Great Construction

The Spirit Precedes the Physical

     To speak of the relationship between the realm of inorganic substance, as explained in the previous chapter, “The Realm of Inorganic Substance,” and disease in human beings, the realm of inorganic substance is what we teach to be the spiritual world, and there is a very close relationship between this spiritual world of inorganic substance and human beings. Human beings are composed of the intimate congruence of two basic aspects, spirit and body. Of course, anyone can comprehend that the body is composed of material substance which is visible to the human eye. The spirit, however, can not be seen with human eyes, so its existence for a long time was not understood. Spirit certainly exists, however, in a form much akin to ether, so being able to perceive it should be possible if the right methodology is found.
     The spirit of the human being lives in the spiritual world in the same way that the physical body of a human being lives in the world composed of atmosphere. As I previously described, the spiritual world is made up of a fine, transparent substance so thin it cannot even be compared to air, so it is no wonder that its existence has so far been understood as material nothing. But the spiritual world is not nothing, in fact it is the source of all creation and the storehouse of absolute and unlimited energy. This energy is that through which all is born and grows. The essence of the spiritual world is a fused unity of the spirit of the sun, the spirit of the moon, and the spirit of the earth, a mystically intriguing world that surpasses imagination.
     At this point, however, what is a problem is that in much the same way that human beings accumulate grime on their bodies as they go about their daily activities, so do they also accumulate clouds on their spirit. A natural purification activity generates to cleanse the clouds. This natural purifying action functions in the same way that a bath cleanses away the accumulation of physical grime on the human body. This purifying activity works not only within individual human beings, however, but within all aspects of creation. For example, as impurities accumulate in the spiritual world, natural purification activity concentrates in one specific area, forms a low pressure area that acts as a cleansing action. Violent winds, torrential rains, floods, lightening, the fires it causes, and even man-made fires all perform the function of purification. In the same way, purification activity is generated within human beings which I will now explain in detail.
     The impurities that accumulate on the human spirit are one type of cloud, and these clouds form opaque spots on the human spirit which is supposed to be transparent. There are two causes for these clouds. One kind is generated on the spirit itself, and conversely the other type of cloud is reflected from the physical body. I will first examine the types of clouds that are generated on the spirit itself.
     The components of the human spirit, described vertically, consist of three centripetal levels; described horizontally, it is strata of three-fold layers. Imagine it as three concentric circles, if you will. The circle in the middle is, of course, the soul. For a human being to come into this world, the soul goes from the male to reside in the womb of the female in accordance with natural law. The human soul is an infinitesimal dot that has various individual characteristics. That the soul has complete authority over the human being as long as it has life has long been recognized. The soul is protectively covered by what some call the heart and others, the mind. And covering the heart or mind is the spirit. The spirit fills the entire physical body, so it has the same shape as the human body. The body and spirit are a unity, so whatever happens in the soul is conveyed as is to the mind and thus to the spirit. The opposite works as well, from spirit to mind to soul. Thus, the soul, mind, and spirit are in a mutual relationship, either in large, medium, small capacities, respectively, or in the opposite way, in either small, medium, or large capacities, that form a trinity.
     Every human being who has been endowed with life, in the course of that life, performs both virtuous and evil acts, and when the amount of evil outweighs the virtuous, impurities form that cloud the soul. These clouds in turn cloud the mind, which then cloud the spirit. When these clouds have accumulated over a certain level, a purification activity naturally generates and cleansing activity occurs in which these clouds are dissolved and eliminated. But until this level is reached, the clouds are gradually dispersed to one or several areas throughout the body, and as they grow denser, they compress and harden. Interestingly, the places where the clouds solidify differ by the type of sin committed. Sins committed with the eye, for example, will cause clouds to gather in the eyes; with the head, that is, “intellectual crimes,” in the head; with the chest, in the chest, and so forth.
