“The Light from the East”
The Light from the East, Issue 6, June 1935

     思いきや 昔語りの桃太郎は 千手観音の化現にませり

Unbeknownst, Momotaro,
Talked about since old,
Is a manifestation
Of the Thousand-armed
Regarder of Cries. 

#1, S4-67B
S4-58C 思いきや 昔語りの桃太郎は 千手観音の化現にませり In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, #5, May 21, 1933; S4-187B 思いきや 昔語りの桃太郎は 千手観音の化現にませり In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #84, 1936, unpublished.
 2   那岐奈美の 二尊は尉と姥とならせ 大天地を浄めますかも 
    The two nobles, Inviting Male and
Inviting Female, become
The old man and
The old woman
To purify heaven and earth. 
#2, S4-67C
S4-59E 那岐奈美の 二尊は尉と姥とならせ 大天地を浄めますかも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, #12, May 21, 1933; S4-188C 那岐奈美の 二尊は尉と姥とならせ 高砂島を浄めますかも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #90, 1936, unpublished.
S4-188C translation
The two nobles, Inviting Male and / Inviting Female, become / The old man and / The old woman / To purify Takasago Jima.

千早振 神の御国を建直す 力の主は桃太郎かも

    The lord of the power to
Rebuild the divine
Nation of ever-
Swift God is
The Peach Boy.
#3, S4-68A
S4-60B 千早振 神の御国を建直す 力の主は桃太郎かも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, #14, May 21, 1933; S4-188D 千早振 神の御国を潔めます 勲の主は桃太郎かも In a set of poems titled “Fruit of the Peach (9)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #91, 1936, unpublished.
S4-188D translation
The lord of the power to / Purify the divine / Nation of ever- / Swift God is / The Peach Boy.

観音の 光に眼醒めぬれば 黄金と見しはあらがねの土

    Unless one awakes to
The light of the
Regarder of Cries,
The earth of base metals
Will appear as gold ore. 
#4, S4-68B 
S4-62A 観音の 光に眼醒めぬれば 黄金と見しはあらがねの土 In a set of poems titled “Ruler of Light” in World of Divine Light, Issue 3, #6, May 21, 1935; S4-184B 観音の 光に眼醒めぬれば 黄金と見しは荒金の土 In a set of poems titled “Light of Salvation (8)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #70, 1936, unpublished; S4-342A 観音の 光に眼醒めぬれば 黄金と見しは荒金の土 In a set of poems titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #51, July 1, 1948.

観音の 妙智に依らで如何にして 百の逆事解らざらめや

    Without the mystic
Wisdom of Kannon,
How can the topsy-turvey
Nature of this
World be understood?
#5, S4-68C
S4-62E 観音の 妙智に依らで如何にして 百の逆事解らざらめや In set of poems titled “Ruler of Light” in Crystal World, Issue 3, #10, May 21, 1935; S6-67D 正神の 鏡によらで如何にして 万の逆事映らざらめや In a set of poems titled “Divine Blessings” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #138, page 31, May 28, 1951; S4-185A 観音の 妙智に依らで如何にして 百の逆事解らざらめや In section titled “Light of Salvation (8)” from Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #74, 1936, unpublished manuscript; S4-342D 正神の 鏡によらで如何にして 万の逆事映らざらめや In section titled “God’s Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, #54, July 1, 1948; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #136, page 34; translation based on non-Meishu-sama text正神の 鏡によらで如何にして 万の逆事映らざらめや 
    S4-342D & S6-67D translation
Without the mirror / Of the true divine beings, / How topsy-turvey / Does appear everything / In this world!

    Book of Gosanka translation
Without reliance / Upon the divine mirror / Of all-righteous God, / How can one see reflection / Of any wrong of Evil?
 1高く低く ゆく燕の見えぬまでふと 夕暮の街角に侘てり
Darting high and low
Until the swallows
Are no longer visible,
The evening dusk lingers
At the street’s corner.
#1, S4-69A