“Beginning of Spring and Others”
立春其他 (Risshun Sonota), February 5, 1944
At Tokyo Daitoa Kaiken (於東京大東亜会館発表)
Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949

  年毎に 春立ち初むる今日の日を 誠の人たち集せて祝ぐ吾

Each year, on
This day today
As begins spring,
Celebrate I, assembling
With people of love and sincerity.

#1, page 32, S5-40C
  梓弓 春立ち初むる今年はも ただならぬ世の迫り来ぬらし
157   This year, as
The catalpa bow
Of spring begins,
Pressing is the
Threatening world. 
#2, page 32, S5-40D

穢れたる もの悉滅び新しき 美しの御代は生れなんとすも

158   All that is impure
Perishes, and
To be born is
A divine age
Of beauty. 
#3, page 32, S5-41A 

戦ひに 飢に病になやむ日の 後に光の世ぞ来つるらむ

159   After the days of
Suffering from
Conflict, hunger,
Sickness will come
The age of light.
#4, page 32, S5-41B 
Previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 1, page 300.
   The Light from the Eas translation
After the fighting, / The famine, the sickness, / And all the suffering, / In its wake a world of light / Will surely come in its turn. 

如何ならん 災迫り来ぬるとて 安けからめや神にある人

160   Individuals with God,
How can they remain
Calm, without fear
No matter what
Misfortune may come?
#5, page 32, S5-41C 

世の終り 心にきざむ人にして 新つの御代に生きとほすらむ

161   The individuals
Who hold in their hearts
The end of the world
Are the ones who will live
Through to the new, divine age.
#6, page 33, S5-41D 

千早振 神つ代となり光明の く徧照らす世ぞ待たれぬる

162   We are waiting for
A world throughout which
Shines divine light,
When it becomes
The age of mighty God.
#7, page 33, S5-41E

曲津神 如何に逸るも眼に見えぬ 神の力に刃向ひ得めや

163   No matter how impetuous
The evil forces may be,
How can they oppose
The power of God,
Invisible to the eye?
#8, page 33, S5-42A

身も霊も 蝕ばむ薬毒知らずして 求むる人を見るぞ悲しき 

164   How sad it is
To see those seeking
Medicinal poisons,
Not knowing how they
Undermine body and soul.
#9, page 33, S5-42B
S4-300D 体霊を 蝕ばむ医薬と知らずして 求むる人を見るぞ悲しき In a set of poems dated January 5, 1944, and designated “unpublished,” #7.
      S4-300D translation
How sad it is / To see those seeking / Medicinal drugs, / Not knowing how they / Undermine body and soul.

魂機張る 生命を削るものとしらず 探し求むる盲ぞ哀れ

165   Pitiful are those
Very blind who
Seek, not knowing
The object of their search reduces
The length of animating life.
#10, page 33, S5-42B-C [SS397B]  
S4-300C 魂機張る 生命を削る外国の 医薬と知らぬ人こそ哀れ In a set of poems dated January 5, 1944, and designated “unpublished,” #6.
   Alternate translation
Pitiful are the blind / Who continue their / Search not knowing that / Human life is gradually / Being destroyed.
   S4-300C translation
Pitiful are those / Very individuals who / Know not that foreign / Drugs reduce the length / Of animating human life.

肉を斬り 骨を削りて血を搾る 医しの業を正したくぞ思ふ

166 Desire I indeed
To correct the art
Of healing which now cuts
The flesh, grinds away
Bones, and squeezes out blood.
#11, page 33, S5-42C

世を救ふ 神のみむねを諾いて 吾成し遂げむ医しの業を

167   Submitting to
The heart of God
To save the world,
The task of healing
Conducting am I. 
#12, page 33, S5-42D

今にして 諸の誤り匡さざれば 人の世やがて危しとぞ思ふ

168 I do believe the
Human world to be
In great peril if all
Errors are not
Corrected now.
#13, page 33, S5-42E
I’ve come to think now
Unless such great many mistakes
Are corrected, the world
Of us humans will be put
In critical condition before long.
July 20.2012 by taki

かにかくに 吾もし此土に生れずば 人の此世は如何になりなむ

169   What will be said
Will be said, but
If I was not born
On this earth, what would
Happen to the people of this world?
#14, page 34, S5-43A 
S4-301B 我思ふ 吾もし此土に生れなくば 全人類は如何になりけむ In a set of poems dated January 5, 1944, and designated “unpublished,” #10.
   S4-301B translation
I do consider / If I had not been / Born on this earth, / What would have happened / To all of humanity?

村肝の 生命の限り戦はん この世滅ぼす曲のたくみと

170 I shall fight
To the extend of
My precious life
The evil forces that adroitly
Seek to destroy this world. 
#15, page 34, S5-43B  
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 87B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 87B; Prayers and Poems, page 87B; Book of Gosanka, #211, page 53.
   Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
As long as we live, let us do our best / To fight against the schemes of the / dark forces, / Which try to destroy the world.
   Prayers and Gosanka translation
As long as we live, / Let us always do our best / To combat the schemes, / The plots, of the dark forces, / Which try to destroy the world.
   Prayers and Poems translation
As long as we live, / Let us always do our best / To combat the schemes, / Of the dark forces, / Which try to destroy the world.
   Book of Gosanka translation
As long as I live, / I shall with my might and life, / Fight fore’er against / The scheme laid down by Evil / To destroy the world of man. 

時なれや 嗚呼時なれや今はしも 麻邇の力の世にいづるなり

171 Time, oh time,
Now indeed,
Is appearing
In the world
The power of Mani.
#16, page 34, S5-43C 

キリストも 釈迦も遂げざる救世の 大き御業を吾成し遂げん

172 Neither Christ nor
Shakyamuni accomplished
The great task of
World salvation
I am accomplishing. 
#17, page 34, S5-43D