a short time. From any way of thinking it can be called nothing but a miracle that innumerable are the instances where members who have absolutely no medical training can, after a few months of joining our church, bring back from near death patients who have by any number of highly trained specialists been declared hopeless. It is a point of great significance that the contemporary materialist viewpoint does not fit the logic of what occurs with the Johrei method.
     For the past hundreds and thousands of years, excellent scholars and researchers in nations and countries throughout the world have investigated and refined medical science to the level we have today and the meticulous, elaborate therapies they have developed deserve praise. Still, given that even after several decades of study and great expense have been expended on tuition, that there are patients which the most excellent doctors cannot heal, it is no exaggeration to declare that the fact that an uneducated, ordinary person can present such notable results with the Johrei methods is the wonder of the century. Indeed, the basis of this phenomenon is reason outside of logic. Simply reading or hearing about these results does not mean that the message is easily received, rather it is inevitable that the results are seen as superstition, and there are even those who say the method it is psychologically abnormal. The appearance of Johrei is a great, unprecedented event, the first time in human history.
     The lofty language of the Japan Kannon Church’s declaration to create a world with absolutely no sickness, poverty, or conflict is not something we could say if we did not truly have confidence. If we did not have the power to accomplish this purpose, it would be a great crime of deceiving the world which could never be forgiven. But, as I have mentioned previously, miracles are, from our point of view, not miracles, but are events based on solid premises that simply demonstrate that which should be demonstrated. These miracles have a foundation that can be explained scientifically which I will now try to describe in as much detail as possible.

Part II
     I will now explain the principle of Johrei, but first, let me mention a point that is an important premise for understanding the principle of Johrei.
     All in creation is not only substance; there exists also spirit which is not visible to the eye. The human being, as well, consists of body and spirit. To roughly classify, spirit is the essence of the sun and body is the essence of the moon and of the soil. Or more simply, spirit is fire, yang, masculine, exterior, vertical, daylight. In contrast, body is water, yin, feminine, interior, horizontal, night. The object of study of material science is only the body, the physical, and the existence of spirit is not recognized, which is a fundamental fallacy. If the human being were only body without spirit, the human being would be only substance, non-organic, like a tree or a rock. Without life, mental activity is not possible. This simple idea has not been understood and until today has been the fundamental erroneous factor of material science. Scientists, therefore, recognized the existence of only air in space and nothing else. Within space, however, are varieties of invisible elements, too many to count, that regrettably remained undiscovered because science has not progressed far enough.
     Fortunately, I have been able to discover these unseen elements. I have named this discovery spiritual science. This discovery naturally marks the beginning of the age of the elimination of humanity’s greatest scourge, sickness. All that has remained completely unclear about sickness has been clarified. It would be fair to say that the need for the kind of medical research undertaken till now is unnecessary.
     Next, I will clarify the origin of the generation of disease, and, as previously described, because the human being is composed of the two-dimensional constituents of body and spirit, the fact that the human being moves and lives is because spirit and body fuse, with spirit activating the body. The spirit takes the same shape as the human body. The center of the spirit is the heart and in the center of the heart is the soul. These three aspects together manifest as will and thought, and because the invisible spirit, that is, will and thought, control the physical body, spirit is predominate and body is subordinate, which is called in religious terms, the spiritual preceding the physical. A simple example is when the human being moves its arms and legs. The arms and legs do not move independently on their own, but move in accordance with commands from the will. All parts of the body, whether the eyes, the nose, or the mouth, move on signal from the will. The principle applies to sickness as well. To illustrate, let me take the example of a boil or abscess, something everyone has experienced at one time or another.
     Boils and abscesses start out as small protuberances, expand gradually, enlarge, and present with a red color. The boil or the abscess is usually accompanied by torment from fever, pain in local areas, and itching. This phenomenon is the activation of a function that occurs naturally to automatically process and eliminate toxins within the body. These toxins accumulate and solidify in a local area of the body, and with fever, dissolve into liquid for easier elimination. This activity is intrinsic and natural. In order to provide exits for toxins the skin is thin and flexible. The skin reddens because the usually clear skin permeates with impure blood. When the protuberance reaches an appropriate size, a hole opens and the liquefied impure blood and puss is ejected after which the purification process ends.
     The above is an explanation of what happens in the physical body. In the world of spirit, the tumor or boil presents as a cloudy sphere the exact same size as the physical tumor or boil. This spiritual boil or tumor is a cloud, and the more serious the condition, the denser is the cloud. Clouds accumulate in local areas of the spiritual body because the purification process continues without stop within the body. All clouds on the spiritual body accumulate in one place, from which eliminating activity starts. This process is called sickness or disease and shows the inseparable relationship between spirit and body.
     In the case of a tumor or boil, medical practice calls for lancing or amputating, and removal of the accumulated toxic puss which is a tremendous mistake, because in many instances, lancing or amputating occurs before the toxic puss has adequately accumulated, so even after the surgery has taken place toxic puss continues to accumulate and the artificially created wound does not heal well. That the incisions made for appendicitis and other surgical operations often do not heal for many years is due to this very reason. Therefore, good doctors will wait to lance or amputate until the growth has sufficiently advanced and having waited ultimately accelerates complete recovery. If no surgical or medicative treatment is taken at all, however, the growth will swell to a certain size, small holes will then open naturally and the toxic blood and puss will be ejected. Healing occurs more quickly and thoroughly in a way incomprable to surgical operations. For example, healing in the case of surgery on an insufficiently matured growth may take several months for recovery, whereas healing from the surgery on a mature growth takes about ten days. Healing after the elimination of a growth left to naturally mature and drain is five days. What is problematic is the fact that if left to mature and eliminate naturally, some patients can not endure the pain, and since pain can be temporarily avoided with surgical operations, surgery is seen to be unavoidable.
     In spite of the severity of the pain, however, if treatment with Johrei is administered, patients are pleasantly surprised to find that not only is the pain completely stopped, the patient remains without pain until all the toxic blood and puss is eliminated from the scarlet growth. I will next describe the intriguing principle behind this phenomenon.
     Previously I explained the principle of how spirit precedes physical, and this principle does not only apply to the single human being. There is no exception to this law that applies to everything in the universe. As such, the purpose of Johrei is to dissolve clouds on the spirit. Johrei effects the collapse of spiritual clouds, that is, Johrei transfers the spirit of the cloud from life to death. Clouds that are dead have the power of zero, so they do not irritate the nerves, which is why there is no pain with Johrei. Now, I would like to thoroughly explain the principle of how Johrei dissolves spiritual clouds.

