World of Divine Light, Issue 5, January 25, 1936

  1   過方を 顧みすればいと奇しき 運命の途を吾は来にける

Looking back
On days gone past
Such a miraculous
Path of destiny
Have I come!

#1, S4-132C
 2   山坂も 深谷川も恙なく 越えしは神のみ守りなりける
    Passed have I safely
Without mishap over
Mountain slopes and
Through deep valleys
Only with God’s protection.
#2, S4-132D

過し方を ふりさけみれば何一つ 神の守りによらぬとてなき

    When I look back
On bygone days,
Not one thing is there
That has not depended
On God’s protection.
#3, S4-133A

君の恩 神の恵みにいと安く 茨の道も超え来つる吾 

    I, Mokichi Okada,
Have come safely and
Soundly through paths of
Thorns with the blessings
Of God, by Your benevolence.
#4, S4-133B

眼にみえぬ 神の縁の糸強く ひかれて真道を我は来にけり

    Come have I
On the true path,
Strongly drawn by
The cords of affinity
With God, invisible to the eye.
#5, S4-133C 

外国の 医術に生命縮む人 見る毎吾は安心なし

    Without peace am I
Every time I see a
Person whose life has
Been shortened due to
Treatment with foreign medicine.
#6, S4-133D

身も魂も 神に委ねてひたすらに 救世の神業に尽す吾はも 

    I remain focused
On the divine task of
World salvation,
Entrusting body and
Soul to God. 
#7, S4-133E

観音力の 医しの御術なかりせば 人の此世は滅ぶべかりし

    Without the divine
Treatment of the healing
Of the power of Kannon,
Human beings will
Perish from this world.
#8, S4-134A 

釈迦孔子も 耶蘇さへ有たぬいと奇しき 観音力を授かりし吾

    I, Mokichi Okada, have been
Bestowed with the miraculous
Power of Kannon that
Neither Shakyamuni,
Confucius nor even Jesus possessed.
#9, S4-134B
 10 例しなき 観音力を吾揮ひ 生きとし生けるものを救はん
I, Mokichi Okada,
Wield unparalleled
Power of Kannon to
Save all
Sentient beings. 
#10, S4-134C
 11 救世の業 よさし給ひし大神に 反かでおかん男の子吾はも
A man that cannot
Turn his back on
The Almighty who has
Entrusted to me the task
Of world salvation am I. 
#11, S4-134D
 12 世を救ふ 神の器に選まれし 我身の運命つくづく思ふも
Keenly I feel the destiny
Given to me personally,
Selected as a
Vessel of God
To save the world.
#12, S4-143E
Previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #34, pages 21 & 115; The Light from the East, Volume 1, page 214.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
I have been chosen / By God as His instrument / And as His channel / To save the world. I feel strange / At thought of my destiny.
The Light from the East translation
I have been chosen / An instrument of God / To help the world, / And I often ponder / My destiny.