Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, "New Year"
(Set of five poems dated January 1, 1948, page 60)

323   新 玉の 年を迎えて身も魂も いと清しけれ神に在る身は

Welcoming in
The fledgling new year,
In body and in soul,
How refreshing it feels
My being placed in God’s hands.

S5-78C; S4-325B あらたまの 年を迎へて身も魂も いと清きかりけり神とある身は In a set of poems titled “New Year’s Poems” in Record of Enlightening Talks, Supplement, page 1, no date given in volume, but dated in Okada Mokichi Zenshu as 1948.
324   常闇の 世を明けく晴さんと 光明如来は出でましにける
    The Age of
Eternal darkness
Will be clearing,
The Tathagata of Divine Light
Has appeared!

新玉の 年を迎 えて思うかな 神の仕組のいと妙なるを

    How exquisite,
Marvelous do I
Feel of God’s plan
As I greet the
Shining new year.

奴羽玉の 闇路 もすみて光明の 道ふみ初むる心地こそすれ

    The pitch darkness
We feel we have
Begun to walk upon the
Path of divine light.
S5-79B; S4-325C ぬばたまの 闇地も尽きて光明の 道踏み初めし心地こそすれ In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems Composed by Meishu-sama” in Record of Enlightening Talks, Supplement, page 1, #3, January 1, 1948; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #61, pages 30 & 136.
      S4-325C translation
Piercing even the / Pitch darkness, / We feel we have / Begun to walk upon the / Path of divine light.
      Sounds of the Dawn translation
Now that the pitch-black— / The dark—paths have been covered, / I feel that at last / We are beginning to tread / The path full of God’s great Light.

日月地 三位一 体の御力を 具えて出でます五六七大神

    Endowed with
The power of the trinity
Of sun, moon, earth,
Appears the
Great Being Miroku.
S5-79C; S6-37A 火水土 三位一体の御力を 具へて出でます五六七大神 In a set of poems titled “The Heavenly Being Miroku” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 1, #1, May 28, 1951; S4-326D 日月地 三位一体の御力を 具備して出でます弥勒大神  In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems Composed by Meishu-sama” in Record of Enlightening Talks Supplement, page 1, #4, January 1, 1948;  S4-396A 火水土 三位一体の御力を 具えて出でます五六七大神 In a set of poems titled “Descent of Maitreya” in Gosanka Poems, #290, July 1, 1948.
      S4-396D translation
Endowed with / The power of the trinity / Of sun, moon, earth, / Appears the / Great Being Maitreya.