Part Three
     In the preceding part I introduced the concept of clouds on the spirit, and the substance of these clouds are toxic germs that are generated within hydrogen (spirit of water) of the human being. These toxic germs are particles so infinitesimally small they cannot be seen without the aid of a microscope far beyond several million times. I will explain the principle behind the generation of these particles in other places, but here I will discuss how these particles are to be extinguished. The method of extinction is, of course, through the power of spirit.
     “Purification of spirit,” or Johrei, by means of the energy of radiation through the human body, can extinguish clouds on the spirit which are toxins. The element that is radiated is the essence of light, a wave that is generated from the spirit of fire. The element is completely opposite to the toxic germs that are in hydrogen (spirit of water). In plain terms, they are good and evil. Of course, the wave consists of particles of light and their energy manifests wonderful toxic germicidal action. Let me explain this wave. The particles of this wave are what is radiated from divine spirit and are the source of the material benefits that are manifested in miracles through the Johrei method of the Kannon Church. Members as well as non-members keenly feel the mysteriousness of these miracles, but I am quite aware that the desire to know about the principles behind these miracles is the same with all. I have wanted to explain and clarify these principles, but until now the time has been premature and I was not at liberty to publicize them. The time has come, however, and the point has been reached where the principle behind Johrei must be explained.
     The way Johrei is administered at the present time starts with a piece of paper on which I have written the ideogram for “light” that is presented to believers. This paper is folded and put into a bag in the form of a talisman that manifests the results. A strong wave is radiated from the black color of the ideogram “light,” and this light is channeled from the body through the arm and from the palm of the hand of the practioner. The distance from practioner to patient can be from several feet to one or two yards. A light wave can be radiated from the ideogram for light because the light is transmitted in an instant from my body through the spiritual cords to any of the talismans that practitioners are wearing. It is much like the wireless radio waves of a broadcast. Since the source of the radiation of the wave is through the spiritual cord from my spiritual body, the question becomes what sort of spirit do I possess? Knowing the answer to this question will clear up any doubts about the matter. Within my abdomen is a ball of light that is ordinarily about two inches in diameter. There are even some individuals who have seen this ball. The wave is radiated limitlessly from the mass of this ball of light. The source of the energy for this limitless light that is transmitted to me is the Jewel of Cinatami of the World-Honored One Regarder of the Cries of the World who is in the spiritual world. In other words, the source is the power of the Regarder of the Cries, also known as Unthinkable Power, Power of Mystic Wisdom. The jewel held in the hand in depictions of The Regarder of the Cries of the World Gem of Satisfaction and Wheel of the Law is the very same jewel.

