“Fruit of the Peach”
World of Divine Light, Issue 3, May 21, 1935

  1   西王母 育くみませし桃の実は 聖観音の生身魂なるも

The fruit of the peach,
Cultivated by the Queen
Mother, is the living
Body and soul of the
Sacred Regarder of Cries.

#1, S4-57C
S4-186B 西王母 育くみませし桃の実は 聖観音の生身魂なるも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #80, 1936, unpublished.
 2   三千歳の 王母の園の桃実り 神の器と世に現れましぬ
    After three thousand years
The garden of the Queen Mother
Bears the peach that
Appears in the world
As God’s vessel.
#2, S4-57D
S4-186C 三千年の 王母の園の桃実り 神の器と世に現れましぬ In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peace (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the World Messianity, #81, 1936, unpublished.

黄錦の 御衣の御袖をひるがへし 桃奉る西王母かも

    Turning inside out
The sleeve of the
Robe of golden brocade,
The Queen Mother
Offers the peach.
#3, S4-58A
S4-186D 黄錦の 御衣の御袖を翻へし 君に棒ぐる桃の一つ実 In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #82, 1936, unpublished.
S4-186D translation
Turning inside out / The sleeve of the / Robe of golden brocade, / The fruit of one peach / Is presented to You.

西王母の 園としいふは仏説の 胎蔵界の謎にぞありける

    What is known as the
Garden of the Western
Queen Mother is the
Mystery of the Womb-
Store world of Buddhism. 
#4, S4-58B
S4-187A 西王母の 園としいふは仏説の 胎蔵界の事にぞありける In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #83, 1936, unpublished.
S4-187A translation
What is known as the / Garden of the Western / Queen Mother is / That of the Womb- / Store world of Buddhism.

思いきや 昔語りの桃太郎は 千手観音の化現にませり

    Unbeknownst, Momotaro,
Talked about since old,
Is a manifestation
Of the Thousand-armed
Regarder of Cries.
#5, S4-58C
S4-67B 思いきや 昔語りの桃太郎は 千手観音の化現にませり In a set of poems titled “The Light from the East” in The Light from the East, Issue 6, #1, June 1935; S4-187B 思いきや 昔語りの桃太郎は 千手観音の化現にませり In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #84, 1936, unpublished.

らちもなき お伽噺に事よせて 知らしめ給ふ神心ふかきも

  The fairy tales
Of old do teach us
Much about the
Depths, the profundity
Of divine will.
#6, S4-58D
S4-187C 埒もなきき 御伽噺に事よせて 知らしめ給へる神心ふかし In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #85, 1936, unpublished.
S4-187C translation
The fairy tales / Of old can teach us / Much about the / Depths, the profundity / Of divine will.

いさぎよし 黄泉比良坂のたたかひに 偉勲たつる桃の実の魂 

  The soul of the
Fruit of the peach that
Gallantly performs
Great deeds at the
Battle of the Yellow Springs Slope. 
#7, S4-58E
S4-187D 潔し 黄泉比良坂の戦に 勲建る桃の実の魂 In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #86, 1936, unpublished.
Alternate translation
The soul of the / Fruit of the peach, that / Gallantly performs / Great deeds at the battle / Of the slope at Yomotsu Hirasaka.

雄々しくも 又やさしけれ惟神 日の本一の桃太郎

  Manfully and valiantly,
Kindly and gently,
Acting in accord with
God, Peach Boy, Supreme of the
Land of the source of the sun.
#8, S4-59A
S4-187E 雄々しくも 又優しけれ惟神 日の本一の桃太郎 In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #87, 1936, unpublished.
Alternate translation
Manfully and valiantly, / Kindly and gently, / Acting in accord with / God is Momotaro, Supreme of the / Land of the source of the sun.

鬼ヶ城 やがて陥ちなむ桃太郎は 最勝妙如来の化身に在せば  

  The Castle of Demons
Ultimately will
Fall to Momotaro,
Manifestation of the
Supreme and Excellent Thus-Come.
#9, S4-59B
S4-188A 鬼ヶ島 やがて服はむ桃太郎は 最勝妙如来の化身に在せば In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #88, 1936, unpublished.
Devils’ Castle
Is soon to be knocked down
By Momotaro,
Who is the incarnation of Kannon,
Ever Victorious Buddha.
May 4.2008 by taki
S4-188A translation
The island of demons / Ultimately will be / Overcome by Momotaro, / Manifestation of the / Supreme and Excellent Thus-Come.
 10 たらちねの 尉と姥とは桃太郎の 勲はろばろ待ち給ふらむ
The nurturing
Old man and
Old woman
Patiently wait
For the Peach Boy
#10, S4-59C
S4-188B 垂乳根の 尉と姥とは桃太郎の 勲はろばろ待ち給ふらむ In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #89, 1936, unpublished.
 11高砂の 常磐の松の根を浄む 尉と姥とを世人知らまじ
Most people do not  
Understand about
The old man and woman who
Purify the roots of the
Pine tree of Tokiwa in Takasago.
#11, S4-59D
 12那岐奈美の 二尊は尉と姥とならせ 大天地を浄めますかも
The two nobles, Inviting Male and
Inviting Female, become
The old man and
The old woman
To purify heaven and earth.
#12, S4-59E
S4-67C 那岐奈美の 二尊は尉と姥とならせ 大天地を浄めますかも In a set of poems titled “The Light from the East” in The Light from the East, Issue 6, #2, June 1935; S4-188C 那岐奈美の 二尊は尉と姥とならせ 高砂島を浄めますかも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #90, 1936, unpublished.
S4-188C translation
The two nobles, Inviting Male and / Inviting Female, become / The old man and / The old woman / To purify Takasago Jima.
 13皇神の 深き仕組は明石潟 松ふく風は観音の声
The deep plan of God
Unfolds at the lagoon at Akashi,
The wind blowing through
The pines is the voice of the
Regarder of Cries. 
#13, S4-60A
 14千早振 神の御国を建直す 力の主は桃太郎かも
The lord of the power to
Rebuild the divine
Nation of ever-
Swift God is
The Peach Boy.
#14, S4-60B
S4-68A 千早振 神の御国を建直す 力の主は桃太郎かも In a set of poems titled “The Light from the East” in The Light from the East, Issue 6, #3, June 1935; S4-188D 千早振 神の御国を潔めます 勲の主は桃太郎かも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #91, 1936, unpublished. 
S4-188D translation
The lord of the power to / Purify the divine / Nation of ever- / Swift God is / The Peach Boy.
 15桃の花 祝ふ三月三日のいはれ 世人覚らむ時近みけり
Approaching the time when
The people of the world
Will learn of the reason for
Celebrating on March third
The flower of the peach.
#15, S4-60C
 16女子の たのしき雛の御祭りにも 大いなる謎秘められありぬ
Within the sacred
Festival of the dolls,
So enjoyed by young girls,
Is also veiled a
Tremendous mystery.
#16, S4-60D
Delightful Hina Matsuri the
Doll Festival held for the
Well-being of young girls
Has also a profound mystery
Hidden in its every aspect.
March 7.2012 by taki