Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, "New Year’s Day"
(Dated January 1, 1936)

  ひむがしの 空あかあかと日輪は 雲をやぶりて昇り初めける

The sky in the East
Brightly glimmers
As the sun breaks
Through the clouds
And begins to ascend.

Page 8, S5-7A 
   Alternate translation
In the eastern sky / Brightly shining / Breaking through the clouds / The sun / Begins to rise.
  夜の終り いよいよ近み大いなる 光は今し昇らんとすも
2   A great
Now is rising.
The end of night
Draws close.
Page 8, S5-7B  

富士の雪 茜にそめて日輪は 今しみ空に輝き初めける

3   The snow of Mount Fuji,
Stained in red,
The rays of the sun
Just now begin to shine
In the great sky.
Page 8, S5-7C

大富士の 雪くれないに日は染めぬ はじらう乙女の面わにも似て

4   The snows of Great Fuji,
Stained red
By the sun look
Like the blushing features
On the face of a young maiden. 
Page 8, S5-7D