Part Four
     At this point it becomes necessary to write about the origins of the World-Honored One Regarder of the Cries of the World. Of all the buddhas, the Regarder of the Cries of the World has since antiquity been considered to be a secret buddha. There is a deep mystery behind this tradition, and even now is still premature the time to reveal all of this mystery, but when I receive permission from God, I will do so. Here I will only write what is essential to know about Johrei.
     The Regarder of the Cries of the World has of course been active in Japan since the arrival of Buddhism, but since those times until recently, that activity has been limited to that of offering salvation on the spiritual level. When people prayed for blessings, they naturally received blessings to a certain extent, but these blessing were extended on a very feeble level. Blessings were limited because the element of light is a fusion of the spirit of fire and the spirit of water (hydrogen) but until now this fusion lacked the spirit of earth (nitrogen). Therefore, when blessings were bestowed, they were composed only of the two elements of fire and water, so the power was insufficient. However, the time of a great transition in the spiritual world has come. In the Bible, this transition is called the end of the world and also the time of the last judgment.
     For this transition, the strongest absolute power of salvation is necessary. This absolute power is, as explained above, the power of the trinity of fire, water, earth. The power of earth is the element of substance, which corresponds to the human body. As light passes through the human body, the spirit of earth is added to compose the power of the trinity. This trinity of energy is the power of the Regarder of Cries. In other, more easily comprehensible terms, the spirit of light that is manifested from the Jewel of Cinatami of the World-Honored One Regarder of the Cries of the World passes through my body and is manifested as the power of Regarder of Cries. This energy becomes the purifying power that passes through the physical bodies of believers.
     Let me illustrate this principle with an example. Since antiquity, to receive the blessing of having a serious illness removed, one would pray facing either a painting or a statue of The Regarder of the Cries of the World, but nowadays, believers of the Japan Kannon Church who channel Johrei are able to demonstrate benefits of a level or degree many times that of traditional prayer. Johrei is more powerful because the energy from a painting or statue is only two dimensional or dualistic, the important power of the physical body not having been included.
     The reason for this difference in degree of power is the great transition that is occurring in the spiritual world, an important concept in my teachings. This transition started in the middle of June in 1931. Before this time, spirit of water was more prevalent than spirit of fire in the world of spirit, but since June 1931 the spirit of fire has been increasing gradually over the spirit of water. Even before the time for this transition started, several decades previously, the change had begun, but the spirit of fire was very subdued. Light is powerful because it contains a great amount of spirit of fire, just as the heat produced by an electric lamp is greater as the candlepower increases.
     An example of the strength of this light is that because I have a lump of spirit of fire in my abdomen, I am said to be much warmer than ordinary people. I have my assistants massage my shoulders almost every night, and all say that my body is very warm to the touch. Even in winter, I wear one or two fewer articles of clothing than most people. I am told that after I have been in a room for a while, the room becomes warmer. I have made fun of this and told people that I can be used as a heating stove. After a bath I have to spend about one or two hours in only one layer of a towel robe to cool off even in cold weather. It is not as if I bathe in particularly hot water, as I prefer especially lukewarm water for my bath. The same principle can be observed when water is poured upon a fire and the warmth increases, or the clear days in winter that are especially cold.

 Hikari, extra edition, May 30, 1949
translated by cynndd

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     “Shinji no Igaku, Jôrei no Genri” has previously appeared in translation. The citations are given below for reference.

“Divine Science—Principle of Johrei,” The Glory, Number 11, January 15, 1956 (Of the four parts of this essay, this translation contains only the first part; the appearance of the note, “Cont’d from last issue,” at the beginning of this translation suggests that a mistake was made in placing this translation or subsequent translations in the newspaper.).

“Divine Science—Principle of Johrei,” The Glory, Number 12, March 15, 1956 (Of the four parts of this essay, this translation contains only the third and fragments of the fourth parts.).

“Divine Science,” Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 18; from part three of the essay, no date given but estimated to be late 1956 or early 1957.

“The Principle of Johrei,” True Health, 1987, page 104. (Complete).

“The Principles of Jyorei,” A Hundred Teachings of Meishu-sama, page 125, no date (Second half of Part Three).