“Enjoyable World,” May 16, 1948
楽しき世 (Tanoshiki Yo)
Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949

  惟神 神のまにまに進む身は 憂きの此世も楽しかりけり

Together with God,
In accord with divine will,
Those individuals who
Advance will find pleasing
Even this miserable world.

#1, page, 62, S5-81C
S6-70A 惟神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世易く渡る道なり In a set of poems titled “How to Live in this World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #149, page 34, May 28, 1951,; S4-347A 惟神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世安く渡る道なり In a set of poems titled “Poems of the Path (1)” in Gosanka Poems, #74, July 1, 1948; S6-34B かむながら 神のまにまに進むこそ 人の世安く渡る道なる In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 24, #11, page 3, May 25, 1951; S6-124D 惟神 神のまにまに進む身は 諸の悩みもうち消ゆるなり In a set of poems titled “Persecution” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #407, page 91, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 57A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 57A; Prayers and Poems, page 57A; Book of Gosanka, #91, page 23; translations based on text 惟神 神のまにまに進むこそ 憂きの世易く渡る道なれ
   S4-347A & S6-70A translation
Together with God, / In accord with divine will, / Advancing is the / Path to easily pass / Through the pitiful world.
   S6-34B translation
Together with God, / In according with divine will, / Advancing is the / Path to easily cross / The human world.
   S6-124D translation
Together with God, / In accord with divine will, / Those individuals who / Advance will find gone / All their afflictions and misery.
   Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
To follow the path God opens for us, / To live in obedience to His guidance, / Is the only way to have peace of mind / in this world.
   Prayers and Gosanka translation
To follow the path / God always opens for us, / To obey His Will, / His Guidance, is the one way / To peace of mind in this world.
   Prayers and Poems translation
To follow the path / God always opens for us, / To obey the higher Will / And guidance, leads to / Peace of mind in this world.
   Book of Gosanka translation
Only when you live / According to Will of God— / Of God Absolute— / This will be life’s road you’d walk / Through this brief world easefully.
  如何ならむ 苦しみとても消えぬらむ 神の御旨に添ふ身なりせば 
337   Suffering of
Whatever kind
Will disappear when
We are in accord
With God. 
#2, page 62, S5-81D
Previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #86, pages 40 & 171; Book of Gosanka, #140, page 35.
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
If you do your best / Always to live in accord / With the Will of God, / All problems will be resolved, / However severe they seem.
   Book of Gosanka translation
Whatever the pain / Or hardship one’s suffering / ‘T will never vanish; / As long as one’s heart is not / United with God as one. 

ただ神の 大御心に委すなり 弱き力の人の身にあれば

338   Simply entrust all to
The divine will of God,
Because we are human
Beings that are
Weak in strength.
#3, page 62, S5-82A
Previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #185, pages 77 & 231.
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us leave all things / In God’s Hands with perfect trust, / Knowing He knows best, / For we are but weak mortals / Whose own strength is limited. 

人の世は いとも楽しきものものぞかし 誰が言いにけむ憂の世なりと

339   The world of human beings
Should be something of
Pleasure and fun;
Who says it has to be
A world of despair and gloom?
#4, page 62, S5-82B

心ぬちに 曇りありせば人の世の 真の楽しみあらじとぞ思ふ 

340   No true pleasure or
Enjoyment is there
In this world, I believe,
As long as there are clouds
In the hearts of human beings. 
#5, page 63, S5-82C
If spiritual clouds prevail
In the inner world, I think,
There will be no
Genuine enjoyments
Of this life.
June 22.2012 by taki
Previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #300, page 75; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #84, pages 39 and 169.
   Book of Gosanka translation
If within the heart, / There should be impurities, / That make it cloudy, / In the world of man, I feel, / There’ll be no real happiness.
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
If within our minds / We harbor negative thoughts, / We’ll be unable / To truly enjoy living, / To have good lives in this world. 

世の人に 幸あれかしと願ぐ人の 幸こそ真の幸とこそ知れ

341   Know that true
Happiness is the
Happiness that comes from
Praying for the happiness
Of the people of the world.
#6, page 63, S5-82D
Previous translations, Book of Gosanka, page 37, #148 and Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #145, pages 62 and 200.
   Book of Gosanka translation
Man must know this Truth— / When man prays for happiness / Of his fellow man, / Such a man’s own happiness / Is one that is absolute.
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us realize / That the greatest happiness / Is the joy bestowed / On those who pray sincerely / For happiness for others. 

吾はただ 神の御旨にうち委せ 心安らに進みゆくなり

342   Proceed
I with a
Serene heart
Entrusting all
To the hands of God. 
#7, page 63, S5-82E

曲神の 力の限り障るとも 神を背にする吾ら恐れじ

343   Fearful of us
Are the forces of
Evil that work to
Their utmost to harm and
Turn backs to God. 
#8, page 63, S5-83A

曲神を 恐るる勿れ誠もて 時待ちぬれば必ずや勝たなん 

344   Fear not evil
Forces. They will most
Certainly be overcome as
The right time is awaited
With love and sincerity.
#9, page 63, S5-83B

十全の 神の御護りある身には など曲神のさやるべしやは

345 How can the evil
Forces harm those
Who are under the
Divine protection of the
Perfect, absolute God?
#10, page 63, S5-83C

えら人と いはるる勿れ在り難き 人といはれむ事を望めよ

346   Do not be called
Great! Aspire
To be called a
Person who is
Greatly appreciated.
#11, page 63, S5-5-83D
Previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #68, pages 33 & 155; Book of Gosanka, #73, page 19; Meishu and His Teachings, page 72.
      Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us not attempt / To have others call us great. / Let us simply hope / We are appreciated / By others for what we are.
      Book of Gosanka translation
Do not hold desire / To be praised as a great man; / But in your heart hope / To be held with great regard, / To whom all men do give thanks.
   Meishu and His Teachings translation
Do not hold desire / To be praised as a great man; / But in your heart hope / To be called a kindly man; / Others to you thanks do give.

人の力 いとど弱きを知りてより 心に宿る神の生魂

347   The spirit of God resides
In the human being;
Evermore awareness of
The weakness of
The power of human beings.
#12, page 64, S5-83E
The living spirit of God
Has dwelt within me
Since I knew
How feeble is the
Power of a human being.
May 2.2010 by taki
S4-386A 人の力 いとど弱きを知りてより 神を拝む吾となりけり In a set of poems titled “Repentance” in Gosanka Poems, #247, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #74, page 19; Meishu and His Teachings, page 72.
      S4-386A translation
After realizing how / Weak is the power of / Human beings I  / Became one who / Bows down to God. 
      Book of Gosanka translation
Do not hold desire / To be praised as a great man; / But in your heart hope / To be held with great regard, / To whom all men do give thanks.
      Meishu and His Teachings translation
Do not hold desire / To be praised as a great man; / But in your heart hope / To be called a kindly man; / Others to you thanks do give.