     Next I would like to describe the kinds of clouds that are reflected to the spirit from the body. This is exactly the opposite process which occurs when clouds are reflected from the spirit to the body. In the case of clouds being reflected from the body to the spirit, the first thing that starts to happen is that impurities are generated in the blood. This is impure blood. These impurities are reflected to the spirit which clouds. In the same way as with the other varieties of clouds, these clouds also disperse to, accumulate, and solidify in certain areas throughout the body. Within the physical body of the human being, blood is the materialized form of spirit, and conversely, the spiritualized form of blood is the spirit. It would be fair to go so far as to say that the spirit and the body are one, but according to the laws of the spirit and body, the spirit precedes and the physical follows. Basically, in accordance with the causes described above, toxins are continually accumulating and solidifying in the human body, and through the purification process this solidified matter is dissolved, and its liquid form is eliminated from different parts of the body. The pain, or suffering, that accompanies this elimination is sickness or disease.
     The origin of impure blood that forms in the human body, as related above, which is generated from the physical, is the centerpiece of modern medical treatment, that is, drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicines. There is not one thing in this world that could be called “medicine.” What are known as “medicines” in our world are all poisons, and when these poisons are introduced into the physical body it is only natural that impure blood is created. The facts clearly show this: while under medical care, a disease will last longer than it should and even worsen. That complications and secondary diseases occur is because medicinal poisons, what we call medicinal toxins, create disease.
     Therefore, the impure blood that is formed from the drugs used in medical treatment is reflected to the spirit where it becomes clouds, and these clouds become the basis of disease. The very therapies of current medical science only serve to create disease. A law of all creation is that the spirit takes priority over the physical as I previously mentioned, so it goes without saying that in the case of disease, if only the clouds on the spirit were eliminated, impure blood would be purified, and complete recovery, effected. My very healing therapy adheres to the principles thus far described. I have named this therapy Johrei. The Japanese word Johrei is formed by the two syllables, joh for “purifying” and rei for “the spirit,” so with the application of Johrei, disease is healed at the fundamental level. Because contemporary medical science has developed to this day based on an ignorance of the spirit and treatment of only the physical body, the results are only temporary. One phenomenon that shows that medical treatment is not real, complete healing is that in many instances, it may seem that the diseased condition has been cured through surgery, and even though the original condition does not occur, another disease may appear or else there may be a recurrence of the previous condition. In the case of appendicitis, for example, the affected part is cut out, so inflammation of the appendix will not occur again, but it becomes easier for inflammation to occur in areas near the appendix and also for the occurrence of various kinds of diseases in the kidneys. These complications occur because the clouds on the spirit still remain and because pharmaceuticals are added to treat these conditions, so impure blood increases, and when combined with the new clouds, the sources of disease change location.
     This is the significance of the transformation of impure blood. Through the constant purification process that occurs within the body, impure blood becomes denser and denser. As impure blood becomes denser, changes occur in the blood corpuscles and they gradually whiten. This whitened blood matter is pus. What I call bloody pus is a mixture of blood and pus that is in a state of changing completely to pus. A good example where impure blood can be observed in various states is the sputum of tuberculosis patients, some of which is mixed with blood and other which is not, due to the reasons outlined above. What medical science describes as phagocytosis of the white blood corpuscles in relation to the red blood corpuscles is this process.

Creation of Civilization, 1952, unpublished manuscript
translated by cynndd

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“Reishu Taiju” is the thirteenth chapter of the second part (dealing with healing) of Meishu-sama’s projected volume Bunmei no Sōzō (Creation of Civilization). The chapter is a heavily revised version of “Reishu Taiju,” the eleventh chapter of Kekkaku no Kakumeiteki Ryōhō (Revolutionary Therapy for Tuberculosis) which was published on August 15, 1951. Bunmei no Sōzō was never published while Meishu-sama was alive and did not appear in print until 1971. A translation has appeared whose citation is given below for reference.

“Spirit Preceding Body,” Creation of Civilization, 1978, page 65.